Not quite blog material, but I went to check on my bees today. It seems the winter has turned them into hard-arse DOB's. I smoked them, opened up the hive and wham, dive bombed by a couple hundred bees whilst the others began devouring all the honey they could find. They've completely bastardised the inside of the hive turning it into a feral mess. Picture a labyrinth of honeycomb with swarms of bees clinging to the edges piling on more and more propolis (bee glue) and comb on top. Looks like something out of Starship Troopers/ Zerg/ Tyranids. Any way, I was gonna take some Dr. Bees photos as promised but the girls were getting really fucking angry. =I
I ran away.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.