I think regardless of the images being available on the page, they weren’t meant to be found so quickly – possibly they were mistakenly on the list of images to randomly select, or possibly they wanted us to discover them slowly. Either way, when they saw there was bruteforcing in play, they clamped down on it. It’s safe to assume that bruteforcing is out of bounds for future puzzles.
I think it's fair to say we'd much rather foster communities working and discussing anything on the site together than have a machine blast at the page.
Let's assume that everything on the page was in rotation, but let's also assume that there was a key in knowing how many times you had to refresh to push out a clean version, which might have proved helpful along the way...
Nothing we can really do about that now, it appears the remaining clean images have vanished, and Asset 98 appears to have fallen victim to another kind of machine.