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09-22-2002, 10:02 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Ah yes thats correct. Well then AS where are you taking us?

*Kai glances over to see what GT is doing, she looks and he turns away*

I hope we are not going in no jungle or crash in a volcano!

*Kai checks his stuff again to see if he has forgot anything*

Well lets be off then!

*Kai takes a ring from his bag and puts it in his pocket*

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-22-2002, 10:06 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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*puts down a screen from above him*

well....how dose monsic lines sound?

*press's button and what looks like a shrink with a strange face comes out*

Kilshen: what is it you wan't...

Hey can we get our people some food?

Kilshen: Fine, fine just give me a second...*gose into passenger area* what do you carbon based beings wan't, i don't have ALL day...
09-24-2002, 12:13 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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GT:*pulls a bandana over her ears while trying to hide something under it.She takes out a small book titled 'Vykker expierements Encounters and effects', she then opens it to a page with a SW's pic and status is. She reads to herself 'If encountering Savage wolf blood, do not touch it!! if so it will result you to have their traits and appearances' She pauses and puts the book back in her bag. She then waits at the back of the ship for kai*
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-24-2002, 12:57 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai walks in the back room of the ship and looks at GT*

GT, somethings wrong with you I can feel it, and I am not going to pretend you have something wrong. Please tell me what has happened....you can trust me, I love you.

*Kai scans her with his eyes, looking for unusual things. He notices a bandana, and a bag*

Please tell me whats wrong, I want to help you.

(GT your PM box is full, please empty)

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-24-2002, 01:01 AM
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GT:*Sighs heavily, and shows the passage that she was reading earlier to kai. Then removes the bandana revealing two SW ears*

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't have the guts to." *hugs kai*

AJ:*Squaggles by* "Okay okay....OMG what happened to GT?!"

(My PM box is empty now)
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-24-2002, 01:39 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai hugs her without hesitation*

It's okay GT, really it's fine.....

*Kai kisses her*

You need not worry, I will find a cure for you..

*Kai holds her*

I knew something was up with you....dont worry I will take care of you.

*Kai walks her out into the main room of the ship*

AS I hope we get this thing landed in time....I have somethign to do!

*Kai looks outside*

GT, everything will be fine.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-24-2002, 06:58 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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Abe's son  (10)

Oh? I can'y joy ride? Well i can get us there faster, but its Highy Exparamental and we could all burst into flames if anything go's rong......*looks out and see's GT has SW ears* I Could maby do something about that.... But! If you wan't to take the chance of a horible firey death, or take it slow and find the lines. Your choice..
09-25-2002, 01:56 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Pulls bandana over ears again* "AS...Does it look like I want to be burned into dust? No, what's yer suggestion..besides that."
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-25-2002, 01:59 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai stares at AS*

There must be another way? I mean, I'm sure someone would have a cure much less know a cure.Where do the SW's come from?

*Kai looks at GT, then back at AS*

If we go there, we might find a answer.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-25-2002, 02:03 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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GT:*looks at kai* "Hmmmmmm......I guess so...."

AJ:*Pokes her head out* "Lookie what I found" *Shoves forward a vykker*

(try sending me a Pm now kai)
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-25-2002, 02:08 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

Thats a Vykker!

*Kai quickly grabs it*

GT, this might help us.

*Kai walks it over to the back*

Okay you look at this.

*Kai motions for GT to take off her bandana*

OKay tell me how do you get rid of this?

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-25-2002, 02:10 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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GTdragon  (10)

*The vykker doesn't say anythiong at first. He then takes out a samll book and jots something down*

Vykker:"Does this ship have a lab?"

GT:*Cocks her head towards AJ* "Where'd you fin this guy?"

AJ:"Um.....................storage room"
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-25-2002, 02:28 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

This place has a small medical clinic. Could that be used?

*Kai points to the door*

It's small, and not a lab, but it may do.

*Kai leads them in*

See what you can do with it.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-25-2002, 08:18 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

*intercom in medical room*: Touch my naplam and die! oh um *ahem* well i do have a lab but... i don't wan't you guys goning in there, i have some "personal" resons why i don't wan't you in there, and maby, just maby i have a SW specimen left over. Um....try the door under the cargo hold, there should be a bunch of cages, but just don't go into section 2.5 with out me? it's the door after section 2.0. And now under any sercomstance are you alowed to go in there without me. So stay out!! *intercom off*
09-26-2002, 12:05 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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GTdragon  (10)

*Pauses and shouts out*

GT:" AS What are you?...my momma? I'm gonna go and check it out with or without your conscent.Curiosity reasons, Got it?"

Vykker:*Confused by it all* "What are we using?"
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-26-2002, 07:54 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

*intercom*: *laughs* no i just don't wan't anyone horible mualed and killed by my creations now would we. I thought so...

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