On the topic of Shrykull, here's a good Dear Alf morsel about it.
Shrykull isn’t a god of revenge. Shrykull represents the duality of nature, the balance of creation and destruction, love and hate, up and down, left and right, salt and pepper, pride and prejudice, and so on. Imagine you’re responsible for all that when some Glukkons parade onto your turf and start dismantling all your carefully-managed world with their slash-and-burn capitalism. You’d be out for revenge too!
A bit like human actions in the real world having devestating side effects. Take the Dustbowl. Too much destruction is met with more destruction in an attempt to rebalance. Or Godzilla emerging to eat the MUTOs we awoke.
With that, another question to add to the pile: in Abe's Exoddus, the Glukkons used spirit traps to capture Mudokon spirits. Given that industrialists are the opposite of the Natives in every way, spirituality not least of all, what's up with them making spirit traps?