I'm confused; you were ironically quoting WoF before he posted? What are you, psychic?
A while back, STM and WoF were having some kind of argument, and Wings said something along the lines of "C&H comics can be split into two groups: 'Pointlessly offensive' and 'lol random outcome'" Evidently I remember this better than he does.
Anyway, I'm not here to defend C&H, because it
is repetitive and at least 70% of them just aren't funny. Such is the way with webcomics. The best margin I've seen is probably Perry Bible Fellowship with about 40%... but then that's only got about sixty stips so it hasn't had a chance to go downhill.
I guess the message I'd like to give is "Don't judge a stip by its series". Hidden gems can always be found.
Also, as WoF probably
does remember, if I like fifty of something, I'll post fifty. If I like two, I'll post two. I am not a C&H fan in any meaningful sense.
Also also, I'm a teenager, and a rapidly dematuring one at that. I'm allowed to enjoy peurile humour, a privelige I will not be able to claim (regularly) in later life. So I may as well make the most of it.
Poo! Harh harh.
EDIT: Oh dear, I've rambled again. Was I always this defensive?