Me, while I was in Japan. :3 I'm sitting on a rock near one of the mountain shrines in Osaka. It's quite lovely there.
[edit] Lol, I just realised I look like I have eyeshadow on. I don't.
And jordan boi I have been on FCO--> Face Changing Operation
We have very nice technology so I can operate my face any time I want and I won't die or get sick or anythink hehe
Last edited by AlienMagi; 10-07-2007 at 07:51 AM..
And jordan boi I have been on FCO--> Face Changing Operation
We have very nice technology so I can operate my face any time I want and I won't die or get sick or anythink hehe
Dude you're not a fucking alien. Get it into your thick skull.
Oh Hobo I havent seen your post yet
Ok I won't do it again but I just want to joke a little.
sorry then...
I have to tell you again. We don't live on the freaking forum.
Just one more think:You see Rupture Farms likes jokes like that too!
Hm... I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. Guess not eh?
Ah, Matty, to be light for once, I'll say there's your sweet little girl, Abbey, and, erm, I'm guessing your wife. Enjoy children while they're young. They get old and bossy quick.
Heh, don't know if it's any relevance to the conversation or not, but he has the exact same camera I do. I used to have a jacket like that. But the cat loved it too much and she had to be sent to 'the farm'.