OOC: Woot! Well, I better do something about that right now. Here it comes!
Name: Kolca
Species: Fleech
Age: 5
Sex: Female
Appearance: Well, pretty much like the average Fleech, except with smaller teeth, and a longer body. This is all natural for females, yet their tounges remain the same.
Personality: She could go along the lines of non-empathic to indiviual's value of life. In fact, she refuses to think that the colony is a group of people, not someone. However, she is highly religonish to the little religon she has. It is a known fact that she refuses to break her religon's moral code, for she fears that the oragnization will kill her for doing so. And finally, she views that what she does is right, and that those who disagree are wrong. To sum it up, she is eco-centric (Reminds you of Christain extermists, huh?)
Occupation: Her job in the colony is a scout for the things going on in the forest, yet she is secretly a member of the CFIA(Concerned Fleeches In Action).
Equipment: Teeth, tounge, and 'special' organs.
Biography: Kolca always served the colony, but never was ever born from the queen. Keeping that a secret to everyone, but the CFIA, she knows that if anyone knew of her being a legitment child, she would be exucuted by the queen herself. However, that isn't the only treson she has done.
Being a member of the CFIA, she has put her life into risk, being that the organization was ignorant to the importance of others. But the fact is, she never chose to be a member, she was taught that the organization's ridiculous ideas. The CFIA had taught her that from the beginning, there was order to all of the systems of the colony. However, the CFIA had believed that the old Offense Fleeches, had no concern to the danger that lurked in the very hallways of the colony. In fact, they only became concern until the very moment of endangerment to the colony was active. The CFIA believed that a new generation of the Offense Fleeches needed to be formed, to actually prevent damage to the colony could even exist.
As she was taught, the CFIA began as an idea presented to the queen, where Offense Fleeches would be sent into the forest, and control anything that could possibly harm the colony. The idea was turned down, for sending the soliders into a battle that didn't exist, was never a good idea, being that 1.) Offense Fleeches risk their lives for fighting for the colony, while scouts risk their lives of possibly being eaten. Why should they risk their life in another way? And 2.) if anything was to happen that seemed threatning to the scouts, it would be their job to control it.
Yet, the Fleeches who presented the idea felt like that the scouts would not be smart enough to pay attention to the flawes that they did. This proved correct, when Paramites followed the Fleeches into the cave, trying to make a nest there. The Fleeches then decided that even if their queen turned the idea down, there still should be an organization to solve the problem.
At first, the group searched for things in the forest that may be threatning. Nothing at first seemed even potiently harmful, until some of the Fleeches noticed a pattern. Fleeches had been bringing in less and less food into the colony each day. They realized that Slegs had been taking over the terroritory of the plateau, and claiming more and more space of hunting ground. Being that this was inffecting the Fleeches' progress of food supply, they took a stand.
Their plan was rather complex for a simple being to think of actually. At that time, they knew that Slurgs were part of the main diet of Slegs. And being that Slurgs were supporters of the colony, they decided to use them as a weapon. The Fleeches, every night, would take both large supplies of Slurg food and Slurgs themself, and feed them the food. The trick was, the Fleeches added explosive chemicals into the food, making the acid inside the absorbing the chemicals, make the body become explosive. That way, the Sleg predators would be destoryed by explosion. Not also had this idea harm the ones that made peace with them little pawns, but it also endangered the plants. When the Slurgs would be killed, they would burn and kill trees, grass, and other plants off within seconds. Even Fleeches lives would be detonaited from the explosions, for they hanged around the Slurgs when scouting.
This problem became a crisis soon after a Fleech had saw his brother perish in a five second flame. When it was presented to the queen, it was declared a homicidal and a traitor like crime. When the Fleeches the discovered about the feeding, Offense Fleeches would question others to find out who poisoned the Slurgs' food. Before long, three members of the CFIA had been brought forth to the queen. They had admitted that they commited the crime, and said that this was only the beginning of the CFIA. They said that there were others, and that they would never be found. No one found out who else was involved.
40 years later, and the whole board of the CFIA could not be found. No one knew how they met, nor could they find out when they had their meetings. However, they did catch small amounts of Fleeches who were in the CFIA, found out how they discussed, and what was the result of their actions. They would speak to not the whole board at once, but rather two others who were in the board. That way, they would pass the conversation onto others, making it seem like a discussion, not a meeting. Complex how it was, they couldn't understand how they would get new members.
On the topic more on Kolca, she was born from a member of the CFIA, being that was one of the ways that CFIA members were made. She was orphaned as well, being that members of the board that had kids, would surrender them self to the queen, thus killing themself from the death pentality. It was all part of the religon the CFIA made.
Being that she was taught the CFIA beliefs, she was instantnly a member. She took part in all of the actions, but now that the colony is at war with the Industerials, and that peace is the Fleeches next move, CFIA will have some more actions.
I will post as Kolca later, but now, it's Sindera time!
IC: As Sindera listened to the Mudokons talk to her, Sindera felt like that she couldn't believe of what she said. She thought she said something else, but this suddenly seemed like that she was losing her mind, through the injury.
She looked down, only to see that her chest was covered in blood, and had stained her pants completely. It looked like some sort of slaughter had been going on her. The blood was absolutely gory, and it even wasn't night time. This all was too much for her. This all was going to her head, and she couldn't even think.
Sindera suddenly got angry at the whole sitution, for the blood had just caused her to say something she would regret. This caused her too feel so violent for oblivous reasons, that she felt like that she needed to kill someone to heal. And unfortunently, right there, there were two Mudokons. Sindera growled, and slowly crunched her hand together into a fist around Jeff's neck for ten seconds. But at last, Sindera pulled herself back, and tried to explain why she did that, it came rasp and hoarse. "Dammit, I can't control myself no more. I can't think straight, I just said I was sudicial, and I just tried to kill ya all. Can you take me to the next Slig with a healing powers, I mean Glukkon, I mean Mudokon with mad moves, I mean, aw damn Odd."
She dropped her walkie talkie, as if it was Gillik was not on the other end. Sindera placed the arm on Jeff's shoulder onto her head, to smack herself. Just then, without balance, Sindera dropped on her back, absolutely crazy out of her mind, and just fainted right there. It just was too much for her mind.