Wow, I am simply... Mesmerized! The graphics look amazing and I can only wonder how grand it will be seeing the Paramonian forests in 3D. I am so glad that the HD remake idea I've had for such a long time will actually come true. The balance so far seems just right regarding changing the puzzles as necessary because of the moving camera, the core elements all seem intact and the spirit is definitely present. This is going to be a great game!
There is only one thing that's bugging me, and it's a matter of taste. I'm talking about the orange haze in the background and foreground. Guys, I simply think it is overdone. New 'n' tasty looks much grander in scale because of the new tech and camera, but I think that the backgrounds should remain fairly true to the original. While watching the pre-alpha footage I was under the impression that everything was orange, like I was staring at the screen through some kind of fog! It is very evident here:
I really liked the dark areas of RuptureFarms and I think we shouldn't lose them completely. Sure, RF is a busy environment that can now be brought to us in full light thanks to the new engine, but it should have certain contrasts, certain dark parts which look mysterious and frightening. Maybe the video quality is low so I'm not getting the full picture, but the point is, I would love to see some more contrast.
I just thought I'd put my thoughts out here, not try to influence anyone to my opinion. I am not frequent on these forums at all but I am a huge Oddworld fan.
Thank you all, b bye