Woa! This is a gggooooddd topic! Cool choice.. um... Summoner Yuna...!
1. I lurve watchin any Anime/Tv Shows! I only go to the movies when my friends ask me out..

Since we got cable, the parentals have been really stuck up when it comes to going to the movies or renting..

(He he, but I like playing Xbox much more!!!)
2. Fav tv shows?? SAILOR MOON!!!!!
And my newest anime craze.. Marmalade Boy! (I know the name sounds really.. really.. corny.. but it's a great anime!
I never miss Dawsons Creek, Dark Angel (

) or Always Greener (an Australian Show.. I don't know if other countries have it...).
3. What kinda movies? I lurve romantics, comedy and animated films! (spesh Anime!)!
Dats all 4 now,
~Miss Odd Serenity