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09-07-2002, 08:33 AM
The Sour Slig's Avatar
The Sour Slig
: Aug 2002
: Location too long. Shorten Please :)
: 132
Rep Power: 23
The Sour Slig  (11)
Exclamation Profile of The Sour Slig

Name: SgtMaj Kellin Gertus

Race: Slig - Military class

Gender: Male

SgtMaj Gertus is your average looking slig with a longer, slightly more beefy body and older looking than usual and tattoed with battle scars, aquired during his earlier years fighting as a soldier for General Dripik in the M.O.M. against the native mudokins. He has his own unique slig pants wit htaller legs to match his longer body. In his pants, he can stand up to 7'3" tall. These pants also give SgtMaj Gertus more speed and freedom of movement than your average slig pants (he is also able to jump 3" in the air and leap 7 feet in front of him with stable landing). His slig pants remain the same black colour and he also wears black padded body armour with his SgtMaj badge on his left arm for show (he takes great pride in this). His slig mask is of the cyclops type (he finds that two seperate lenses are uncomfortable and annoying). He also has the M.O.M. logo on the front of his mask. He carries that standard issued assault rifle and a sidearm pistol.

Just by looking at SgtMaj Gertus, you can see that he is older than many other average sligs that work as guards, bouncers etc. This is because sligs serving under the M.O.M. has recently undergone genetic enhancements to ensure that they live longer lives. The average life span of a slig is 20 years. Gertus is 42 years old and is still active and ready for action. He has strong arms. If caught unaware by the enemy, he can pack a mean punch and can cause serious damage by whacking his enemy in the head with the butt of his rifle. He can run at greater speed than the usual Slig with his slig pants (described above) and has the ability to jump and leap. He has intelligence and wit and can use this and his technology against his enemies. He relies on his fists if caught unaware without his slig pants, and doesn't rely on these pants all of the time. He can also get into some a flying slig coppter if he needs to.

He can let his anger get the better of him (rendering him wreckless at times), but he does try to keep his calm (calm is still considered "angry" by many others, but at least it isn't bloodthirsty rage which is what he can reach). History of the death of Commander Dripik and the break down of the Magog Cartel being brought up upsets him very much, and he can lose his temper very quickly at the unfortuanate fool who mentions this. This can be a weakness for him if he has been given orders to not harm a particular creature or if he strikes somebody he is in no position to strike. Without his pants, he can sometimes be in grave danger.

He is very sour since the death of General Dripik and the break down of the Magog Cartel. He has a short temper and can flip quite easily. He always bullies those he deems "lower" than him (this including mudokin scrubs, lower ranking sligs of the M.O.M, slig guards, industrial employers etc). Unlike many other sligs, he is very motivated and never dozes off on the job. He sticks by what he says and believes in and doesn't show any mercy. He dislikes Mudokins very much and loves to pop a native full of lead or an escaping Scrub. He makes an example of anybody who gets in his way. He follows his orders from the M.O.M. to help every Magog Cartel owned businesses from meeting its end by the works of Mudokin natives and the villified mudokin Abe.

RPG Category: Serious, Backstory
- The Sour Slig

Step outta line, Scrub, and you and your little mudokin friends over there will enjoy a nice long dirt nap.

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