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08-23-2002, 11:42 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)

Once more the eerie quietness that graced the Vykker labs hallway was broken by the squeaking of metallic wheels. Two Interns slowly booled two crates down the metal corridor, ignoring the squeals of creature that were obviously traumatised by such a sound. The Interns were heading into the direction of the 'Observation Lounge' which is, basically, were the Vykkers examined their catch and, if it was a 'profitable'/interesting find, keep it and examine it over time. However, if it was a merely lowly speciemen...such as a Slurg or another creature that they have found countless of times they would flush it out, taking it to the engine room and casting down the tube that exited the floating Labs. As they neared, the doors to the Observation Lounge got larger and the print on the yellow, glowing sign got grander and easier to read. Talking could be heared from behind the steel door and the Interns attempted to approach somewhat more quietly, so not to be shouted at for 'disturbing their conversation'...for the third time.


Vykker #1: "Yars!! Thats precisly what i mean!! They should be pleazed we ignore their vile specie...but what do they do instead!? Complain about us using the others!!"

The talker was tall and skinny, his gangly arms tipped with sharp claws. Its face was solemn yet angered, the cheeks sunken and the eyes partially boggling out. Sharp, yellowed teeth could be seen as it spoke, standing out from its purple gums. Its voice high and shrill as it spoke, it addressed two other Vykkers. The only others who were off their shift. The room they actually stood in was, in itself, relativly large. The far wall was filled with at least twenty monitors, each showing a different room which caged a new creature. On the right was a long narrow aquarium which ran along the wall. It wasn't very big but contained plenty of fish and such things, most dying from wallowing in their own excrement. The light bulbs hung from the ceiling in a barron fashion, they weren't 'jazzed' up but merely left, alone and simple. One thing that was noticable was that the room had no 'comfort' atmosphere whatsoever. No chairs could be seen, no warm colours. All was dark and dirty...a clear sign outsiders were not expected to be 'woo-ed' by the labs.

Vykker #3: "Aye, aye!! Indeed that they do...I say we show them a thing or two about 'unfaiwness' and 'cwuelty'...Damn fwiggin' eejits!!"

This one's voice was alot more lower and gruff, its pink skin was alot more dull and dirty but also graced with alot more 'battle' scars from frightened 'patients'. Its eyes were orientel looking and red raw underneathe.
The door that exited from the Lounge opened vertically. The two Interns wheeled in the crates and then stood next to them, awaiting their orders.

Vykker #1: "Leave."

It was a simplistic order and yet filled with anger and spite for some strange reason. The Interns obliged and waddled off in their speedo's quite happily.

Vykker #2: "Vhat is vis, hmm? A little entertaiment, perhaps?"

It wandered over to one of the crates and tapped on the top. His weak bones creaking as he did so.

Vykker #1: "No, no, no...Away, away(!)"

Ushering its partner to one side the Dr quickly un-screwed the screws at the top of the box. As the third screw finally came loose he wedged his nails in-between the spaces at the side and pulled. Gradually the front fell forwards, clanking on the ground. He then reached slowly inside and pulled out a small, oval-shaped, green object of some kind.

Vykker #2: "V-Vhat is it?"

Slowly the first Vykker stepped backwards, grasping the object with both claws he held it forwards for the other two to see. It was soft and spongy, mucas was slowly dripping off of it and sloshing onto the ground.

Vykker #1: "T'is something...A Egg i pressume...But of what, i dont know."

The third Vykker scuttled around to the side of the egg and peered at it, poking it with its index finger.

Vykker #1: "We'll put it in OR3 and await til it evolves or hatches or does whatever. And then...we'll examine."

The other two Vykkers smirked, rubbing their claws together. It had been a long time since they had something to look forward to, their last 'project' had taken too long and now their 'patient' was left alone and forgotten. But this...this was a whole new sense of fun...


(OOC: Comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 10:01 AM..
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08-25-2002, 11:55 AM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

Yes. You're a excellent writer. I really mean it. Waiting.

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08-25-2002, 12:33 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Al the Vykker  (20)

I really like this story very descriptive, and very precise, its one of those stories that I can picture the whole thing in my mind like I am really there, keep up the good work.
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