When I first heard about the "incident" among the Administrators, I was outraged, as you can see from the way I overreacted in Rachel's "A sad day today" topic. Once I'd calmed down, and got it all into perspective, I saw that it wasn't as bad as I had thought. Sydney had been reinstated, and Justin claimed that everything would go on as before. I was annoyed that neither Kristen, Justin, or Pete would give a good reason for what they did, but I saw it as all being in the past.
However, it doesn't appear to be that way. Sydney has once again been removed from his position, and was even banned to begin with. Pete's statement ("I'd just like to say, there are many changes ahead.") flatly contradicts Justin's insistance that everything would go on as it had before. I do not believe that Kristen is the driving force behind these changes, as she has always seemed a decent sort, which worries me even more, because she is now the only official Administrator. The forums are not, and will never be, what they were before. When you removed Sydney's Administrator status, you took away more than that. You took away the trust we had for the Admins, and I don't think that can ever be won (or bought) back.
The Oddworld Forums have been Sydney's project for two years now. He founded them himself. Whether this was because of rivalry with the Exoddus Club or simply out of a love for Oddworld is immaterial. Even if he founded the forums out of purest spite, he was clearly doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, and I have never been any more than slightly dissatisfied with his decisions. In fact, before this weekend, the only beefs I have ever had with him have been his banning of Chris (Jacob) and his removal of the "Delete Post" function for ordinary members. The first of those problems is in the past now, and the second is hardly a major problem. What he did this weekend to Dave and Morgan may have been harsh, but I was not there, so I do not know the full nature of the situation there. I think it is likely that he only intended it to be a temporary ban, to serve as a warning. I suppose we'll never know now.
Rambling aside, it has been Sydney that has nurtured the forums from the beginning. It was he who asked Kristen to co-Administrate with him, and he was as involved in the decision to make Justin a Super Mod as she was. Fine way of showing your gratitude. Without him there wouldn't even be a forum here for us to have this discussion on.
Justin has been giving us vague hints of shady things that Sydney has done behind the scenes, but that misses the point entirely, as does the question of why the forums were founded. Sydney's decisions have always benefited the members, and surely you must agree that the Membership is what matters here. Questions as to his motives in founding the forums and squabbles between the Administration mean nothing. Sydney has always been good to us, and now you have taken away
his Forums. Without Sydney in charge, the spirit of these forums is not the same.
But, life goes on. Sydney may be upset, but the forums hardly consumed his life, as they did to so many people here. In fact, he has moved on already. The spirit of these forums is now in a different place.
The Glass Asylum, to be precise. Yes, Sydney has created a new board for those who wish the forums to continue as they were. It is not Oddworld-centred, but is a friendly (friendlier) place without the mistrust and recrimination that characterise the Oddworld Forums at the moment. It is to here that I and several others have retreated. We feel safer there.
To those who stay here, I respect your decision. There are many of you who are still fans of Oddworld, and have little interest in discussing other things. That is your decision. There are some who support the removal of Sydney. If you have looked at what has been said, and decided that their argument is more credible, then I respect your decisions as well.
But I would hope that there would be many here who didn't simply come here to discuss Oddworld, but came here as a brief escape from reality, to discuss whatever they liked in a non-threatening environment. Even if you remain at these forums as well, the Glass Asylum is for you. For all of you. Enjoy it.
I hope you will at least give it a chance.
(p.s. Sorry about the melodrama. I was just on a roll...
