The Izzy Slig Tales
The alarm-clock blared in Izzy's room, causing him to break from a deep sleep and once again complete a another day of hard-ships and ignorant co-workers. "Get off..." Izzy grumbled as his Slog, Rex, layed ontop of his back. He sat up as th lazy creature rolled onto its side, still fast asleep.
Izzy crawled off for his locker and suited up as all the other Sligs had done early that morning. He scratched his back-side and headed off to the mess hall, where he sat with the usual crowd. "Hey shorty," came the voice from behind him, "I found THIS in Gregg's bunker last night. Care to explain it?" A much taller Slig had asked. Izzy turned. He had hated Gregg almost all his life, and the bully had stuck a dead Feech rght into his face, making him fall out of his hair. " mean, um, I don't know."
"He's lying, grab him!" said the bigger Slig as two more grabed him by his arms. Izzy tried to break free but was easily over-powered by the two others. He was taken to a well which was rumored to lead to the SoulStorm Kennels. He pleaded with them all, but he was shoved down anyhow, unarmed.
He had hit the floor hard with a smack and found himself looking face-to-face with a Paramite. It chirped happily as Izzy got to his feet. He didn't like the idea of this thing around so he began walking.The Paramite fallowed. "Hey! Get out of here!" He had screamed to it. The Paramite stood its ground. It went on like this ever few yards or so until Izzy had enough. He began to throw twigs and rocks at the Paramite. It only squaled at him, causing another Paramite to drop from the cieling.
Izzy had read about this, so he began running like hell to avoid the attack by the Paramites. A ledge came up. It was either jump, or stay with the Paramites to face death.
Well, Izzy leaped from the edge of the cliff and few across a few feet before he began falling. "Ahhhhh!" He yelled as the Paramites looked overthe edge.
Luckily, he had grappled onto another ledge. He stuggled to get up. "Come on----." He looks down to his mechical pants. "Oh no, looks like this is the only way." He said to himself as he pushed the releash botton. The pants dropped down, hitting the edges of the reactor's intake fluid chamber. He scrambled up the edge and sighed as he turne to look upon what he had stumbled onto. Light poured down from a wall and speckled the floor before him. "Hmm.." Izzy had wake up to the wall and pushed against it. It was an old rusted-out door which look to lead to the outside. He searched the area
A metal pipe had found its way into his hands as he walked back to the door. He slammed it hard against the surface. It clanged and crumbled into small bits of rust and other debis.
Izzy had seen something, then, that he had never seen before: grass He wandered out into the field and took a deep breath. Fresh air? The rea lead into small forest stilluntouched by the Glukkons. Would he venture into the fresh new landscape? What more awaits him beyond this point?
Posted by: Jay [Armed Slig]