Oddworld K-Mart
Once upon a time there lived a misfit Slig named Jay. Jay loved to cause lots of comotion in public because he thought it would get people to notice him. In reality, it found him nothing but being in trouble all the time.
Jay was walking down the street one day when his eyes rested on K-Mart. Thoughts about turning it upside down came to mind just as he strolled through the doors, his mechanical legs tapping the white tiled floor as he walked. His first stop was the electronics section.
At the electronics section Harry Potter was playing on a miniature TV with a DVD player connected to it. This made Jay grin seeing just how small the picture was on the screen. He turned around and head off for a moment, but then returned with a folding chair from the camping display near the front desk. He unfolded the chair and sat down to watch for a bit.
After Harry had freed a snake from the zoo, Jay began looking around in boredom. His stomach growled furociously, so he decided to get something to drink. Down the hallway he marched. "I'll pay for it before I leave." he said, grabbing a 2-liter of Cherry Coke off the shelf.
Jay retruend to his spot in front of the TV but this chair was gone! He looked around to see if someone had stolen it, but only shrugged it off. His eye caugth sight of the gaming systems t ohis left. An X-box, a PS2, and a Gamecude. First up was the Gamcube. "This game's too easy!" said Jay as he finished up the Star Wars game. He moved on to the PS2. "This game's too hard!" he responded as he let the controller to Soul Reaver 2 drop. He moved onto the X-box. Munch's Oddysee demo. "This game is just right." and with that, he began to play.
The demo was completed. As he did his victory dance he had spilled a bit of Cherry Coke on the floor. Time to go. He walked down the isle to the service botton for the pantry and gave it a push. *Bing-bing "Customer service to the pantry."* the over-head speakers said. He moved on to the clothing section and found another service call botton. He gave that a push as well. Sooner than later he had half of the service bottons pressed, moving away each time.
He was gettings tired now, and his Cherry Coke was completely empty. So, he marched to the food court quickly and re-filled it. He was on the move again, this time to the toy isle. Here, he had met two of his friends from school, Pat and Stan. "Hello Jay," said Stan, "want to play dodgeball with us?"
"Sure, just let me set my drink down." Jay responded.
Jay took off for the food court as fast as he could and set the 2-liter on a table. By now some of the K-Mart employees were getting suspicious. Jay returned to the toy isle anyhow. As Jay turned a corner he was pegged in the face with a soft rubber ball. Jay laughed and gave chase.
Sometime through the game, Pat had aquired a weird-looking skatebaord, and was using it to his advantage. As he went full-speed though, he accidentally jumped off and the skatebaord knocked over a whole rack of toys. Jay ran.
It had been a fun time at K-Mart, but he was sooner encountered by the evil K-Mart employees. "I'm sorry, sir, but you need to leave." they had said.
So, Jay left without question. He would keep his mouth shut, of course, about the soda he didn't pay for. It was their fault. They were kicking him out.
In short, Jay had a very fun time and, as he strolled down the street, he could see Pat and Stan arguing with the K-Mart employees. He sighed and shook his head, walking back to his home.
Posted by: Jay [Armed Slig]