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07-15-2002, 10:30 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Happy Aw ain't that sweet, Oddworld kittens

Hey my cat just had kittens! Although the father remains unkown, she had two little bitty babies, a gray striped girl named Munch, and a tan boy named Abe. We named them after Oddworld characters but my mom wasn't too happy when she found out what we named them cause she like fansy shmansy names. Is this in the right topic? It had to do with Oddworld so thats why I put it here. Yell at me if it is.

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
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07-15-2002, 11:38 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
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I wont yell at you instead i will say Congadulations!

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
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07-16-2002, 12:08 AM
oddling's Avatar
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Thanks Kaimana! Hey if you saw my story and only half a chapter is done it's cause I was at my grandma's and I had to go home in the middle of typing it so i'm gonna finnish it now.

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-16-2002, 01:31 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
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No problem i think your doing great on those short stories

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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07-16-2002, 01:34 AM
TheKhanzumer's Avatar
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Congradulations. I like animals but for some reason my two cats don't like me. Must be my drum playing or the fact that I don't let them use my room as a litter box...

Oh yeah, and this belongs in Off-Topic. That should be obvious.

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07-16-2002, 02:46 AM
Edo's Avatar
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Congratulations on the new arrivals, and well chosen names too. To health and happiness for the two new denizens of this odd, odd, world!
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07-16-2002, 10:58 AM
Oddsville's Avatar
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Well I guess I should congradulat ya too, so here go's......... Congradulations! Ok, that was alittle corney but Im to tired to type... at......... the...........mo...me-*Falls asleep as head slams on keyboard*hjytjhgbhyjn...
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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07-16-2002, 02:02 PM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
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i would never call my pet Abe, its a bit sad
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07-16-2002, 03:33 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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i would never call my pet Abe, its a bit sad
Yes, but with people who have never seen/heard of the game the names "Abe" and "Munch" are quite good names.
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07-16-2002, 04:00 PM
Edo's Avatar
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I named one of our tortoises Abe. His face looks like abes. (Kinda)
Magog on the March-News You Can't Abuse! Do Do Doo *Be Jealous* Do Donoo neer ner *My Hero, My Hero* "That Confidence! It's like he has an aura about him!" "Pshe! He should learn how to dress." I hate McDonald's and they hate me. Well they would, If they had ever heard of me. I will teach them to fear the name Edo! Drop me a line at edotheotakuking@hotmail.com Yo! If you're still reading this, you pass the attention span test. Don't you feel proud! Well, you should be. Most people can't pay attention for more than ten seconds. If you're still reading this, you get a full scholarship at the MacKinney Attention Span Community College. That's how attentive you are. I will reward your attentiveness by giving you my blessing and this link: www.engrish.com Thank you for your cooperation!

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07-16-2002, 04:13 PM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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I guess I could see why you would name a tortoise Abe(kinda), But a kitten? Keep in mind, you will have to call the cat Abe for as long as it lives.

Oh, by the way, Congrats! I don't really like kittens (dogs rule), but it is nice to have a pet.

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07-16-2002, 04:20 PM
Boyddie's Avatar
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Originally posted by Mac the Janitor
I guess I could see why you would name a tortoise Abe(kinda), But a kitten?
heh, imagine calling your kid abe or dogs! munch, heh anyway WTF am i on about?? anyway i might call my nxt pet crash or summit like that, mabe bob, or summit. anyway, cats kick ass, i have 3. i didnt name them, they were named when we got them as kittens. sox, (we changed it from ck to x on the end) chip and marmite

Last edited by Boyddie; 07-16-2002 at 08:24 AM..
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