Interesting article. A bit frustrating that the transcript provided very little to describe the scene, we got lots of talk but no context.
It seems the Slig Barracks is now called Slix Barracks, and Necrum Mines are now the Necromines. Along with Feeco now being Comet Depot, seems like most things are getting renamed/rebranded. Seems a little unnecessary to make nominal changes, but hey, it's not my game. Brew still contains bones, and the purpose of the Necromines remains the same.
Lorne also confirms other environments including native areas, old Stranger-esque ghost towns, mines and ancient ruins. Which sounds a lot like some version of Necrum/Mudanchee/Mudomo vaults will remain.
I wonder how the towns will work in 2.9D. Every sidescrolling level in the past has been designed around thin ledges and platforms. Unless the town is on a cliff edge or river bank, creating a narrow path to follow
He also mentions the brew's addictive properties are used to keep slaves from essentially escaping to the second world and whistleblowing. I'd always thought Oddworld at large was entirely corrupted and complicit, but I guess not.
The video is also totally not a teaser, or a trailer. Despite being uploaded as 'teaser trailer'