03-20-2017, 04:32 AM
Outlaw Cutter
: Aug 2003
: 1,239
Rep Power: 22
Kevin is right:
He found this in longtime business and romantic partner, Sherry McKenna, who has been the Leia to his Solo since the formation of Oddworld Inhabitants. “It’s more of a classic entertainment relationship,” explains Lanning, “rather than a classic Silicon Valley relationship. Infinity Ward would be more than two programmers or three programmers and a designer, people with specific hands-on skills starting to build a company. The entertainment business is more like producer-director teams. Sherry’s a lifelong producer, and when we talk about how Oddworld’s a co-creation, we can split it up like this: Content is largely my creation. The company and the culture is largely Sherry’s creation. When you look at producing and directing in the entertainment business, that’s a marriage. The best directors and the best producers, they all have the people that they like working with the most at that marriage level. I always saw that the smartest creatives got really strong producers around them. Because we tend to be flaky, we tend to be more artistic in nature. Whereas good producing tends to be more absolutely on top of things, every T is crossed. So I think in our relationship, it started off as a producer-director class relationship that naturally evolved into a production company.”
“And then for our personal relationship,” adds McKenna, “I had been married. And if you’re in the entertainment industry or the game industry, it’s called, ‘How many hours do you work 24/7?’ And I just found it’s almost easier to be with someone who understood why I had to break a very important engagement at the last moment. If you’re married to someone who doesn’t get that at all, they’re very offended, and they’re not happy; they don’t understand why you have to be gone every weekend. So it just evolved into a natural thing where we were working 24/7 together anyway, and like I said, after my experience of being married, I realized, ‘Wow, this is the only way it can work.’ So for the last 15 years, it’s been working really well.”