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02-07-2017, 06:22 AM
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OWF Poster Awards 2016 RESULTS

People have been moaning at me so I'll chug this out now. Fair warning though, I am high, so if some shit doesn't make sense you'll know why.

User Who Writes Plenty of Blogs but Probably Shouldn't

No contest, I won this one with 5 points, expect a lot more blogs!

Most Frequent yet Undesirable Poster
This one goes to oddman360. Makes sense, a childish and constantly immature meme toilet. Pathetic.

Most Infrequent Poster (Who Should Post More)
Pretty surprised by this, Vlam won with 3 points. Have to say I agree with that.

Drama Queen of the Year
What's not as surprising is that Vlam won this category too with 3 points. I agree also.

Most Pretentious Bastard
Xorlidyr, obviously. Though with the recent events I'd probably reverse the results of these last two categories, makes more sense.

Most Valuable Veteran
This is a tie between Nate and Xavier, both got 3 points. To be honest you guys are about the only veterans left so I wouldn't say it's surprising.

Veteran that Needs to Go
Weirdly, Alcar, but he already took that advice years ago.

Speedrunner in Dire Need of a Life
This is a tie between Sgabbitgabiar and Samlaptop, and as a speedrunner myself, I humbly agree and would add myself to this list if I had said power.

Worst Newcomer
This is a three-way-toss up between Alcar, LittleLamb and AbeMunchMudokonPop8. Seems they all agreed because they certainly haven't stuck around.

Funniest Poster
This goes to oddman360, and well deserved m8

Most Unintentionally Funny Poster
This goes to Vlam, but I'm not really sure if its deserved. Simply because I think he knows exactly what he's doing and that makes him all the more hilarious.

Most Triggered Poster (MTP)
This is another non-surprising tie between Manco and Sybil Ant. I really couldn't pick one over another so it goes without saying that this is well deserved.

Best 80s Poster
The Little Shop of Horrors wins this with one point. Everybody else voted for random members. This is a movie awards show guys, quit being so rétard.

Most Unwelcome Return
This is a tie between Alcar and Xor. I'm sure we can all agree that we'd rather have T-Nex or MM back. Well, you guys probably would anyway.

Worst Admin
Absolutely no contest here, goes to Almighty Alcar with a whopping 6 votes.

Best "OWF Is Dead" Blog
This goes to FA with 4 points. This is a category I added at the request of Varrok so I really don't have much to say about it. Neat.

Best Legs
Here we have a three-way-tie between Nepsotic, Abe and Stranger. I think we all know who the true hero here is. Anorexia.

Biggest Stickler for the Rules
Varrok won this with a pitiful 2. Guy isn't even good at being a downer. Typical.

Best ARG Player
Connell. Yeah. No idea. I guess out of all the people with no reason to get out of bed in a morning you have the least amount of reasons. <3

Most Naive
Xorlidyr. I'd have given it to Kapteeni but this works too.

Most Happy-Go-Lucky
Kapteeni13 won this by landslide and I have to agree, guy is so non-phased and hilarious to be around. Even when he wanted nothing more in life than to tear us down and rip into our souls, he was just too fucking funny and bizarre to dislike. Such a jolly... man?

Member With the Worst Taste in Oddworld Games
Shade. Nothing else needs to be said. We all know.

Edgelord of the Year
I tied with Phoetux here. Watch your back though, I'm taking that belt from you next year.

Worst Text Wall Generator
Manco wins this by landslide. Not much to say since he probably isn't going to read this anyway as it doesn't meet his 7000 word post requirement.

Best Text Wall Generator
Kjjcarpenter won this one. I wouldn't know, I haven't read his posts. Too long.

Worst Artist
This is a tie between me and Varrok. I have to agree, my art is terrible. My album, however, is fire and you should go buy it right now.

Best Artist
FennecFyre wins this one, and I'm inclined to agree (otherwise she might stop drawing me sexy dragons for free).

Best Couple
No one couple got multiple votes here so I'll just list them all so you can pontificate over what those realities would be like. I know I do it a lot already regarding some of them.

Sybil Ant and Manco
Nepsotic & SUBWAY
FennecFyre x Sybil Ant
Vlam x Xorlidyr
FennecFyre x Stranger
Varrok and Oddman360
Xavier x OWI
MrsKJJ & kjjcarpenter
kjjcarpenter + Vlam
Nepsotic + MA

Most Frequently Seen in "Who's Online?" But is
Never Actually Seen Posting

This is a landslide tie between Ravkarorgeforg and germichlgboulg, true enigmas of our time.

Most Likely to have a Musical Number
Xorlidyr, of course.

Gayest Member
Xorlidyr, of cou- wait... Tied with me?! Someone has been making fraudulent votes.

Least Missed Member
Here we have a 5-way-tie (I guess because you wet flannels are too pussy to vote for someone here) between:

I don't know what's wrong with you guys, Spiderman is my most missed member.

Speaking of-
Dearly Missed Member
Another weird massive tie between these people:
Working forums

Most Accomplished Troll
ANOTHER weird massive tie between:

I don't think any of these people are particularly good trolls, to be honest, besides MA and perhaps The Kaptain.

Narrow Escapes from Necrum
A Fan Art somehow won this even though it was made like two years ago.

Member Most Deserving of a Custom Title (And Suggest What it Should Be)
Varrok: Wolvark Grenadier
Alcar: Never heard from again
Vlam: Vlam the Impaler of the family Dracul 2
Alcar: The One Who Has Forsaken Us
Shade: The Black Swan
Nepsotic: The token sassy gay friend
Dwayne “Varrok” Johnson (?????)

I agree with that last suggestion in saying "?????". Powerful words.

Best OWI Staff Member (Who's Active on the Forums)
OWI_alex won this. Xavier had the same amount of votes, but can none of you fuckers read?

Most Changed Member - For the Worse
MA won this one with two points, but he's already admitted he was wrong and apologised, I wouldn't put him in this category.

Most Changed Member - For the Better
Varrok won this one. I don't know, maybe because we can understand him slightly better than we could a year ago?

Greatest M8 (Most Likeable)
This was a hilarious toss-up between Varrok, Xavier, and, you guessed it. FA.
Good on you guys.

Most Underrated Member
Vlam won this one. I have to disagree, Vlam is rated as highly as he deserves to be.

Worst English of the Year
Kapteeni won this one, and well deserved. I say that in the most loving possible way.

Most Boring Thread Creator of the Year
Johnnyk89??? Somehow???

Spiciest Meme of the Year
Another three way tie. This time between -somehow- A Fan Art from 2015, we are number one, which isn't even a forum meme (maybe I should have specified more clearly) and finally me and my Abe Cunt meme, which I have no idea how it progressed to meme-status. I guess standards are low these days.

Greatest Cunt
Keeping in theme with the last result, Abe ties here with me. Partners in crime.

Best Host of the Awards Thread This Year
I won this one!

Greatest Drama of the Year
Doesn't really need to be said, MA-Gate pretty much exploded for like a day and has been the talk of the forum ever since.

Quote of the Year
Again, no multiple votes for the same quote, so I'll just list them, they're all pretty great.

"It’s hard to choose because Abe’s Oddysee and Exoddus are both great games and New ‘n’ Tasty is a faithful remake of the game" - Vlam

"Abe, how often do you fuck other Mudokons and how often do you beat the shit out of Sligs? Also Abe, you’re a cunt." - Nepsotic

"Okay, Alex, I retract my statement. This fanbase is dumb and OWI knows it." - Nepsotic

"OWF is dead" - Everyone

"if you make posts like varrok just did, you get negrepped - just like how i negrepped varrok right now for the post he just did” - OddMan360

Forum Highlight of the Year
Almost unanimously, the ARG won this. Yeah, it was neat.

So, all in all, a pretty fun year on OWF. I know I give all you guys shit a lot, but just know that it's always in good fun and I love you all.
You know who the real winners are here? We are

Guineapiglet is actually, since she made a trophy graphic.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-07-2017, 06:46 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
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Edgelord of the Year
I tied with Phoetux here. Watch your back though, I'm taking that belt from you next year.
Can't. Fucking. Believe it.

v- My other places -v

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02-07-2017, 06:59 AM
Xorlidyr's Avatar
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Varrok sarcasm incoming...
Ah well, have determination.

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02-07-2017, 07:05 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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I'll make them next year! I have a couple of cool ideas!

No contest, I won this one with 5 points, expect a lot more blogs!
You miss the point of the award category *you* created. I don't know what to say, honestly.

Veteran that Needs to Go
Weirdly, Alcar, but he already took that advice years ago.
Best comment.

Best "OWF Is Dead" Blog
This goes to FA with 4 points. This is a category I added at the request of Varrok so I really don't have much to say about it. Neat.
In that case, I'll say something about that.

Biggest Stickler for the Rules
Varrok won this with a pitiful 2. Guy isn't even good at being a downer. Typical.
I follow all the rules. And if anyone doubts it, I will fucking spam them from all my 8 accounts and kill them. And rape the corpse.

Best Host of the Awards Thread This Year
I won this one!
Worst Artist
This is a tie between me and Varrok. I have to agree, my art is terrible. My album, however, is fire and you should go buy it right now.
Best 80s Poster
The Little Shop of Horrors wins this with one point. Everybody else voted for random members. This is a movie awards show guys, quit being so rétard.
I demand a recount! I don't like the results!

Gayest Member
Xorlidyr, of cou- wait... Tied with me?! Someone has been making fraudulent votes.
You just can't take the hint everyone's been giving you.

Member Most Deserving of a Custom Title (And Suggest What it Should Be)
Varrok: Wolvark Grenadier
Good idea! I'll make sure to bother Nate about that!

Best OWI Staff Member (Who's Active on the Forums)
OWI_alex won this. Xavier had the same amount of votes, but can none of you fuckers read?
OWI should take the hint.

Most Changed Member - For the Worse
MA won this one with two points, but he's already admitted he was wrong and apologised, I wouldn't put him in this category.
But you just did. Man, what a dick.

Most Changed Member - For the Better
Varrok won this one. I don't know, maybe because we can understand him slightly better than we could a year ago?
Maybe just maybe, if you will have been paid tension, you'll be understanded with me betterer.

"if you make posts like varrok just did, you get negrepped - just like how i negrepped varrok right now for the post he just did” - OddMan360
He didn't, actually. He's a fraud.

Varrok sarcasm incoming...
Suuuure, like I have nothing better to do.

Last edited by Varrok; 02-07-2017 at 07:08 AM.. : Mis-formatting
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02-07-2017, 08:11 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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i actually cant negrep you varrok cos the forums are so retarded i cant rep you even if its negative
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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02-07-2017, 08:12 AM
Varrok's Avatar
Wolvark Grenadier
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Spread some hate first.
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02-07-2017, 09:25 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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manspread it
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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02-07-2017, 03:11 PM
SgabbitGabbiar's Avatar
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Speedrunner in Dire Need of a Life
This is a tie between Sgabbitgabiar and Samlaptop, and as a speedrunner myself, I humbly agree and would add myself to this list if I had said power.
Why Speedrunner ? XD i never made speedruns
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02-07-2017, 05:29 PM
Vlam's Avatar
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Deep down we're all speedrunners.
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02-07-2017, 09:58 PM
Shade667's Avatar
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I'll take it.
PSN: Shade667-
Youtube: TheUltimateShade667
Patience is a virtue.

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02-08-2017, 12:36 AM
Super Stingbee
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Just to open my existence back. Little kap tried to take OWF down last year. Funny memories.

Clasic Finrish trol did not see how can be done. ^^
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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02-08-2017, 11:58 PM
Clakker Store Clerk
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When will it be my year to shine god damn it
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02-09-2017, 12:56 AM
Varrok's Avatar
Wolvark Grenadier
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Simply post more, and you'll win by default.
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02-09-2017, 09:21 AM
Guineapiglet's Avatar
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02-12-2017, 08:45 PM
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What do I win? I want more than bragging rights, dammit. My long posts have earned something!
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02-14-2017, 10:08 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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you win a trip to Sydney, Australia
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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02-17-2017, 06:03 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
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Best Text Wall Generator
Kjjcarpenter won this one. I wouldn't know, I haven't read his posts. Too long.
Shoop Da Whoop!

Most Frequently Seen in "Who's Online?" But is
Never Actually Seen Posting

This is a landslide tie between Ravkarorgeforg and germichlgboulg, true enigmas of our time.
Well deserved. They truly make Oddworld great. They don't need to say anything, but their presence makes the place warm and fuzzy, don't you agree?

Member Most Deserving of a Custom Title (And Suggest What it Should Be)

Dwayne “Varrok” Johnson (?????)

I agree with that last suggestion in saying "?????". Powerful words.
The funniest part is he doesn't know who Dwayne Johnson is.

Worst English of the Year
Kapteeni won this one, and well deserved. I say that in the most loving possible way.
His captions make his play-throughs both hilarious and charming. Keep up the good work Kapteeni!

So, all in all, a pretty fun year on OWF. I know I give all you guys shit a lot, but just know that it's always in good fun and I love you all.
You know who the real winners are here? We are

Guineapiglet is actually, since she made a trophy graphic.
That is a mighty fine trophy Guineapiglet, well earned!

But yay everyone!!!
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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02-18-2017, 07:24 AM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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Of course I know who The Rock is, I just don't understand what he has to do with Varrok. Other than, it kind of rhymes a bit?
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-18-2017, 08:13 AM
JayDee's Avatar
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Is it too late to vote? I vote Nep for greatest m8 and most deserving of a custom title. "Knows Who The Rock Is"

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02-18-2017, 10:30 AM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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I second this

Also thanks JayBae <3
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-18-2017, 10:45 AM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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Varrok was the one who didn't know The Rock.
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02-18-2017, 10:51 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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I feel so alienated right now.
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02-18-2017, 12:54 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
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Of course I know who The Rock is, I just don't understand what he has to do with Varrok. Other than, it kind of rhymes a bit?
No, not you. Varrok doesn't know who The Rock is, and that's what made it so funny.

I was curious about your question marks though.

I feel so alienated right now.
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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Last edited by MrsKJJ; 02-18-2017 at 12:57 PM..
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02-18-2017, 04:03 PM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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I was curious about your question marks though.
Mostly because all the suggestions were bad, but Josh's one was great tbh
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-18-2017, 04:10 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
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Mostly because all the suggestions were bad, but Josh's one was great tbh
A small part of you surely laughed at Dwayne "Varrok" Johnson, and if you didn't laugh there, you thought there was credibility in Vlam the impaler of the family Dracul. Everyone does say he's after blood.
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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Last edited by MrsKJJ; 02-18-2017 at 09:15 PM..
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02-18-2017, 04:27 PM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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I would've laughed if there was some kind of setup for the joke but it just didn't make any sense. Varrok is nowhere near as sick as the Rock.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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02-18-2017, 04:38 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
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The true joke was Varrok didn't know of The Rock, but this is funny too. Maybe Dwayne Johnson is the culprit behind "Krush Varrok"?
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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02-18-2017, 05:03 PM
JayDee's Avatar
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Mostly because all the suggestions were bad, but Josh's one was great tbh
Alternatives include: ...Smells What The Rock Is Cooking

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02-19-2017, 04:15 AM
Xorlidyr's Avatar
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I do not see how can be done.
Ah well, have determination.

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