I always thought I did a good job with the Mudokon voice (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_m2fcbdh0w), and I made it into the game, but the devs wanted them done in a normal pitch to be sped up at a later date and I could barely tell which Mud I ended up playing

Without speeding it up, and just doing the voice like in the video above...that would have been better I think
In regards to changes I hope to see:
1. A hard mode, with trophy, where you can't Quiksave or you at least have a limited number of Quiksaves per chapter. It makes the game way too easy being able to save whenever, which is one of the problems I had with the original Abe's Exoddus.
2. No visible checkpoints. This is a bit picky, but because there were so many they seemed to plague the landscape.
3. Shadows. Please, oh please, shadows. I remember them saying it's too difficult to implement or something, but I just don't buy this. If they wanted to find a way, they would. Think of the stuff other devs can accomplish (Naughty Dog's games for example). I refuse to believe they can't work out how to implement something like shadow spaces in a 3D world next time around.
4. Tweak the audio mix. Music was never loud or tense enough, and there were FAR too many sound effects. Checkpoint noises, overly loud snoring sligs, incessant Mudokon chatter, that mysterious banging/explosion sound that happens every few minutes for some reason...the list goes on. Less random noise, more focus on music and atmosphere.
5. Fix the lighting and general presentation. Everything is too clean, even the main menu. It's all so bright and pretty. Grime it up a bit and darken the environments - at least in the industrial sections. I can imagine FeeCo just being a vast abyss of bright yellow background fog if done in the style of NnT hahah.
6. Keep Greeters, but implement their security lasers properly. Don't turn them into steam or something. Make it cover the platform, like the motion detectors in NnT, but have it free from the rails.
7. Remove the motion detectors from rails if possible. They were too easy being individual like that.
8. CGI cutscenes (won't happen, but dreaming along with some of the others on here)
9. Keep the humour but balance it out with the darker tone of the story more. NnT never felt like Abe was in a threatening universe. It needs to feel full of danger (where everything wants to eat you

10. No needless changes. Don't turn Soulstorm Brewery into the bright lights arcade that RuptureFarms became. Re-envision it, sure, but keep it in the same vein as the industrial, bleak and ultimately more realistic version from Exoddus. Same goes for all the major industrial locations.
There's probably more, but I still loved NnT and I don't want it sounding like I hated it. I just don't think it matached AO so hopefully they really seize the opportunity with Soulstorm to learn from what went right, what went wrong and what the Oddworld games should really be about.