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09-09-2015, 08:41 PM
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cant tell if serious.

Like, I LOVE the world of the souls series. Especially the creature designs, but ive played the first level of demons souls, and it wasnt exactly a pleasant experience.

(And I legit dont know if ur serious or not. Since that would be a good way to practice and keep the muscle memory while ur friend isnt on. But I also said the 'S' word which makes everyone sarcastic...)
PSN: Shade667-
Youtube: TheUltimateShade667
Patience is a virtue.

Last edited by Shade667; 09-09-2015 at 08:44 PM..
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09-11-2015, 07:56 PM
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I just got Metal Gear Solid 3DS, I loved that game on Playstation so I'm kinda excited.

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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09-11-2015, 10:38 PM
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dark souls is much more accessible than demons souls i'd say. hard to say which one is better but they're both among my favourite games of last gen.
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09-12-2015, 01:41 AM
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You can farm health herbs in Demon's Souls easily, which is not the case in Dark Souls. That makes Dark Souls a little bit more balanced.
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09-12-2015, 09:52 AM
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MGSV: Phantom Pain is really enjoyable. I love how you can take a detour on a mission and come across a military outpost. Capturing enemy soldiers increases the number of staff in your base which allows you to research weapons and other cool bits of tech. The prologue is quite intense and teaches you the basics, but overall is quite different from the open-world game where you spend the majority of your time. I've only played it for a couple of hours but already I can tell I'm going to enjoy it so much!


I stream games and art now!

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09-12-2015, 11:09 AM
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the new MGS game is, as always, amazing.
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09-15-2015, 10:08 AM
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Picked up Splatoon for free. Well, with a gift card, but basically free.

It's very pretty, lots of fun and I'm pretty much terrible at it right now. Not sure how I feel about the control scheme, but we'll see. Only played like a half hour of it so far.

It definitely has that Nintendo polish to it though, so I don't think I'll regret picking it up any time soon.

I hope
steam me hard

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09-22-2015, 10:57 PM
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So I just discovered that the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger franchise is still alive and they just put a Rayman-style 2D platform up on Steam. It’s fairly fun (if pretty easy) but wow it’s full of nostalgia for the old games.

Better yet, apparently they’re trying to go the Oddworld route of self-raising funds through sales to pay for HD ports of their old games to PC! I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed those Australian critters.

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09-23-2015, 04:21 AM
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I hope it goes well. Krome is probably the last actual aussie developer besides 2K australia (who made borderlands the pre-sequel)
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09-28-2015, 09:51 PM
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I've been enjoying The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on the Vita. It plays a lot better than my previous attempts at keyboard-only runs, and the dual stick set up is great on the vita. The only thing I'd change is letting the Pill/Card button be bound to something other than the touch screen. I've actually died at crucial moments once or twice just because it took however many miliseconds longer to drag my thumb onto the touch screen.

It feels as if an update or patch has been applied since I tried Rebirth last year, I'm less likely to run across a series of poorly-matched items and have my run bungled early on. I'd say it's my favorite way to play Isaac so far, and it seems like the only 'localization' type thing they did is change the Steam Sale ticket to a 'Steamy Sale' ticket, which is kind of cute.

As usual, I just love Azazel. I unlocked him, Cain, Maggie and Eden all in one playthrough, but Azazel is just the best. I think the riskier aspects of his playstyle make him more fun, although the relatively meagre access to Dark Bums has been disappointing. I was also fairly sure you could extend the range of his blasts, but oh well. Antigravity tears+charge attacks are delightfully finicky, and the ease of getting to Utero with even basic upgrades as 'Zaz has really smoothed my experience along.

I still loathe the Peeper boss, though. He just bugs me, as he's no doubt supposed to, with his gigantic health bar, gross piss attacks and dumb grin.
I see you jockin' me.

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09-29-2015, 02:38 AM
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Reborn on handhelds gets patched a lot. I know the 3DS version still has some issues.

Isaac has been my obsession for a long time now. Got into it the start of the year and I've just managed to unlock all the achievements, characters and items. It was so luck of the draw towards the end though. My god, playing as the Lost is just awful...

I'm looking forward to the expansion Afterbirth, which is coming soon to PC. It should make it's way to PS4, Vita, 3DS and Wii U eventually but PC will have it first.

Oh and if you think Peep is bad. It's alt form The Bloat is just the worst.

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09-29-2015, 02:50 AM
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So playing Ty 4 got me in the mood to replay the old PS2 games. I just finished up Ty 1 and I’ll be starting Ty 2 in the next couple of days.

There’s something weird about going back and playing an old game you remember really enjoying years ago – you get all those waves of nostalgia but paired with a more critical eye. Ty 1 definitely wasn’t the most polished game, but I dunno if that was just because it was an early PS2 platformer and the genre hadn’t really been polished to its best yet.

Anyway I remember enjoying Ty 2 even more than 1 so it’ll be interesting to go back on that and see how it holds up.

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09-29-2015, 09:27 PM
Shade667's Avatar
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I love isaac... Its so fun. But im so bad... So, So bad... Like struggle to get out of caves 2 with anyone but azazel bad.
PSN: Shade667-
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09-29-2015, 09:44 PM
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Maybe try slowing down and practice the game mechanics more
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09-30-2015, 03:56 AM
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I have maybe 10-20 hours in the original BoI. After beating Mom once, I no longer felt the need to keep going with the game. Did a couple more attempts, but I wasn't interested that much anymore.

Nowadays, I just keep switching between games, I don't really have anything that I want to stick to from start to finish. Let's see...

Have been playing a fair bit of Euro Truck Simulator 2. It may have been part of a bundle once, or it might have been on sale, that's the only reason why I picked it up, but I actually found it enjoyable. Or rather, relaxing, to a point that I actually need to listen to music or a podcast while driving, otherwise I'd fall asleep after playing for 15 minutes. For some reason, however, I still keep booting it up, if only for 30 minutes before going to bed. I guess ETS2 is good for switching off your brain.

Loads of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. The combat system of the Batman games and Middle-earth is a pretty safe mix with me, so I put quite a bit of time into the game recently. I haven't yet met an Orc who became my great Nemesis so far, I always manage to find their weakness or improvise so that they don't became overly powerful. It's a fun game, all in all.

Tried Killing Floor 2. I have played a lot of the first game, and the sequel is pretty great too. A lot of interesting detail has been put into it, and the combat is as enjoyable as before. Mind, it's still early access, so some things like the whole Sharpshooter perk from KF1 is completely missing from KF2, but it will be added later on, along with completely new perks. Progression is also a lot different, but this time, you actually get to customize your build by choosing skills (mostly passive bonuses) that fit your playstyle.

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09-30-2015, 04:06 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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I have maybe 10-20 hours in the original BoI. After beating Mom once, I no longer felt the need to keep going with the game. Did a couple more attempts, but I wasn't interested that much anymore.
You know you didn't really beat Mom and you didn't even see the real ending? :P It's like playing MGSV and finishing just Act 1 (of 2)
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09-30-2015, 04:23 AM
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You know you didn't really beat Mom and you didn't even see the real ending? :P It's like playing MGSV and finishing just Act 1 (of 2)
Oh yes, I know there would be loads more to see in that game. I just didn't really care for the rest after my first successful run.

Also, I got back to WH40k: Dawn of War II recently. I still enjoy seeing the Force Commander wade into the thick of the Orc hordes with a Power Axe while the rest of the troops provide support from further away.

Hm, I've been killing a lot of Orcs in games lately...

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09-30-2015, 04:26 AM
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But it's not the successful run, it's like a half of it, only.
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09-30-2015, 05:09 AM
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You should try Rebirth. It's much better than the original and the game after the Mom fight only gets better.

Afterbirth is out soon too. It will be a good time to get into it.

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09-30-2015, 05:49 AM
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But it's not the successful run, it's like a half of it, only.
No, it was my run that ended with Mom shutting up, which was quite a success in my book.

I get what you mean, though.

BTW, Varrok, why don't you have a custom title yet?

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09-30-2015, 06:04 AM
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My custom title is Wolvark Grenadier, at least for now. There's nobody by that title besides me now, I think.

BoI is easy, I completed it like 20 times.
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09-30-2015, 09:53 AM
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If you count Mom Kills as beating the game. I've beaten Isaac 137 times...

Also you should request a Custom Title. It's how I got mine.

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

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09-30-2015, 10:18 AM
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I don't have memorable lines
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09-30-2015, 01:32 PM
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Rocket league and Shadow of mordor make the ps4 worth it...
We are the absolute wrong people to try to show this to.
We are cunts. Every one of us, down to a man

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09-30-2015, 03:27 PM
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Rocket League is so flipping fun. It's pretty cool how you can play VS PS4 players if your on PC. Never seen a game do that before.

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09-30-2015, 05:08 PM
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Rocket League is so flipping fun. It's pretty cool how you can play VS PS4 players if your on PC. Never seen a game do that before.
Yeah also you can play the same account from PC and PS4.
We are the absolute wrong people to try to show this to.
We are cunts. Every one of us, down to a man

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10-01-2015, 04:25 PM
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I've been playing Smash Bros for Wii U and I like it a lot more than Brawl. Little Mac is a pain in the ass to fight, though. Holy shit I can't stand fighting him. Especially online.
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10-01-2015, 07:09 PM
Job McYossie's Avatar
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I've been playing Smash Bros for Wii U and I like it a lot more than Brawl. Little Mac is a pain in the ass to fight, though. Holy shit I can't stand fighting him. Especially online.
just jump a lot

Xorlidyr: The tidal waves clean our sins.

My Steam: spiderqueen ;Oddio is the best pun

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10-02-2015, 05:05 AM
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but you gotta land eventually
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10-02-2015, 07:42 AM
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I played The Room. It's a really interesting and novel puzzle game based entirely around the careful inspection/bemused tinkering of 3D models of puzzle boxes.

The detail is lavishly intricate, everything clicks and slides with a pleasing clockwork quality, and it's almost disappointing when something overtly magical happens because I rapidly became very invested in the idea of a fully physical video game; something that could very easily be produced and played in reality (for several hundred times the price). It has the kind of engrossing quality and sense of polish that only a game of such minute scale can deliver (the entire game occupies ten square feet of space, tops). It's also short enough to breeze through in an evening if you're of the logical persuasion.

Speaking of which... the ending sucks. It amounts to "I GUESS OUR STORY IS ONLY JUST BEGINNING; NOW BUY OUR OTHER GAMES". It's the first episode of three; the PC ports of latter two were cancelled due to poor sales. I understand it's a rough world for indie studios, and I don't begrudge them for pulling the plug, but outright trimming the ": Part 1" off the title to hide the unfinished nature while leaving the segue to Part II intact is a bit of a con.

Still, for a few hours I got to turn dusty wooden knicknacks over in my hands while quietly murmuring to myself and fiddling with my eyeglass. Turned out all I really wanted from games was to roleplay an antiquarian. Who knew.

No, Tommy Wiseau isn't in it.

I also played Supreme Commander, which I'm pretty sure I suck at, and StarCraft 1, which I'm actually OK at now.

Last edited by MeechMunchie; 10-02-2015 at 07:46 AM..
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