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11-18-2013, 08:01 PM
Oziah's Avatar
: Nov 2013
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Wired Oddworld Music Remake :)

Hey guys,

I just got done uploading my latest video to the new fan-project channel, "Oziah's Oddworld"!

This one is different to my others. It's not some vlog type discussion or a media analysis, but rather, a personal take on the classic Oddworld music number:...um...'Scrab Chase' xD

My version, entitled "Dances with Scrabs", is a bit heavier with strings and features acoustic drums. I didn't create it to compete with the awesome original and I'm aware it has a different sound but that was the point!

Anyway, I hope you like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpjRuOnz__g

..and if you do, then I'll be doing some more Oddworld music on the channel!

Thanks for your support chumps,


P.s. If you like any of the stuff on there, could you 'like' my Facebook or follow me on Twitter? I have zero twitter followers currently *sigh*

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OziahsOddworld
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OziahsOddworld

Thank you!

Last edited by Oziah; 11-19-2013 at 01:53 AM..
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11-18-2013, 11:17 PM
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I have to say, I rather like this. It's different, as you said, but it's similar enough to be recognized. And not only that, I also think it sounds quite good.

I'm liking your content more and more, Oziah. Looking forward to more stuff like this.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Oddey; 11-18-2013 at 11:19 PM..
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11-18-2013, 11:39 PM
Oziah's Avatar
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Cheers Oddey!

I appreciate the comment on youtube too

It'll be a challenging sub-series due to the 'rhythmic and natural sounds' focus of many of the in-game tracks, so it'll be fun to see what things sound like with more modern tools

I'll also be creating entirely original pieces for it, I think, which will have what I believe to be that Oddworldian style But we'll see!

Thanks for your kind words, I'll get cracking on whatever's next!

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11-19-2013, 01:08 AM
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First off, for a musical thing like this get rid of the intro music. I thought that was the song.

2 bit things: the cello is consistently a fraction of a second late in a few places, and whenever you reverbed the strings it got really messy.

The cello sounds awful. I don't know what you're using to get that sound. It sounds like it was sampled from a live cello, which is good in theory but in practice it's really jarring because every note is articulated like it's the start of a phrase.

In the original piece the cello is a percussion instrument rather than a melodic one. It's the drive. It's the oomph. Adding the higher string part with the tiniest hint of harmony obscures that in my opinion. You either need to commit to harmony and add some gritty 5ths in there, or make sure the rhythm is stronger. That gets back to the cello sound being bad.

Was the drum track done live, or did you sample the individual hits?

This post sounds grumpy because I hate life but overall it sounds alright. I'm just good at being critical of this stuff. I don't know if you'll want to fix any of it, but if you plan on doing more of this kind of thing then you need to find a better way of making the recording. If you use better sounds I can also potentially give more in depth tips. I've helped out Slog Bait and Nep with musical stuff a few times now, and I'm more than happy to say what I can if you want the feedback.
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11-19-2013, 01:40 AM
Oziah's Avatar
: Nov 2013
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First off, for a musical thing like this get rid of the intro music. I thought that was the song.

2 bit things: the cello is consistently a fraction of a second late in a few places, and whenever you reverbed the strings it got really messy.

The cello sounds awful. I don't know what you're using to get that sound. It sounds like it was sampled from a live cello, which is good in theory but in practice it's really jarring because every note is articulated like it's the start of a phrase.

In the original piece the cello is a percussion instrument rather than a melodic one. It's the drive. It's the oomph. Adding the higher string part with the tiniest hint of harmony obscures that in my opinion. You either need to commit to harmony and add some gritty 5ths in there, or make sure the rhythm is stronger. That gets back to the cello sound being bad.

Was the drum track done live, or did you sample the individual hits?

This post sounds grumpy because I hate life but overall it sounds alright. I'm just good at being critical of this stuff. I don't know if you'll want to fix any of it, but if you plan on doing more of this kind of thing then you need to find a better way of making the recording. If you use better sounds I can also potentially give more in depth tips. I've helped out Slog Bait and Nep with musical stuff a few times now, and I'm more than happy to say what I can if you want the feedback.
Cheers for the feedback! I'll quote so I can see what I'm replying to

First off, the intro is there because I plan to make this a sub-series of the channel. That little intro will be the same for each, with a different title card of course. It gives it form. So whilst it may have been confusing this first time, as it occurs in each entry confusion will be minimized.

Regarding the 'cello', I know exactly the moments where it is the smallest instance out and such, but due to FL Studio's grid/snapping system, I couldn't make that gap any smaller than the fraction of a second it currently is I'm sure it's possible but the vast majority of real recordings I do are all performed live by myself, which ensures perfect timing and input/output quality. Also, in terms of reverb, only the base string section had it applied (excluding drums, the end-of-loop synth etc.), so what you must be hearing is the base set's reverb mixing up when the 5ths and octaves come in I'll double-check that for next time though man, so thanks

Actually, the cello sample I have is incredibly good haha! For this, I didn't use a lone cello at all. Instead they're sampled 'strings' sections, alongside a few synthesized power string channels. Still, the first note sounding sharp is an issue I realise If this were anything serious that I was trying to send off or demo or anything then I would have spent more time sorting out the strings but I really couldn't be bothered this time; most people who watch that video won't have an issue with it, I'm sure

Yeah the original has a strong stabbing kind of feel to it. I wasn't going for that as much, which is why the final two notes at the end of each phrase are slightly elongated. I wouldn't have done that had I wanted it to keep that punchy sound as much as the original. However, I'm aware this is somewhat contradictory due to the jarring string patch, but as I said..it's just some fun I didn't want to commit either way...matter of fact I had no end goal haha xD So it is what it is I suppose; I wasn't trying to recreate the original nor do the exact opposite ;D

There are also 5ths being played from the 3rd phrase in, and every time after that unless it's clearly the single one note string section playing as it does occasionally throughout

Drums I programmed myself. Didn't play cos I wanted a hybrid of acoustic drums and a sort of metal/natural rhythm if you follow. I like the drums though, personally :P

RIGHT, hahah! Sorry about that, I just wanted to reply to each point. I appreciate everything you have said though I slightly disagree with a few points regarding sample quality, however that'll be down to personal preference So thanks again, buddy!


Edit: Just compared the youtube upload's audio to the uncompressed audio file I've got and quality has diminished fairly noticeably. Lost a lot of the bass too. Lame D:

Last edited by Oziah; 11-19-2013 at 01:54 AM..
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11-19-2013, 02:12 AM
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The sound of the sample is fine. The attack is the issue. It's the issue you'll run into with most live samples like that.

As for the cello getting out, that note should be right on a beat. If it's a grid based system that should work fine, but that might come back into the attack in the sample. There are a few times when the drums and cello don't quite synch up properly, presumably for the same reason.

Not having and end goal kind of shows If you're not taking this super-seriously then it's fine. The AO soundtrack is really fantastic in the way it takes one or two rhythmic ideas and builds the soundtrack of an entire area around them. It's very hard to work with in an arranging sense. Tackling some more original stuff in a similar style is probably has a lot more potential.

As far as the 5ths go apparently my pitching sucks today. Sorry. Either way it's not really clear that you're using 5ths, and it doesn't really add anything like what an open 5th could.

In regards to the intro music, what about people who have never visited your channel before? It's all well and good to cater to regulars, but ideally most of your videos should be clear and approachable to newcomers. I'll probably listen to any music stuff you post here, but I'm unlikely to ever watch anything else on your channel. The idea of musical stuff is a good draw for people.
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11-19-2013, 02:44 AM
Oziah's Avatar
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Yeah pianos can be notorious for it.

'Not having an end goal kind of shows' hah..harsh, bro! I don't think it's that bad. But I certainly agree it's hard to create an arrangment around the pre-existing Oddysee tracks. The biggest reason for that I think is not due to their simplistic nature, but the fact that each develop in accordance to specific gameplay mechanics. So the chase theme, for example, has that tension loop that occurs when you're waiting just out of sight or reach of a Scrab/slog. Now that doesn't happen in the ripped/released versions of any of the tracks, obviously because they are set arrangments that constantly loop, instead of developing. I mean, listening to the AO chase music is actually extremely dull xD It's only so epic when put into the moment during the game, where it can develop and vary depending on what's kicking off on-screen The same applies for the temple themes, and ESPECIALLY Paramonia...man is that a borefest to listen to on it's own

Not to mention, the 'Slig action' music and similar also plays alongside or instead of the main tracks. Point being that they're hard to write arrangments for because there are no real music tracks as such. Just a bunch of loops that in-game are linked together and switched on and off at various times. ...so for all of those reasons, that's why I can't take it entirely seriously. It's all some fan-loving fun ¦DD I mean, hell, the video itself took me twice as long to cut and put together haha - much in part cos Windows Movie Maker blows (normally use Vegas on my main comp).

I do intend to make some of my own, certainly. In that introduction, that pulsing electronic noise sounds almost identical to the one used in Exoddus, so I wanna do something with those kind of sounds

And finally, regarding the intro...I'm gonna keep it It's not so bewildering that when the actual music commences a viewer is gonna say "screw this" or anything. And these videos are expectedly going to get a very small number of views...most will be people who have watched others. The aim isn't really to reach out and get thousands of views cos that's just not gonna happen :P

So they're staying! AIGHT!?

Cheers man,

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11-19-2013, 09:31 AM
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I don't have awesome input like Phylum does, but I can say you really would benefit from dropping the intro. If it's going to be on every single one of your music-y videos, I'm not going to listen to any of them because I have to wait a whole 28 seconds before I even get to the song. Having an outro is one thing, but making your viewers wait like that (especially if they happen to dislike the intro for whatever reason, in which case people are more likely to just close out before the actual song itself begins) isn't going to help your videos any.

Intros just aren't appropriate for this kind of thing. Whether you get rid of them or not is obviously up to you, but I really insist you reconsider.

Also, you never know what will happen. Maybe out of the blue one day your channel really kicks off and you have several thousand people all over it for no explainable reason. Maybe it won't. In the end that really doesn't matter unless you have fun with it though, I suppose.

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