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01-02-2002, 09:32 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Dec 2001
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MudokonOddball  (10)
My First Scene! "The Escapees..."

Okay, this is my first try...if i do REALLY bad, just bump me or something...
(BTW, my character KRIM is on the "Character descriptions--ONLY" page--I think that's what its called. Something like that…)

Krim was helping his natives move a mountain over with his chanting abilites. They needed some more room to plant some trees.
However, Krim (has some book-smarts, but not street-smarts...)wondered off into the luscious green forestry that his village had been growing for generations. He had somehow discovered a cave (i know, i know, work with me here...)and stumbled in.
"H-hello?" he said shakily.
a raspy voice replied "Hi..."
"Um...are you friendly?..."
"Last time i checked..."
"O-okay. Mind if I come in?
"Not at all."
As Krim slowly moved deeper into the cave, he had felt a wave of warmth from a fire...he also smelled something delicious. He moved toward it more and more quickly, his stomach getting the better of him, until the firelight was lighting up a large cavern to reveal…SLIGS!! A big group of…pantless…sligs…His panic wore down, but was still terrified to move any further.
"Well, what are you standing there for?" said what appeared to be the eldest slig. "Come in and sit down!"
Krim clumsily shuffled forward to the nearest rock and sat down. A younger, smaller version of the first slig slid over on his hands and presented him with a, if somewhat crude, bowl of paramite stew. It smelled delicious.
"Thank yew!" said Krim, and noisily slurped it up. The slig family patiently waited for him to finish, then they all got very excited when he finished!
The smallest slig yet managed to belch out before the elders could say anything. "Lemme show you my house!!"
"Well, okay. If you say so."
And so the young slig slid around on his belly and showed him around what seemed to be endless caverns. He saw some beds made out of soft bark, and egg that was going to hatch soon. (The little one insisted it was going to be a little brother, but the elderly said it was only a paramite or some other wild animal). Finally, they led Krim back towards their front entrance to show off their finest possesion, which Krim would most definitely disapprove of, as he would soon find out. The middle-sized one explained how they got it.
When he was a little one still in training for a working spot in Rupture Farms, he got to meet the queen (later during the story Krim asked what she looked like, but none of them would say). Somehow, he was able to escape with two eggs and the older slig that beckoned him in. One of the eggs were lost, but they did escape with one prize possesion:
A slig gun and a pair of pants: both hanging on the wall.
Krim was terrified at the sight! he ran in the opposite direction as soon as they were unveiled, and Krim ran at top speed to tell the other Mudokons what he saw.
Take it away, erm, whoever!

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01-03-2002, 05:46 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: Yeah, this is fairly good, but we can't really continue it - this is an RPG, not an Add-On, so you're probably better off trying to work your way into one of the current plotlines. There are currently two main ones, although both are more or less full... However, as soon as Rach [Dragadon] can be bothered to get off her arse and finish off the Mal plot, you could join...

Do you have MSN Messenger? If not, it might be advisable to get it, since pretty much all of the RPGers coordinate our ideas on MSN. My sign-in name is randomhippy@hotmail.com.

Enjoy your time here!]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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01-03-2002, 07:45 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Dec 2001
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MudokonOddball  (10)

Gee, thanks! I put you on my contacts on MSN IM and it sent you an email or something or other...I will try my best to keep up!
Thanks again!

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01-03-2002, 09:40 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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(ooc: hey! I can't continue any further until Teal comes back! Sheesh! And I am not about to try to RP Aura. Sure if the next bit was a part we had already written...but the next part we haven't written nor discussed...so *sigh*. Trust me...I want to get that plot over with..but I dont want to step on any handfeet so to speak...)

My Site | My Board | My RolePlay

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01-14-2002, 05:51 PM
: Dec 2001
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Nathanton  (10)

( do not fear, friend dear, for i shall answer) Prake having made himself invisible to the naked eye, was slithering along HIS usual trail, poisining less magnificent creatures so he could have lunch! As he returned from his little hunt thingy he saw mudokon tracks and wondered what a mudokon would be doing in this part of the forest when, all of a sudden, SMASH!!! Krim had ran into prake wich was invisible. With a big "OWWEEEEEE" he made himself visible rubbing hes head with his tail and aked "Who are you what are you doing here, do you need help and, DID YOU SEE MY LUNCH?" in a rather friendly tone.
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01-20-2002, 01:16 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Dec 2001
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MudokonOddball  (10)

Thanks Nathanton!

Krim, kinda dizzy, but still panicking, blurts out "SLIGS! INVASION! GUNS! NO PANTS! EGGS! GET PANTS! GET HELP! BIIIIG GUNS!!" Then he whirls around in a circle and falls to the ground.
"Hey, there's my lunch!" says Prake, picking up the carcass that was right in front of Krim's unconcious face. "Well, might as well bring him back to that Mudokon village he was running towards." And with that, he slings the limp Mudokon over his shoulder, with his lunch over the other, and heads towards the village...

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01-27-2002, 03:09 PM
: Dec 2001
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Nathanton  (10)

As Prake carrys krim back, he wonders what the mudokons might think, him carrying a half-dead mudokon and thinks about going invisible, but no. That would ONLY make things worse and thus he decides to carry forth in his visible state. As he comes close to the village, though, he starts to worry about what they might think but still he keeps going, invisible, defenceless...
As he comes to the gate ,though , he hears noises, SCREAMING!...
( sorry im late!)
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01-29-2002, 09:16 AM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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MudokonOddball  (10)

"That awful sound...screeching...it can't be...can it?" Krim dizzly said, awoken by the terrible screaming of what sounded like...a scrab!
"No worries!" said Prake. "We'll have him down in a jiffy!" With that, Prake slowly put down Krim and ran to where the Scrab was.
"W-w-wait! I'm coming, too!" yelled Krim, as he treid to scramble to his feet, but couldn't. He heard another screech from the scrab, but this time the call was reflecting pain. "Wow..." said Krim. "That must be one hell of a fight..."

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02-03-2002, 04:27 PM
: Dec 2001
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Nathanton  (10)

( just to remind ya, YOU CANT CONTROLL ME! ok, lets move on...) Prake poisoned the scrab, and had begun chewing on it! " nyummy! I havent had scrab in a long time!
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02-03-2002, 07:02 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Dec 2001
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MudokonOddball  (10)

(oops. I'll try not to do it again. Is formulating a response for you controlling, though? If it is, I'll bump this next continuation. oh, oo! how do ya like my new sig?)

After finally gathering himself, Krim runs towards the scene.
Prake: Numnumnum...
Krim: Uh, do you have a second?
Prake: Mmmf, sure!
Then Krim desribes all he saw with a cool head to Prake. Prake seems unalarmed, and explains why he isn't by saying...

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02-09-2002, 04:30 PM
: Dec 2001
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Nathanton  (10)

( Alright then, you wanna do this tha hard way! ) Prake: Been there, done that!
Krim: What? How?
Prake: Hallooooo? I-N-V-I-B-L-E !
Krim: Oh ya
Prake: So, where do you think this little bit ah lunch came from?( pointing at the half_eaten scrab)
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02-10-2002, 12:40 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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MudokonOddball  (10)

( tee hee, this is fun!)

Soon there after Prake joins Krim to trek back towards the village, while Prake occassionally turns invisible whenver he sees something tasty.
Krim: Would you stop that?!
Prake: Oh, sorry.
When they finally get to the village, they head straight for the elder's hut, where they explain their story. Then the Wierdos showed up and decided to sing a song about the ancient curse of the native sligs.
Krim whispers: These guys suck. Why can't they just tell us the story in a poem or something?
Prake: Don' look at me, I've never seen such a thing as three limbless ghosts, let alone all three of them singing.
So, they find out that the Sligs really are friendly, even if they do have a gun.
So, they decide to go give them a visit, bringing along some friends, of course. Krim, Prake, Bubnaw, and Hawthorn all head back towards the cave, but something comes up along the way...

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03-07-2002, 04:36 PM
: Dec 2001
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Nathanton  (10)

(time for me to get revenge! )
As the gang walks along krim starts driving everyone insane with his mindles jabberin...
krim:Man prake, youre so cool! I mean, the way you knocked out that scrab and...
Prake ignores the rest, he considers biting himself but, he cant leave the rest of them ALONE to suffer, so they go on until...
Krim starts going insane, he is bashing himself on the head, and running into trees! For his own safety ,prake goes invisible. He tries to understand when all of a sudden, it hits him, he has been pssessed, but by whom? No mudokon would ever betray his own kind, or has the raisin gone bad OR, have the vykkers finally succeeded in mind controll. Prake, with lizzard movements, inspects the area.He flashes around, hoping to see something, anything, yet still, NOTHING! He stops, catching his breath, but still in stealth mode. He listens. heee, haaaw, heee. Breathing. Prake follows the noise, but the fall leaves crackle under his feet as he was just getting close.The suspect runs, breaking control over krim. He is to fast for even prake to follow. He goes back to the others, they have krim lain back in their arms. "He has been mentally hurt!!!"
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03-24-2002, 11:28 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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MudokonOddball  (10)

(occ: now what was that for?! Oh well, when you have lemons....)

Krim looks dazily and glassy-eyed into the sky, completely dumbfounded and confused. He was disoriented and yet, slightly amused...
Bubnaw, almost as confused as Krim, responds with:
"Who, what, where, when, and why?"
Krim, very slowly gathering himself says....
Hawthorn attempts to explain:
"The reason that Mudokons don't posses other Mudokons is because we know who is possessing us. Krim appears to think that Tarence was...maybe from manipulation, under the influece of some brew, and possessed him. Is that right, Krim?"
Bubnaw: So what do we do now?

Last edited by MudokonOddball; 05-02-2002 at 10:38 AM..
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