Well, goodbye audio continuity then. XD
Honestly, I would've kept the hopping sound as it was because of that. *shrugs*
The difference is the cut-scenes are a lot shorter than gameplay and you can skip them. We'd much rather replace a gameplay noise that is almost universally reviled.
I'm not sure if these are things that have been changed or not, but it looked to me like Abe's running was slower and much more in line with his AO/AE speed.
Good spot! Yes, we slowed the overall speed down to make the game a little less hectic. Playing the feels now feels like controling the characters, not wrestling with an oiled bouncy ball. For the same reason, characters now bounce off walls a lot less, and 'jump' and 'action' have been moved to separate buttons.
You can still accidentally perform the wrong action, of course, but no more ruining your careful Mudokon positioning with an impromptu somersault.
Also the camera seemed much tighter to him. The camera always looked too far away before, so this should be much better for seeing the HD models 
Wow, someone's been paying attention. We changed the camera, but I can't remember how precisely. I think it's closer and angled more horizontally.
Anyway, the new sound isn't that good I think. I hope it's just a stock sound or something.
No, it was made by our sound engineer.