Hmmm... to sum up what I agree with:
Please don't fuck up the atmosphere.
Don't be like Munch's Oddysee.
I just have one request for Abe HD and that is to keep the dark industrial look we're used to from the original games. No comical bull like in MO. I want a meat grinder to be a thing of terror and death. Not some weirdly shaped thing with red on it :P
-When Abe goes Shrykull, it should definitely be more epic. The little bastard is turning into a living god, after all.
- Sherry will hate me for this, but more blood and guts. Though I know you can only include so much gore without drifting into M-rated territory. I guess when Abe or other creatures hit the dirt after a long fall, a little gratuitous gore would be appreciated.////To be honest, i've NEVER thought about AO/AE as a childish game, it's far too mature for that... if you can't/don't exactly want to put more gore there, then just put not less than in original AO
- Atmospheric fx. I'm pretty certain you guys are already going to do this, but definitely enhanced lighting/atmosphere in the environments. A putrid haze rising from the decaying stockyards, dynamic fog and dust particles that move around the environment templates, moving clouds and wind-whipped flora, and small insects crawling and flying around. Immerse us into Oddworld!
When a slig dies, I hope they go black and sizzle like they used to, I know there's not realism behind it but hell I loved that.
I disagree with every point about talking Sligs. For one thing, giving them intelligible conversation humanises and de-creepifies them. Also, the slig dialogue in MO was so corny and crap.
The only creepy things about them is that they're very efficient and deadly killers. Oh, and how they laugh after killing their own kind (when Abe possesses them).
EDIT: Something I missed from AE is how Sligs would react to Abe when Abe used Gamespeak near them in AO - That would be nice to see carried across to Abe HD, it was a nice little touch.
Make it atmospheric as in original games
Please don't fuck up the atmosphere.
I also like the idea that some sligs might smoke cigarettes, from dev's view it's neither hard, nor much-time-consuming to make a model, two or three animations, a particle effect, and a few scripts, and the effect would be worth it
Ok, now my stuff:
-Remember the Guardian Angel, which never got into final game? You probably won't add him here, but that's not what I mean: As far as I remember you can see him in final game at some background... just keep him

-Please, pretty please (with a sugar on top), don't mess with difficulty! It should NOT be easier than AO, sure, you can add Quicksave feature, but let the player decide
when he begins a new game if he wants or doesn't want to use it.
-This type of visior
LINK > this type
LINK, it fits sligs much more
-I don't really know how to describe it, but first two games have something I call "the step system" - it's basically the fact that everything there is based on steps: jumping is like 3 steps forward, jumping when running is like 4 steps... and you can't make like 1/2 of step, so it's possible to perform some action identically twice (you'll end up in exactly the same place, not e.g. 2pixels further)... it's awesome