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06-05-2011, 09:24 PM
RoryF's Avatar
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I really don't know, why I placed that door, but I think, that through that door sligs enter Scabania.
That door takes you quite far then. It must take ages for the sligs to get there, I thought they just had teleporters.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-05-2011, 10:55 PM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Loved it. Even with simple graphic design, there's something special I can't clearly describe, like a real "new game" feeling. Not too easy, not too hard (or "Nintendo hard"( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard)). Waiting for the sequel. ^^
Thanks, the design itself was meant to test which level would be best to edit which turned out to be R2.

The design for MEC 3 was ready before so I might do that before going onto the beach sequel.

EDIT: Gishy your latest level is pretty nice, though I wish there were more continue points and it looks like you left the original FG in some of the screens.

Last edited by Tadimo; 06-06-2011 at 02:46 AM..
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06-06-2011, 07:56 AM
Super Stingbee
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gishygleb  (81)

Thanks, the design itself was meant to test which level would be best to edit which turned out to be R2.

The design for MEC 3 was ready before so I might do that before going onto the beach sequel.

EDIT: Gishy your latest level is pretty nice, though I wish there were more continue points and it looks like you left the original FG in some of the screens.
Thank you, mr. Cap.
If you want to be agressive - your cams seems old.
I can't add more CPoints.
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06-06-2011, 07:59 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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Thank you, mr. Cap.
If you want to be agressive - your cams seems old.
I can't add more CPoints.
Who's Mr. Cap?
And yeah, checkpoints are quite annoying.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-06-2011, 08:00 AM
Super Stingbee
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gishygleb  (81)

Who's Mr. Cap?
And yeah, checkpoints are quite annoying.
Whom I quoted?

SLOGONIA and SLIGANIA are the next!
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06-06-2011, 08:03 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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Whom I quoted?

SLOGONIA and SLIGANIA are the next!
Tadimo, I'm asking why you called him Mr. Cap.

Slogonai and Sligania sound cool. If it was exoddus you could've put a bunch of crawling sligs around the place .
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-06-2011, 08:27 AM
Super Stingbee
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gishygleb  (81)

Those will be changed Scabania and Paramonia (temples).
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06-06-2011, 09:33 AM
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Tadimo, I'm asking why you called him Mr. Cap.

Slogonai and Sligania sound cool. If it was exoddus you could've put a bunch of crawling sligs around the place .
If only exoddus wasn't such a bitch to edit
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty

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06-06-2011, 10:21 AM
Super Stingbee
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gishygleb  (81)

If only exoddus wasn't such a bitch to edit
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06-06-2011, 07:39 PM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

I don't know what "Mr. Cap" is referring to and I wasn't being agressive Gishy, just pointing out some stuff on your edit. Also placing continue points is easy, you just need to keep track of the continue zone number.
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06-06-2011, 09:59 PM
Super Stingbee
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gishygleb  (81)

I don't know what "Mr. Cap" is referring to and I wasn't being agressive Gishy, just pointing out some stuff on your edit. Also placing continue points is easy, you just need to keep track of the continue zone number.
I can't understand, what value it need to be.
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06-07-2011, 01:02 AM
: Oct 2010
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

I can't understand, what value it need to be.
There should be one unique continue zone number set for each continue point.

Eg. You place a continue point at the start of a path with continue zone number 10.

You then place continue zone objects with the continue zone number 10 in the current and subsequent screens.

When you want to place down another continue point you do so and set its continue zone number to 11.

You then place continue zone objects with the continue zone number 11 in the current and subsequent screens after the new continue point.

Keep repeating for every new continue point.

Check out my levels for more examples of continue point/zone placement.
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06-07-2011, 01:21 AM
JennyGenesis's Avatar
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I've never done that. I've always just placed a continue point and it has always worked.
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty

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06-07-2011, 12:23 PM
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I've never done that. I've always just placed a continue point and it has always worked.
Then you got lucky.. and may get random crashes :P
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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06-07-2011, 01:27 PM
JennyGenesis's Avatar
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Never had random crashes. People who played my levels never complained about any crashes relating to checkpoints either.
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty

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06-07-2011, 09:47 PM
RoryF's Avatar
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Never had random crashes. People who played my levels never complained about any crashes relating to checkpoints either.
Half of them never work for me in your variations, the only ones that do work are ones that were already there.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-08-2011, 07:23 AM
: Oct 2010
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Well in either case I have finally completed my latest level.

Here are the new things I learned while editing R2:
-The leftmost cams on some paths in R2 (eg cam1 on path 16) do not allow you to replace them with new images in the editor
-R2 has the paramite music but not the BND file
-Abe's Oddeysey doesn't handle multiple lifts on the same screen very well. As a result the last puzzle on my level is easier than originally intended

Here are the level features:
*25 brand new cams to enjoy
*Variety of conventional and unconventional puzzles
*Two different environments to explore

Level: R2 - Rescue Zulag 1 (Mudokon Enrichment Center 3)
Difficulty: Hard
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	r2-z1-enrichcenter3.jpg
Views:	275
Size:	49.1 
ID:	12678  
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06-08-2011, 03:24 PM
skychase2rebirth's Avatar
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Awesome !

2 questions.

1. Is there a way out of the employee lounge ?
2. Is it possible to save the 2 first muds ?
he could not can read what you say properly because you sorry couldn't did not use proper grammer level not design and read bad he could can not and mad you did not did do proof read it's not is hard when you just type whatever comes not to mind and don't read not yes read through what you have not yes have said.

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06-08-2011, 07:18 PM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Awesome !

2 questions.

1. Is there a way out of the employee lounge ?
2. Is it possible to save the 2 first muds ?
There's no way out of the employee lounge once you enter it. The emergency lever in the screen above the lounge might open a certain door to another area however...

The first two muds cannot be saved as they need to be sacrificed in order to progress forward.
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06-09-2011, 01:45 AM
JennyGenesis's Avatar
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The first two muds cannot be saved as they need to be sacrificed in order to progress forward.
Well that's just stupid.............That's the goal of the game! TO RESCUE THEM!
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty

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06-09-2011, 02:46 AM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Well that's just stupid.............That's the goal of the game! TO RESCUE THEM!
Nope, they're to be sacrificed for the BLOOD GOD!

( Also no infinite grenades for you :P )
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06-09-2011, 03:33 AM
skychase2rebirth's Avatar
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There's no way out of the employee lounge once you enter it. The emergency lever in the screen above the lounge might open a certain door to another area however...

The first two muds cannot be saved as they need to be sacrificed in order to progress forward.

I managed to keep them alive, playing with Sligs and Slogs ;P. (without cheats)
he could not can read what you say properly because you sorry couldn't did not use proper grammer level not design and read bad he could can not and mad you did not did do proof read it's not is hard when you just type whatever comes not to mind and don't read not yes read through what you have not yes have said.

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06-09-2011, 05:11 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

Well in either case I have finally completed my latest level.

Here are the new things I learned while editing R2:
-The leftmost cams on some paths in R2 (eg cam1 on path 16) do not allow you to replace them with new images in the editor
-R2 has the paramite music but not the BND file
-Abe's Oddeysey doesn't handle multiple lifts on the same screen very well. As a result the last puzzle on my level is easier than originally intended

Here are the level features:
*25 brand new cams to enjoy
*Variety of conventional and unconventional puzzles
*Two different environments to explore

Level: R2 - Rescue Zulag 1 (Mudokon Enrichment Center 3)
Difficulty: Hard
Amazing work.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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06-09-2011, 07:12 AM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Thanks Kapteen.Skychase2rebirth after considering it further I suppose it is possible to actually complete that section without killing the muds by making the slog run through the floor switch. JennyGenesis I might make more muds savable in future edits
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06-09-2011, 09:16 AM
Paul's Avatar
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There's no way out of the employee lounge once you enter it. The emergency lever in the screen above the lounge might open a certain door to another area however...

The first two muds cannot be saved as they need to be sacrificed in order to progress forward.
LOL reminds me of lost "he was a sacrifice that the Island demanded"
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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06-10-2011, 07:18 AM
Jango's Avatar
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I think both Tadimo and gishygleb's levels are truly fantastic! These are how variations should be.

@Tadimo: I love the full and proper level, and it has that great 'first-time playing' feeling. The signs + messages make that feeling even better. I haven't made it any further than the Employee Lounge itself (with the three muds), but the whole level is amazing and you have been doing great work with what Oddysee has to offer, adding extra mechanics to the game (like the lever and jumping onto a moving lift bit on 'Door 1'). Well done indeed, buddy.

@gishygleb: I really like the way you played around with the .CAMs and the way that you advance through all the sorts of levels in one go. I think that is brilliant that you tried it with this game. Again, I loved the general game mechanics, and liked it how you run most of it away from Slogs (like the 'Ender' part of an Exodus level), despite it getting a tiny bit repetitive. But what you did with the .CAMs made the level very interesting to play. Again, well done indeed mate.

I thank everyone hugely for all of their hard work making levels. I have had the time to play people's variations. @JennyGenesis: Your levels are great! Keep up the good work, I love it how you have made a lot of levels. @skychase2rebirth: Your levels are good too. Everyone (Oddman360, kapteeni, all the guys!) have done excellent work from what I can tell, and I am very proud that this thread has amounted to something so awesome and big!

I would make some levels myself, but I don't have the software to make my own .CAMs, and I'm still in the thick of my GCSE exams. Once I have more time, I will certainly try to make something, by playing around with the .CAMs like gishygleb did.

Well done guys.

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06-10-2011, 07:58 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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You've shown a lot of support there.

Even though I'm still making my level, I'm not doing as fast as my teachers have decided to give me heaps of homework to make up for all the ones they forgot. Also, I had a lot of tests over a week which I spent most of my time revising. I probably won't get much done this weekend as I've got a project to do with my friends.

Hopefully I'll get some time.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-10-2011, 07:05 PM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

Thanks Jango. To be honest I signed up to the forums originally to talk about my Abe's Oddeysey inspired game that I created earlier but I suppose the community grew on me a bit. Anyways this is how you progress to the end in my latest level.

How to progress past the Employee Lounge in Mudokon Enrichment Center 3:
-In the screen above the lounge there is an emergency lever, pull it
-Backtrack until you come accross the "emergency exit" door that was closed earlier. It will be open now and you can go through it
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06-13-2011, 12:52 PM
MeechCrunchies's Avatar
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No don't tell them!!
You'll spoil the fun D:
I have a marble up my arsehole...wut?

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06-14-2011, 02:28 AM
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Tadimo  (141)Tadimo  (141)

No don't tell them!!
You'll spoil the fun D:
No fun being stuck either though :P
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