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: How much time do you spend online each day?
One hour 3 13.04%
Two hours 9 39.13%
Three hours 2 8.70%
Four hours 5 21.74%
Five hours or more 4 17.39%
: 23.

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02-13-2002, 01:16 PM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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How much Time do you spend Online?

I usually spend a couple of hours online at night, sometimes more sometimes less. Lately I've been on heaps, I guess I'm filling the time between school and uni... I haven't exactly been allowed out much these past couple of weeks: I did something very naughty.

How much time do you spend online each day?
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02-13-2002, 03:08 PM
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I have...it usually depends on 4 things:
1) How sober i am
2) How bored i am
3) Who is online
4) What there is to do online
So i cant really say. On a night if i aint going out and there are other peeps online i will speak to them for aaaaages.
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02-13-2002, 05:58 PM
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Well I spend at least twice a day on line. Usually I have 1 hour between my algebra class and my drawing class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I usually go to the school lybrary and click then. Also when I get home after work or before I go to work I am on line. But usually when I get home from my job it is like Midnight or 11 where I live so I am on line for a short time because I am really tired then, after a hard days work. It's alweys nice to click on and get your mind off a lot of stuff you half to do you know?
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02-13-2002, 06:17 PM
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I spend long nights online chatting to peeps and genral foruming. Because I have a "spend as long as you like online and pay a set fee a month" thing, I can afford to do that.
- DH

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02-13-2002, 06:18 PM
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It realy depends on the day I'm online. Sometimes I spend only fifteen minutes, sometimes I spend around eight hours straight. but to give an average time, I voted for 2 hours.
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02-13-2002, 06:42 PM
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When we got internet in christmas I was here all the time. My mum didn't really like it.. Now she's trying to set some kind of limits.. Though I'm not so exited any more.. Now I just wanna check out the forums every evening and answer if there are any interesting topics. Then I check my mails and feed my Neopets.. Now that I've got MSN Messenger I'm there quite often chatting with people. And now I'm trying to build a web site.. And if I've got some project in school I can look for some information. Like now when I'm doing a project of Propertius and Tibullus for my latin course.

I would say two hours a day. That's kinda normal. But if it's weekend or I've got a day of the next day I can stay here longer.
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02-13-2002, 06:57 PM
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Haven't a clue. It varies a lot.

If I have a lazy day (in which I have nothing better to do all day), then I might spend the whole day online. This happens maybe once a month... But it usually depends on what else I have to do. If I can go out to the pub or somewhere with my friends, I'll do that. If I have homework to do, I'll do that (or spend all day avoiding doing that...). If I have neither of those things to do, I'll come online.

But even those things vary. Sometimes I will go out with friends every night of the week, but sometimes I will not go out at all. Usually it's somewhere in between, but it differs quite a lot...

On average, I'd say I spend about 2 hours online, three or four days a week. So that's [*mental maths*] about 7 hours a week, so it averages out at [*mental maths*] about 1 hour per day.

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02-13-2002, 09:53 PM
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Acording to ComputerActive the average male spends 11 hours online a month. I usually spend double that a week.

I usually spend 3-4 hours on a day but I sometimes stay on for a little longer.
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02-13-2002, 10:09 PM
Dark_Whitty_666's Avatar
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I voted over 5 hours. i havent got nuthing else to do and im kinda addicted. one time i remember being online for 12 hours in one day. Computer games and the internet has kinda had a bad effect on my eyes sight
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02-13-2002, 11:36 PM
Surfacing's Avatar
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Me about 2 and a half hours a day on and off, my record is 75 hours no sleep, can anyone beat that????
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02-14-2002, 07:35 AM
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With free net access here at Uni, My net use is pretty much a case of "no lectures for three hours, damn. Home is too far away to feasibly go back, I know, I'll crash out in front of a computer and read the PJ (Pharmaceutical Journal, boring but sadly rather necessary) online and get some lunch and do some writing. Mmmm, tea. LARGE tea, mmmm..." So length of gaps between lectures pretty much defines my access, and who I get to chat with. Saturdays I get up Uni if I can (although I usually don't get up until 1 o'clock in the afternoon and spend another hour waking up) , and Sundays I spend in bed. Yay bed! *sleeps*

*guesses that Tom watched the Fifth Element on Sunday as well*
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