lol im just joking it will put a bit of an edge to the story at night time lol
I saw irou go to grelk to say hi and herman walking away
so i thought i might have a look around
the light was still shining in my eyes so i went to check it out
i walked and walked for a while ut then something caught my eye i looked to the right
nothing there
hmm must be halucinating
and then i saw it
hidden in the ground i examined the rusty handle from afar
"DAMN theres to many guards around" i thought
Im gonna have to do this at night.
but it will still be hard im gonna have to have someone with the experience to help me
and then i knew
i pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket (I got one joined to my mechanical legs)
and a pen an wrote a list of instructions
and then started to walk back
when i got back herman was long gone and irou had finished his conversation i walked up to them both
Hey guys
I gently nudged irou when i was going past
he noticed something slip into his pocket
and as i did whispered some instructions in his ear
'If you want to do some investigating then meet me outside my tent tonight at midnight there are detailed instructions in your pocket about a secret trapdoor and were going to check it out, but dont read the instructions until youre alone'
'and if you dont want to do it then leave the blue pebble i put in youre pocket outside my tent'
and then i walked away
'Well that went well'

again lol =P)
hey herman and grelk one of you/both of you can like follow us if you want because that would put a cool twist to the story (if he decides to come)