A large ship flew through space twords oddworld
Lance:is every thing ready
the large lizerds trachcoat sway as he turned to go to the mess hall.He enterd the room filled with lizerds siting and eating
all the lizerds stood up and sluted
Lance:good your ready now i want your scaley butts down to the trasporter in 1800 hours is that clear!
everyone:SIR YES SIR!
he said with a sinester look on his face.soon all the lizerds began moveing to the ecuip room.
Lace:alright lets go MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!
they landed on oddworld slowley the moment they landed the smell of death filled the air.
sory if it was bad well anywho thank you for listening to my littel star of well...lance
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]