Okay, I don't want to restrict things too much at the start, so there is only One Rule, and it's very vague. There are a couple of guidelines, too, but they're not as concrete.
RULE: Don't spoil anyone else's Fun. This means not killing anyone else's character without warning [the other character must have time to defend itself], and keeping your characters REASONABLY realistic I.E. No God-Like Characters.
Guidelines: This is a serious RPG, not a comic one. I don't mean that you are not allowed to do funny things, but don't do anything ridiculous, okay? Just keep it kinda realistic. Oh, and if you can, try to use EITHER an Oddworld creature OR something you've made up, not Humans or other Earth Creatures. I know there are dragon-lovers in the Forums, and they have Special Dispensation, since Dragons aren't quite from the same Earth, being Mythical Creatures. But I must stress that THIS IS FLEXIBLE. None of these Rules are Concrete.
Oh Yeah, and the Biggest and Most Cheesy Rule of all: Have Fun!
Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.