Okay, I've noticed a lot of people are going off the rails with the Weapon, HP and AP system. And it doesn't help having Dakkan warping rules and telling people lies about the system and how it works. So I will explain it again.
This is your stats when you have nothing equipped. Everyone's raw stats are 1 HP and 1 AP. Raw stats are raised only by training. Each time you train they raise by one. It costs 5000 m to train. If this proves to easy a goal to reach, I'll extend it. Please say so if you believe this should be done.
When you equip an item, whether it be Weapon or Armour, or any other item that is being sold, it raises your AP and HP. For example, your raw stats are HP 1 and AP 1. You equip a weapon with HP 3 and AP 4 Your stats are then HP 4 and AP 5.
There are lots more things I need to cover rules wise, so I'll do them tomorrow.

If anyone has questions or suggestions either post about it, contact me via MSN or email me at sexylil_johnny@hotmail.com.