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04-29-2001, 09:09 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
: 497
Rep Power: 24
Dakkan Blackblade  (24)
Magua goes to camp....

**Magua sits outside next to his whellchair as Orisis comes back with his trombone**

Magua: I can't stand this feeling, we gotta go... **Hops into wheelchair** **Pulls on Orisis** Hurry!

Orisis: Okay, but wait.... Pacen and....


Orisis: Okay... I'm following!

**At camp**

Ero: I feel someone... a new power is in the town of pyke, he must join us. He is also a slig so there is no worry. I will show him to you, we must have him

Dakkan: **sees a picture of rettick in pyke** BACK! Rettick is back, What has he been up to in the secret of the woods?! What powers of his mind or body has he unlocked?! I wonder....

**Magua speeds in on his wheelchair followed by orisis**

Magua: Dakkan! What are you doing here?! and where is my staff... I want it, Dakkan! I can't see you like this... with that, ERO WHATEVER!

Dakkan: Magua, can't you understand! NO, YOU JUST WANT ERO TO YOURSELF, SO YOU HAVE THE POWER!

Magua: I just want you, Dakkan! As your old normal self, and not the "purest" taking over the glukkon race! You have become a monster! Wait **sees sparkling dust** what's that!

ERO: YOUR STAFF! Which Dakkan has distroyed to prove his loyalty to me. Dakkan is my minion now, and mine alone!

**The sound of a huge battle UFO is heard**

Magua & ERO: What...

Dakkan: The vykkers are here, but what do they want here...


**The UFO Releases 2 huge laser blasts... both hitting Dakkan... One shot takes of his whole right arm, with Ero on it and sholder... the other, takes out 100% of his legs**

**The other pure sligs start to shake, and moments later the sligs blow up... all of them**

Ero: **The gaulent attached to the missing arm still** The vykkers were not to come yet... **The eye looks around and sees Magua out of his chair**

Magua: Bye. **Magua hops on the orb with great force, the gaulent faids away**

UFO: Get that dumb slig! **with a second, the UFO sweeps over dakkan, picking him up with robot arms and sweeps away**

Magua: DAKKAN!!!!

Orisis: ......... What are you to do? I found this by the gaulent. **Holds up a 6' long black, thin crystal**

Magua: **Takes it** **Starts to glow** WTF...! What is it doing... **The dust of his staff and the crystal start to "dance" in the air**

**A new staff is made**

Magic Missle Staff:
AP: 10

**NOTE: Magua is now a normal character**

Magua: **Picks up Dakkan's pack, he wasn't carring at the time**

We can't do anything now for Dakkan now... we have to go to town and find rettick and this new mukodon. As for Chopper, I will take him, since he knows me.

**Orisis didn't notice the slog through the events that just happened**

**Chopper is not Deadly to Magua because he has know him for a long time**

**Run back to town**

[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: Dakkan Blackblade ]
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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