Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Off-Topic Discussion

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08-30-2001, 11:49 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
Queen of the Damned
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Sydney  (32)
Animal Rights Discussion Forum

I had nothing to do this evening, so I decided to do something with an idea I'd been toying with for quite some time. I made an Animal Rights Discussion Forum!

Anyway, I want to invite any Oddworld Forums members who are passionate about animal rights to join, and possibly spread the word about the new forum to anyone they might know who are animal enthusiasts. Moderator positions will be up for grabs in about a week, or two.

I'm using the handle "SilverFish" at the Animal Rights board.

While I don't expect it to become insanely popular, it's worth a try. That address again is: http://www.oddworldian.net/animalrig...ultimatebb.cgi
The Glass Asylum

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08-30-2001, 11:53 AM
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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Looks spiffy and animaly. Do you need another user name?

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08-30-2001, 11:55 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
Queen of the Damned
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Sydney  (32)

Thanks Pinkhaired. Yeah, it's a completely new board so you'll need to sign up a brand new account if you plan to post on the board.
The Glass Asylum

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08-30-2001, 05:10 PM
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Okay, I've joined (with exacltly the same settings as in this board), and I will be sure to tell all my activist friends about it.
- DH

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08-30-2001, 05:53 PM
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i've signed up under the imaginative name of 'Danny', so people don't forever refer to me as 'Rettick'...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-30-2001, 07:00 PM
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An excellent idea, Sydney! I have signed up under "Silver Wolf"....ah yes, I am not just a dragon, but a wolf as well...
-Black Dragon

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08-30-2001, 07:56 PM
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I just joined as as Camel Spider... Looks good, Sydney! I like it.
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08-30-2001, 08:32 PM
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I'm in! It's intersting how this subject is very related to Oddworld universe.
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08-30-2001, 10:23 PM
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i just joined as octopus man. i think that place is really cool.
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08-31-2001, 01:56 AM
Osiris The Fleech
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I joined as Carrier_Pigeon. Good Idea!
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Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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08-31-2001, 03:23 AM
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O.K Someone had to do this, So Why no be Me.

How Come people want more right to Animals than Humans??? I mean if a Horse is whipped, that's wrong, But if a Person is Starving, no-one seems to care. Is that really right? I doubt it.

I once saw on the news that theses Animals right activists were complaining that in some Europeian Country, in some town, that Humans eating live little fish whole was cruel. Why because they had to die by Acid in our Stomach. This tradition has been going on for 100's of years. So while Millions of people are starving in Africa, who cares, these little fishes are going to die.

Now I do support the people on things like protecting the Whales, Other endangered Speices and actualy experiments on Animals, but sometimes I think these guys go a little to far. I might just be a minority, but I say Human Rights over Animal rights... Now let's sink that Norway Tanker. (Sorry bad joke there)
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08-31-2001, 04:10 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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Sydney  (32)

Thanks for joining everyone, it's very much appreciated!

Wolfpac, why don't you join the Animal Rights forum and express your views there?
To answer your question, nobody wants animals to have more rights than humans. The only rights we want to give them is to ensure a life free of exploitation, suffering and cruelty. It's that simple.

Basically what you're saying is that you're uncomfortable with the way in wich Animal Rights activists seem to prioritize animals over humans. It's not true and you're wrong. Using your logic, we could condemn people who donate money to the homeless, as we should be donating money to cancer research. Cancer kills more people than being without a home does. You see human welfare as a bigger problem than animal rights, but that doesn't mean the attrocities committed against animals each day should be ignored.

There are people involved with human rights, amnesty international for example, and the United Nations are big on human rights. Why is it suddenly wrong to express concern for the problems of animals?

You say it's okay for people to protect endangered species, then why are you so concerned about the most overpopulated species on the planet; Homo sapiens? We've torn a huge whole in the ozone layer, we're responsible for the extinction of millions of species, the exploitation of billions of living beings, the destruction of ecosystem upon ecosystem and you say we need to be nurtured?
The Glass Asylum

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08-31-2001, 07:15 AM
: Jun 2001
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MuNcH  (10)

i'm just wondering what would we test certant things like drugs on if not animal's then who. I know animal crulety is bad and i'm not saying that humans should test on animals i'm just asking what would people test on if not animals.

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08-31-2001, 03:49 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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wolfpac: where the hell did you get the idea no-one cares about starving people in africa? and could you please explain to me exactly how little fish being eaten in europe stops people starving in africa, please? i must have missed that little connection there... but anyway, i care deeply about the suffering of people, but it isn't an either/or situation - animals don't have to suffer in order for people not to suffer! it is possible to oppose both! of course, if i had to torture either a human or another animal, of course i would choose the other animal [unless the human was George W. Bush or someone like that], but i cannot think of a single situation in which a choice like that has arisen.

munch: i should mention that it has been proven that experiments on single human cells are proven to be over 50% more effective than experiments on animals. so there.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-01-2001, 06:51 AM
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Hello I just joined My name is Joanne
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Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
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09-01-2001, 11:23 AM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Ok, i've signed up there! This Forum is really cool! Great work, Sydney!
My name there is Panthera Tigris

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09-01-2001, 12:24 PM
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Anny  (10)

Great Im called cooool cobra!!!
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09-01-2001, 01:47 PM
Chris Co Depot
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I signed up too I'm Noah Zark!

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09-01-2001, 02:03 PM
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munch, with the development of computer technology, we can simulate testing on computers without harming animals. and fact is that the animals people test on are more different than similar to people. its a win-win situation.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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09-01-2001, 04:54 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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yeah or they can do tests on human cells, like i said. either way, it's a lot more effective than animal testing.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-01-2001, 08:13 PM
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There, I signed up. My name, happens to be Crying griffin.

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09-02-2001, 12:24 PM
Sniper Wasp
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Zoolag  (10)

Alector were do u find those smileys...i needed to find some for my sinister email but i cunt find n e ...so insted i used Evil Klownz...BWAHAHAHAHAHA etc etc
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09-02-2001, 08:05 PM
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am i the only one who has kept the same name?
ahhhh, well...easier than making up a new one...
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09-03-2001, 09:18 AM
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I'm there, I'm there - as Keaalu (Vulpiform Merf - thought it appropriate... *grins and bows*)
Now also known as "Keaalu".
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09-05-2001, 03:49 PM
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nayr  (10)

Well, here goes fo me:

I believe God made man higher than the animals. However, I do not believe that gives man the right to abuse and misuse animals. Quite the contrary, I think man bears a big responsibility to look after God's creation, including the environment and animals. I'm the type who will pull over to help a turtle across the road before he gets smushed. I also get enraged when I hear of all the experiments done on animals for stupid things like make-up and so forth.

But, I do draw a line when it comes to an issue of man vs. animal. If protecting an animal, whether it be an individual or an entire species, means the loss of human life, human life must come first. I'm sorry, but if an endangered tiger comes into my tent and threatens my baby, the tiger dies - tough break. I was enraged by the recent story of firefighters dying in a forest blaze because the nearby lake had endangered fish in it and could not be drawn from. That's plain ridiculous.

I do not believe we need a law or set of laws to extend protective rights to all animals. I think that's just asking for trouble (all it will do is make a bunch of lawyers rich, anyway). I think these cases are better handled on an issue-by-issue basis. Sometimes, the endangered species has the right to be left alone - other times, it's just a tough break. I don't think you can make a "one size fits all" law in this area.

OK - there's my opening statement. Anyone care to return volley?

[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: nayr ]
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09-05-2001, 04:11 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

i don't like those sorts of arguments: of course humans come first, there isn't a single person on this planet who'd dispute that, but there is so rarely a case where the suffering of other animals is necessary to prevent the suffering of humans. even in the case of the tiger attacking the baby [which almost never happens anyway], there is no need to torture it to death the way livestock is these days, a single bullet through the head would do...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-05-2001, 04:46 PM
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nayr  (10)

Well . . . there is ONE person at least who might dispute that. Dr. Peter Singer - the scariest man on the planet today. He believes baby humans up to two years of age are not aware enough to qualify for unequivocal protection of life. He believes infants are less "alive" than most anmals. That scares me. And again, I refer to the recent story out of the U.S. where firefighters were left to burn while the authorities disputed whether or not to dip into a local protected lake.
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09-06-2001, 04:34 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
Queen of the Damned
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Sydney  (32)

Thanks for your input nayr, but why don't you sign up at the Animal Rights Discussion Forum and express your views there? So far, we only have people of one persuasion there and someone with opinions like yours could provoke some interesting discussions.

This topic was mainly for letting people know about an Animal Rights forum for discussing such issues. So please sign up and post your opinions!

[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: Sydney ]
The Glass Asylum

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09-06-2001, 10:18 AM
: Sep 2001
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nayr  (10)

OH . . . I'm a little confused. I thought THIS was the forum.
you are reading my signature

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09-06-2001, 10:30 AM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Hey, Sydney...i told my friends about the animal right Forums, and they find it really cool! Can people of other Forums join, or is it just for Oddworld Forum members?

Tell me this, i wanna talk about the animal Forum in the other Forum, maybe they'll come to yours and discuss about animals

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