OMG Rettick it must be the pot. Hehe
You said "point 1: if you like to tell people they are jerks simply for disagreeing with you, EOL, then you are a jerk, whatever you think of yourself."
And I said "OMG !!! What was that all about.R U all mad?
MEANING that was a rough translation ( a parody if you like)of the posts of people rubbishing pokemon and logically what they think of pokemon fans.
OMG Rettick, I had no idea I had to explain this, I am somewhat embarrassed for you that you didn't figure it out, but only a little bit, never mind.
And you said "point 2: there is absolutely nothing wrong with pot! we've had this discussion a million times, and it is a lot less harmful and less addictive than either alcohol or tobacco."
And I pondered...hmmm, where have I seen this type of logic before, ha ha, it is to laugh.
And to reaffirm our beliefs that we are right and/or okay,lets rubbish what other people do or say.
Merry-go-rounds are fun,but how unproductive to stay on it all our lives.
OMG! LIGHTEN UP, want some of my fries?
OBTW. I liked that number letter thingy and mwah and my daughter had just an insane time figuring it out, without drugs 2,woohoo!