Time for me to become a hypocrite. Here's my own, pseudo-scientific views on the matter.
With the advances in technology, I see a new kind of evolution where survival and procreation aren't the most important things, but things that are soley human and not so much rooted in our primal instincts. There's a good rant about this in the movie Waking Life. I see it in society. Soiciety is destined to grow more and more liberal. More opportunity, more freedom to choose, etc. We'll exit the system of "every man for himself," so to speak, and enter a more socialized, progressive society. OANST is right in saying that because of technology, the weakest have all the means to survive and procreate. So, those issues are off the table. Now, the problems for evolution to solve are those dealing with not of necessity, but of ideas, expression, etc. We won't have to worry about sustaining life, we'll work towards using the potential of life.
My thoughts are kind of unorganized. So, I forgive me if that was hard for you to understand.
Last edited by used:); 07-01-2009 at 09:13 PM..