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08-27-2001, 05:08 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
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Zoolag  (10)

Yes status'...for all of you that do not know what a status is...O-M-D-G do you not have them at your skool...if the answer is no...then you are VERY lucky. Usually status' are formed in secondary skool. To give you a clear example here are some status' from my skool...Wolfreton:

Geeks - Your are afraid of girlz, are anti-social and basically nobody likes you except for your geek frends...

Goons - You are lower than a geek...you have nobody and have to try and impress peeps by being naughty and trying to rebel...even geeks dislike you...

Nerds - You like work waaaaay to much

Moshers - Your taste in music is like punk rock...you have many frends...most of these wear hoodies and have died black hair...

Nogs - You smoke, your very hard and your one of the cock of the skools minions. You are basically one of the members of one of the feared gangs in the skool...

Trendies - Your popular, every one likes you and every one fears your bitchiness. You host AMAZING parties and your father/mother is IMMENSLY rich. Alth0 every one knows you some dislike you...they are the people you make fun of in P.E...BWAHAHAHAHA!!

We have more but i cant b arsed to go thr0 the entire status thing...so...my question is..Wot Status have you got...this has to be answered 100% truthfully if you do not answer truthfully not only are you lying to us you are lying to who you really are...My status incase anyone is wondering is not on the list. This is because i do not know wot i actually am. I am frends wiv Trendies, Nogs, Geeks and many others. Also another thing...if you are classified as a geek...this is because of your personality (@ my skool n e way) and not b-cos you get on wiv work...thank u...goodbye.
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08-27-2001, 05:55 PM
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Black Dragon
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My school area is only a year old, so there aren't really enough people to form "groups". I'm semi-popular, if you could call me anything, and semi-prep, but I don't hang out with popular people OR preps. I am your class-1 musician, that's what everyone knows me as *Puts on sun glasses* Oh yeah, I'm cool now!

Hunter: *Rolls eyes* Oh please!
-Black Dragon

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08-27-2001, 08:59 PM
Capri Ream's Avatar
Capri Ream
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I have alot of friends, but I'm really shy and quiet (don't ask how I got all my friends if I'm shy because I'm not really that sure either!). So I would say I'm semi-popular.

If there isn't choclate in Heaven, I AIN'T GOING!

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08-27-2001, 10:25 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Dee Dee
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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08-27-2001, 11:36 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
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: Apr 2001
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

I was like a Nog times 100+++
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08-27-2001, 11:55 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
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Joe the Intern  (11)

i dont know what id call myself. i have a lot of friends but im really smart and moronic. hmmm. kinda strange. everyone considers me weird in a cool kinda way.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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08-28-2001, 07:45 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

in the school where i used to go up until last year, everyone was basically divided into:

Townies [Trendy people who wear designer clothes and like shit music like pop or hip hip or dance - basically anything that is in the charts a lot. But they don't actually like that music - if good music became popular, they'd listen to that. What Shits.]

Moshers [Less Trendy people, who wear hoodies, band tshirts, and listen to Metal/Punk/Heavy Metal, but not Nu-Metal, which Townie Shits Like]

and those two groups HATED each other. i never really fitted in with either group, but i hung around with the Moshers, since, as i have already said, Townies are generally Shits. Geeks and Nerds and things weren't really separate, but had to join one side or another. i was actually quite nerdish for a long time, but my Mosher friends influenced me, so i became merely clever, not actually a nerd, and that's okay, because every group needs at least one clever person, and that was me. Townies looked down on me, but that didn't matter, because, as i have repeatedly said, Townies are Shits.

now, however, i have moved to a different City [York. i lived in Haworth before, near Bradford]. the groups are different. both groups are subdivided, and there is no longer the intense hatred between both sides. in York, i can get along with people of all groups and, although there are still Shits around, they are quite democratic about which groups they belong to...

now the groups are as follows:

Townie [See above for details, except that they are less annoying here.]

Greeb/Greebo [See 'Mosher', above]

Goth [Subdivision of 'Mosher'. The ones who wear the Gothic clothes and wear all the gothic jewellery. A lot of these are really nice people, but quite a few are Shits.]

Indie People [Generally the nicest people, these guys listen to Indie music, or Light Rock and Light Metal. They are generally friends with the Greebs and the Goths, and mostly don't mind the Heavier Metal that the Greebs and Goths listen to. Clothes-wise, they wear either plain clothes [no designer labels] or Band T-shirts.]

Skaters [Be wary of these people. Whereas many are quite nice, it can be hard to tell what they're like when you first meet them. Many are self-centred types who like to show off, especially their skills on skateboards, rollerblades, or bikes. These are not nasty people, but they prefer to talk about themselves than to talk about you, and will get bored if you don't talk about them much.]

Toshers [I am really proud of this word, because I coined it, and now some of my friends also use it. It means someone who thinks they're a Greeb, because they like some kind of Trendy Nu-Metal/Hip-Hop band like Limp Bizkit or Eminem. The behave like a bizarre cross between Greebs and Townies, and vary a lot. The word has the added bonus of sounding like 'Tosser', which describes a lot of them...]

pretty much everyone smokes weed, and some people in each group take E. other drugs are never used, and smokers are in all groups, so drugs don't determine group in any way.

now ME... i am somewhere in between Indie Kid and Greeb, and those are the people i hang out with most, although i get on with most people. well, some people in each group, i mean.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-29-2001, 04:20 PM
Chris Co Depot
: Aug 2001
: Maine,USA
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Chris Co Depot  (10)

yay, acording to rettick I'm a skater, just what I always wanted to be!

[ October 04, 2001: Message edited by: Chris Co Depot ]

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08-29-2001, 04:50 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)

It´s hard to say what I am. Well I don´t really belong to one of these groups. Then I´ve got so´mo groups

Witches[ as the name says they are witches, ok not really but they like magic, mystery , witches and stuff. In my class there´s a group of them. They also try doing white , black and grey macig and sometimes voodo. Soemtimes It seems that they are Satanists, but they aren´t really. But they dislike God. Ok mabe this isn´t a real group but there are surely a lot of those peoples.]

Zicken (eng. nanny goat, ore something) I gave those girls clasified as Zicken the name "Angeber- Schlampen" There´s no really englisch word for it. It´s also no really German word just an invention by me)[ That are really nasty girls (they are also something like the Trendies, because they are also wearing trendy, desinger clothes...) It´s hard to describe this status in english. Most of them have a enemy which is mostly a Zicke ,too. They have a best friend which who they are always hanging around (but that is also a Characteristic for trendies) Then they are always picking on the weakest outsiders (They aren´t strong(I mean the character)) everyone knows them but many hate them , because they are real assholes. They often do evil things to other people, nearly everyone that they don´t like. But everyone explaines Zicke in another way. I think I forgot something, feel free to add something]

Outsiders[do I have to say something here? That are the outsiders in class]
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08-29-2001, 05:10 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

i didn't really understand the middle one, there. the top one seems quite like the Goths around near us, but i couldn't work out what the middle one was...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-29-2001, 05:41 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

geeks have like zits, and bracets, and glasses and like watch the sci fi channel in our school. Hmm..which status am i hm...

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08-29-2001, 05:51 PM
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

I'm a mosher, or something like that because I like some punk, but I like rap. There are two more groups like

G's-you know, the rappers, baggy jeans.

ditz-you know the blonde haired, cheerleader, has a botfriend on the football team makes fun of people, think she's higher than you type, likes to dress, snotty, Destiny's child wanna bees, all on make-up then school work, get bad grades.LOL

Bangers- Not quite gothic, but heavy metal, wears jeans that look like two dresses sown together, metal beaded necklace, slipknot shirt or whatever.

Preps-Ambercrombie and fitch type, american egle, dress like mommas boy or mammas girl! LOL

I don't think we use goons. It sounds like 50's.

[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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08-29-2001, 05:56 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

We have Townies aswell...they aint so popular. Peeps dislike them big time. I personally study all of the groups. They amuse me, if i see a fight going on with a Nog and another kid you can see the Nog raise him/herself up to look bigger, he/she will also shout a lot and the group of mates will gather around and call out...reminds me of Primates or the Raptors in JP3...
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08-29-2001, 06:02 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

you sound more like a Tosher to me, Pinky...

Townies are never popular among non-townies. Mainly because they're Shits, as i said before... [having said that, some of them are my friends, but i don't count them as townies, since 'Shit' is part of the definition of Townie to me]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-29-2001, 06:05 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

hmmmm..yeah, tosher sounds funny..

[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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08-29-2001, 06:09 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

i don't know, we have alot of toshers in our school so they are kinda popular, maybe because I live in the city and hip hop is popular around here. The gothlic are kinda in the middle, But they only hang aroun them own selves and they are not that popular and they smoke in the bathrooms and it's like yucky. but mostly people are goths like in middle school.

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08-29-2001, 06:28 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

in my school, smoking isn't restricted to any particular group, but goths don't tend to smoke as much as townies.

yay! now you have to use the word tosher as well, and if all goes well, i will have coined a popular word!

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-29-2001, 06:30 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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: Apr 2001
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

Majority of goths up here, always want to commit suicide and think they are vampires and crap like that and are stoned. what losers.

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08-29-2001, 07:31 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

they don't REALLY want to commit suicide or think they're vampires, and there's nothing wrong with being stoned, it is highly pleasurable...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-29-2001, 09:37 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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: Apr 2001
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

Maybe not what you live, but up here yeah. Getting stone is not pleasurable, no one will date you.LOL

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08-30-2001, 07:55 PM
Sexy Slig's Avatar
Sexy Slig
: Jul 2001
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Sexy Slig  (10)

I dont know what catagory i fit into...I can talk to girls quite well, Im a bit quiet but not antisocial, i have a few friends but quite a lot of enemies, what am I?

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08-30-2001, 08:37 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

Who are you? Your own individual!

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08-31-2001, 01:36 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)

In our class the witches are talking about Suizid, too.
@ rettick, I know that the middleb isn´t easy to understand but it´s difficult to describe that. But I didn´t understand everything of what you said, either. I hate languages...
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08-31-2001, 04:10 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

yeah, languages are a bit annoying, aren't they? we should learn telepathy instead...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-02-2001, 12:40 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

Telepathy...PAH...PAH...I ALREDY KN0 IT!!
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09-02-2001, 02:06 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)

Yes and everything gets more difficult if someone uses slang. I don´t want to address to somebody. *Looks at Oryon*
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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09-03-2001, 04:47 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

*applauds Oryon's cleverness at saving himself one keyboard press by typing 'kn0' instead of 'know'. how clever he must be...*

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-03-2001, 05:12 PM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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One, Two, Middlesboogie  (10)

We're lucky enough not to have these 'status' things in my school. We just class ourselves by year group. i.e. Year 8s see themselves as better than year 7s, Year 9s see themselves as better than Year 8s and so on.

When I go back to school on Thursday I'll be a Year 11, the highest of the bunch!

We do recognise that we all have different interests, but we don't pigeonhole ourselves because of it.
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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09-03-2001, 09:25 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
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Zoolag  (10)

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09-03-2001, 09:39 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
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Zoolag  (10)

Yup, indeed u r v.lucky. So, i was drinking some alkohol wiv some of my m8's and i get a idea. How about peeps classify otherz in the forum...now, this may sound stupid but personally i would find it very interesting and intriguing to see what happens. U dont have to do this, its jus' a idea.

O and Rettick, short hand may seem stupid to u, but its quicker 4 me...jus' cos it seems stupid dont mean it is...personally i dont give 2 flying s**ts wot u think...u think it offends me when u say i aint a woman...and u may not like doing it, but i do...so back off...
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