No, I do not need the most engrossingly realistic graphics possible and I fail to see where I stated that. My point was that the Wii is currently only being used to its full potential by Nintendo and only half the time by them. Brawl is NOT a Wii game, it is a Nintendo game in that it has no design capabilities for the Wii whatsoever. This does not make it a bad game however, this just makes it the sort of game the Wii is not about.
I find that rather hard to beleive.
I wonder how you know what the full potential graphics are.
... Can't argue since I don't have the game. I apologize.
However I can argue that, now that I have an Xbox360, Xbox360's are actually much cooler than I give them credit for. They got me good when it came to the arcade games. Sadly few of the games that the Xbox360's library contains are not the type of game I prefer. The graphics are actually much better than I originally thought. I apologize to microsoft.