Looks like another game set to please the fans and hardcore audiances, sure it's nice to please your dedicated fans who support you, but you have to realise that genres get old and your loosing opportunities to get new fans, you have to move on, and fans have to let go of their memories, and know what they want isn't for the best.
This game looks too old in terms of being a birds eye view RPG which you click to hit and you have another annoying iventory screen, it doesn't realy interest me, but I'll look into it. Maybe it'll surprize me.
Star craft too looks kind of outdated, but that me be the RTS formula altogether.
I won't judge untill a later date, but it looks like blizzard is sticking too much to the formula, I mean, how many of you wanted fallout 3 to stay true to the look of fallout 2 and 1?
Too many of you, and I guess that's the problem, gamers stick to their nostigila and complain when there's the slightest change, I mean people are still playing the nes for christs sakes, so companies are shipping in new games.
The gaming market doesn't want lives (nintendo take note), lack of saves (thank God that's gone) or crappy graphics (I know it's over the top or from birds eye view, but it looks like Blizzard's games suffer from this), we want to be in on the action, and to be the ones playing (Bioware should take note of this in ME 2, so should Konami for their metal gear games).
Other than that fear, I think this game will surprize me, I haven't played the original Diablo games, well, only a little bit, but when I did, they seemed fun for the time.
But I won't be surprized if this game will be a hit, and plenty of innovations will be involved.