I assume you're talking about the version of nintendo that was around when sega was around, if so:
These consoles are dead, I wish everyone could see that, they might of been great once, when I was like 5 years old and never played video games, but they're not any more, stop holding on to them to attempt to be younger or as a novelty because you actually remember it, we have better consoles, better games, hell better lives for a reason, our technology improves.
But if I must choose, I choose nintendo, it actually surived, even though I liked segaworld.

I mean seriously, hardly any non gamer knows what half these old gaming consoles are, I mean, I only knew what an asairi was last yeah.
Character wise Sonic> Mario, although we all know that Luigi= Win.
Oh, you've officially all scared me, I mean, my exchange to italy wasn't anywhere as close to that bad, but I was in the north...