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05-04-2008, 10:42 PM
Psychonaut's Avatar
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Lorne & Sherry

Does anybody know the relationship between these two?


05-04-2008, 11:24 PM
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How did you meet Sherry McKenna, with whom you co-founded Oddworld Inhabitants? What were your original visions for the company and how had these visions changed over the years with what you had learned about the game industry?

I used to see her on HBO and Entertainment Tonight specials back in the early 80’s. She was the “go to” person in computer graphics when the press was interested in a story. So I learned about her long before I knew her and long before she ever heard of me. She was a pioneering producer in visual effects and computer graphics and I was just a wanna-be at the time. Then when I was working at Rhythm & Hues in Los Angeles Sherry was a client of ours at Universal. She had a huge project for Universal Studios Florida Themepark that I was able to work on and that was when I first got to meet her. Right away, I knew she was a serious producer with amazing insights and skills. So I got to know her better and eventually helped convince her to come work at Rhythm & Hues with us. At the time, she had left Universal and was running Douglas Trumbul’s company (he did the effects for Blade Runner, Close Encounters, 2001, etc). But I convinced her that she would be able to make movies that were CG animated while at Rhythm & Hues. I was wrong, but I did end up convincing her to run Oddworld. That was the smartest thing I ever did.


05-05-2008, 04:07 PM
Psychonaut's Avatar
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Psychonaut  (10)

Nice one!!! Thanx!!


05-09-2008, 02:11 PM
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He totally hits that shit.

Which is foul. She's a fat hippy. And there is no worse kind.

The smell of picculi oil and rancid fat-roll sweat will follow him all the days of his life.

My bowels hurt.

05-09-2008, 09:12 PM
Psychonaut's Avatar
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Psychonaut  (10)

?????? What was the point of that reply?????


05-10-2008, 06:14 AM
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He totally hits that shit.

Which is foul. She's a fat hippy. And there is no worse kind.

The smell of picculi oil and rancid fat-roll sweat will follow him all the days of his life.
If she wasn't with Lorne we probably wouldn't have the Oddworld games.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
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April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

05-10-2008, 07:42 AM
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Sherry's a very nice person, Lorne is actually a lucky man.

05-10-2008, 09:28 AM
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?????? What was the point of that reply?????
It was an answer to your ridiculous and invasive question. Silly foreigner.

My bowels hurt.

05-10-2008, 12:27 PM
Psychonaut's Avatar
: Nov 2006
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Psychonaut  (10)

Radsej sa zdrzim komentara , ty blbec...A tu nie je na mieste hovorit o to kto je a kto nie je cudzinec..
Translate it yourself....;-) peace


05-10-2008, 01:03 PM
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I won't comment on this with you moron... This is not the place to say who is a foreigner and who is not
Pravidla fora hovoria ze urcenym jazykom tohoto fora je Anglictina. Berte ohlad na to, ze vzdy tu budu ludia, ktori mozu prelozit Vase sarkasticke prizpevky.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

05-11-2008, 02:49 AM
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Like a village post office, this is not worth keeping open.

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