I've finished Munch 10 times, it's a game with good idea but not implemented in a right way!
There's a lot of thing that COULD be fixed before the game was released.
One of the thing I hate most are the controls. Who the hell came up with this creppy idea to give at the A button two action such as "Jump" and "Use". Sometimes, rather than use a lever, Abe (or Munch) jump in air.
The fight controls ARE BAAAAAD! I see a lot of game that use the right analogue stick for attack (such as Rise to Honour, PS2 game). But Munch really use it at a bad way: DAMN. I must click like a lunatic the right stick for slapping some budy guys, and most of the time I DIE!! Aiming it's better, but not great, and it can be preserved.
Those are the worst level i've ever seen. Where are those wonderful landscapes of the previous Oddworld? Seems to run in a green desert, with one or two trees placed in random way! And those incredible high hill that prevent you to get further into any area. And why these levels are placed SO HIGH? Just play the level "Mudokon Fortress", there is everything there: a lake, hills and a big gap:if you fall into it you die!!! And the least but not the last: when exploding mines, they'll re-grow fast like Jack's Beanstalk, not definitly the best of the realism.
The thing I hate most in this game its that for complete a level, in many cases, you are forced to do this: search for a level for open the door; drink a Vendo and do "what you have to do"; if the power finish up, go back and drink again until you complete "what you have to do"; activate the warp floor and you have completed the level, GOOD WORK!
And what about those unforseen difficulty?
-1 If one of your playable characthers dies, you cannot finish the level because you need both of them! In certain levels this thing will drive you crazy: an example??
In the level "No Muds Land" the Egg Nest its only in the beginning of the level, IF, for some unfortunate events, one of your characther dies, YOU are FORCED to return to the beginning of the level, open that maze of doors for pass, hatch the unlucky guy who killed himself jumping on a land mine (or killed by the usually enemy) and swear the game! And this level its constellated of land/sea mines everywhere, you can't escape from them.
You'll hate even the level "Loading Docks", there is a part where, into the "shoes" of Munch, you have to drink in this order, 4 Vendo: Rigenerator!, AcquaPropellum, Zas!! and Expresso. Jump into the platform and zap them for make them fall into the water, but there's one problem: you are ONE nearly extincted guy againts 10 Vykkers and Intern, you'll get shooted, cutted in two and beated like a Pinata... and you'll die!
Then you'll throw the controller on your Xbox swearing the Mudokons divinity!
-2: Spooce Shrubs. What are those spooce shrubs??? Why now Abe needs this for use his magical power? Why not making a system that, if you using too much your power, you can't use it for a long time? It's boring to pick up them and use them for open doors, for operate appliances, ecc... The game gets very boring if you just waste your spooce spare, you must return back from where the spooce are, make them grow and pick up them... -_-
Like someone have already discuss it, I'll write my own observation: why Paramites sounds like pigs??? Why Slogs attack Sligs????? Why Scrabs live in herds?? Questions that most have asked, but nobody has answered yet! Some strange thing: if I control a Slog, and I bark three times in front of a Slig, he starts to attack my Slog!! One of the most strange thing is the Slig think that the Slog is insulting him! O_o
4 points that must be talked about. BTW, I enjoyed the funny story and sometimes the game is fun to play (I like to pick up with the crane some Sligs and throw them into the recycler fan!). But hey, I hope with this game they have learn the lesson (well, Stranger's Wrath its amazing). But now we have to see what they'll do with the "Next-gen"
Oddworld: a game for somebody. A life-style for me!
Last edited by Stranger90; 06-20-2008 at 12:10 AM..