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02-19-2008, 11:36 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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: Um...RealWorld?
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I'd appear and then say "...OH S*IT A SCR-" *scrunch*
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02-19-2008, 06:23 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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What do you mean by "real"? Real as in, an actual planet probably light-years away which it would be impossible to get to any time soon, or real as in existing here on Earth?

I'm guessing nothing extraordinary would happen to the wildlife. The scrabs and paramites and whatnot wouldn't be treated very different from other big predators - allowed to exist in the wild, occasionally hunted, and perhaps kept in captivity for research purposes and such.
As for the intelligent races, there'd probably be tons of conflict between them and humans. They would be accepted, perhaps, and even respected by some, and yet others would consider them to be beneath themselves. Pretty much the same things different human races used to do/feel about each other. I'm guessing there are many ways human technology could help Oddworld inhabitants; Glukkons could dress themselves and handle everyday stuff with mechanical arms (this makes me wonder; if sligs got robotic legs, why can't Glukkons have robotic arms?) and such, the native species could be provided with resources and space and all that jazz. But there'd always be conflict between the species; same as you see us people starting wars with each other, the Oddworldian races would be pulled into that.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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02-19-2008, 06:26 PM
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this makes me wonder; if sligs got robotic legs, why can't Glukkons have robotic arms?
Fashion. No Glukkon would be caught dead in them. "There goes that potential market" laments Humphrey Vykkerz.
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02-20-2008, 02:11 PM
Clakker Relic Miner
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AlienMagi  (118)AlienMagi  (118)

If sligs got robotic legs, why can't Glukkons have robotic arms?
Coz Glukkons are too lazy to do anything themselves, so they don't need arms.
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02-21-2008, 04:44 AM
AbesGenerationX's Avatar
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Glukkons can't take a shotgun or other, they walk with their hand...
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02-25-2008, 01:56 PM
LaraRaider's Avatar
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I would like to rebuild RuputreFarms, and make Sligs work there.
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02-26-2008, 10:16 AM
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I think you're quite cruel to be honest. I realise that Paramites and Scrabs are just as much an essential park of Oddworlds diet as Chicken and Fish are to us. But could you really eat a Mudokon? Would you really slaughter millions of domesticated "people" with an understand of the world around them, just for money?

I would

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02-27-2008, 05:40 AM
AbesGenerationX's Avatar
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If oddworld was real, i would visit mudanchee and mudorno.

Last edited by AbesGenerationX; 03-01-2008 at 03:09 AM..
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02-27-2008, 12:38 PM
Keylid's Avatar
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Is any of this positive to you whats your logic.
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02-27-2008, 03:41 PM
Rupture Farms's Avatar
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I'd love it. Me and Abe would be best friends, and in those warm Summer nights, we'd ride Elum until the sun goes down.
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02-27-2008, 05:04 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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RuptureFarms brand Gorilla Grillers, RuptureFarms brand Panda Burgers, RuptureFarms brand Tiger Kievs and RuptureFarms brand Elephant Cocktails.
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02-27-2008, 08:26 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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That would be fun. Walking down the street, then a scrab beak rammed into your back, and you snuff it. Hmm, there would be alot of brawls. Sligs are like hired goons. XD Bwhaha, that would be funny
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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02-29-2008, 11:08 AM
Keylid's Avatar
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Dude meeting Abe in real life would be awsome he could teach the earth their culture and what cool stuff they do.
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02-29-2008, 12:11 PM
Clakker Relic Miner
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AlienMagi  (118)AlienMagi  (118)

Ok 1 thing I forgot to mention... I'd love if abe could teach me chantina and I would chant into a sexy woman and make her to do 'you know what'.
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02-29-2008, 12:47 PM
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Using ancient and venerable shamanistic powers for rape? You disgust me.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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03-01-2008, 01:31 AM
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Seconded. AlienMagi, never bring up rape again.

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03-01-2008, 03:02 AM
abe is now!'s Avatar
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I must say that if Oddworld was real I'd have explored the reast of Mudos and the rest of the planet! Especially that mysterious island in the sea east of Mudos continent...

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03-04-2008, 11:11 AM
Keylid's Avatar
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I would use the chant to help others not do bad stuff like that.
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03-04-2008, 11:13 AM
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Help others by possessing them?

This brings up an interesting debate whether possession can be justified or not .
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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03-04-2008, 03:56 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Notice how the only sapient creatures who Abe possesses also seem to warrant an explosive depossession. So maybe, at least in Abe's mind, it is justified to possess them.
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03-04-2008, 10:07 PM
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I'd ask Lorne what exactly he took to actually see another world so far away...

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03-04-2008, 10:55 PM
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Not just him, the designers too. I'd say that they'd probably be whisked away by spooky government types intent on finding out how they knew about these creatures and how do counter any possible "threat".

And Odd help any fan whose art and fiction just happened to be right too.
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03-05-2008, 12:45 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
scrab queen
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Okay, i'm seeing several possible scenarios here:

-Humans end up on oddworld:

We'd most likely f*ck it up like we did with our own planet. There's always going to a corparate bastard and a few blank minds to follow em. So the remainder ends up with mudokons or as slaves, the one who followed the corperate would possibly be allowed into the glukkon society, as being the ones with all four limbs intact. War ensues, bladdah bladah bladdah, it'll probably end up going along the same lines as 'Only hyoo-mun'. I'd go with the tree huggers if I ended up there. And yes, I would get a pet Scrab.

-Oddworld somehow ends up on earth:

Lorne would freak, fans will drool, and as mentioned above by BM, would probably get captured by the government and forced to spill everything he knows about them. Most likely there would be a bunch of political debates over whether the creatures are capable of intelligent thought (being as we're the high and mighty species here), and they would either be slaughtered or allowed to resume thier old roles here. The mudokons would probably get around like normal people, but of course there would be some segrogation issues with the extreme racists. Sligs will still be thugs for hire, and the glukkons would probably take up buisness as usual, except a little less brutally. If they don't like our 'nice' way of playing, they'll probably end up taking over everything themselves and what-not. Har. If any of that happened, I would immediately convert to mudokonism. And maybe the huge shrykull statue near the door might scare off any of those missionaries.

All in all, we're still screwed. But in small numbers, we might be able to go off into fantasy land or something.
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03-07-2008, 04:59 PM
Inquisitve Intern's Avatar
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Hmmm I would have a look around, especially round paramonia
The missing I in Inquisitive is for Intern!

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03-07-2008, 10:27 PM
Keylid's Avatar
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Oddworld is a strange place but i could adapted to the habitat realy quick becouse i go to areas with grass i like the outdoors so im set for that planet meladeo's.
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03-10-2008, 11:20 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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If Oddworld was real I would greet my neighbor like this. (Doyoyoyoyoyoyoy!)

Eat a Scrab, share an elephant, practice medical science with Vykkers and fry a fuzzel. Oh and explore.

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03-14-2008, 07:33 AM
Vanilla ✜'s Avatar
Vanilla ✜
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I would love it if oddworld was real because my friends im abe in the body of a girl.

There's also an OWF Discord,
join here.

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03-17-2008, 08:31 AM
Grandi's Avatar
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Being in oddworld could be quite scary... In Rupture farms / SSB you have to worry about sligs and slogs and in jungles and deserts there are scraps and paramites... But being Molluck (or Mullock, can't remember) could be fun, because I could command sligs.
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03-17-2008, 09:29 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
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In Rupture farms / SSB you have to worry about sligs and slogs and in jungles and deserts there are scraps and paramites
No more so than worrying about Venomous Snakes or lions.

And yeah, you spelt Molluck right

Welcome to the forums.

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03-18-2008, 05:42 AM
Tristan's Avatar
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It would be awsome if Abe lived next to me... And kinda odd... Like what if a scrab jumps through my window or sumthin? Then what am I gonan do? My BB gun can't kill the thing!! But yeah it would be awsome...
Check out my Oddworld videos on youtube!!! www.youtube.com/user/gentristan I make animations record Oddworld, and I'm all out of ideas for animations. If anybody has any ideas for OW animations pm me. thanx

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