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05-13-2001, 06:51 AM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

Well I'm getting ready for E3, I'm all fired up,and pumped.And I got a game ,well a beta version of an XBOX up-coming game to check out.A real sweet one ,do you remember Panzer Dragoon for Sega?

I'm going to check it out for an hour or two now.I have looked at a couple minutes thus far and it's a super advanced version of what you would recall the Sega version was.Open,not on rails,freedom in movement,like the original was.

It has an elegant feel to it,mysterious,deep,with action already in it's first moments.I'll put it to you this way,if it was out, the're would be no game better than it as of now.Games are taking such a leap this year.The great thing is there will be 60+ games like it this coming year.

It's going to be a late night,but worth it.Off to Panzer Dragoon heaven, see ya later.
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05-14-2001, 04:10 AM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

New news,you here it here first.Blue storm is the codename for one of Nintendo's gamecube secret projects. They say it will be all grownup and on the darker side, a real feast for the eyes and with great gameplay,more when I'm at E3.

Also it now looks like Luigi may be a game on it's own,with Mario a whole other game,even better ,now you get two miyamoto games.

My source tells me that Luigi will use a vacuum and flashlight to capture ghosts,ghostbuster style.The demo of Luigi's mansion will be one of the levels. Also Luigi will appear in Mario as well in some form.

And as a reminder don't forget these names for Gamecube: Galleon and Saffire,along with Picassio all more adult style games and true sleepers.
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05-14-2001, 04:22 AM
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The last thing I want is thanks.I get that from my girlfriends when I'm in bed dude.
Ummm, well that was an odd thing to say in the middle of a conversation. Almost as though you're trying to prove something to us.

Jokes aside, I appreciate your enthusiasm and wanting to deliver information to us. I can't wait until you give us your impressions of Munch's Oddysee when you see it.
The Glass Asylum

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05-14-2001, 09:58 AM
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Hi Steel Shark... I've only been on the forums briefly of late... so have usually just responded to the shorter topics! Now I have a bit of time up my sleeve... I'll put in the stuff I wanted to say.

Firstly of course about Squaresoft and Nintendo... if I'm not wrong, didn't Square give Nintendo the shaft (or was it vice versa, I can't remember) a few months ago. If so, why the change in decision. I personally would have preferred Square to make a deal with Xbox as I have said on numerous occasions before. As for the slogan on Nintendo's website, "Be there and be square"... I would have just interpreted that as meaning square = cube = Gamecube... especially since the main games that they will be unveilling will be Mario/Luigi as you mentioned... but then again you never know.

I am also very interested in the Games on Demand that you mention. This would be an ideal alternative to hiring games for someone like myself, and would also be a great opportunity to play games before they are released here. I usually like to own originals of games... but of course this would be a great way to try them out. My only concern is that cable providers over here (I am on cable modem in Australia) will actually provide the capabilities for Xbox and PS2. Nothing has been said at all so far about this over here. Maybe because it is too early. I really need to get an email off to my cable provider and see what they have to say about it all.

Good news to see a game targeted at older audiences on the Game Cube also... may convert me yet! Although talk of Mario and Luigi certainly brings back some memories... I used to love the Mario games and played them all the time on my old NES and SNES.

Keep the news coming Steel Shark... I have no idea why people don't respond that much... I would have at least thought people would have responded when you posted about the upcoming games top list... but I was the only one who did.

Abe Babe...
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05-15-2001, 05:51 AM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

Well it's almost time.For a game lover such as myself this is like going to heaven. E3 is here. By far the best show and games ever are breathing down our backs,I can feel the heat.

Games that are going to entertain us for soo many hours a few months from now will be showing off there muscle. These are the games we will be playing for the next year and a half. And I can safely say that 60+ of them are real gems.

For me personally I have only played Giants,Black and white,Sacrifice,GT3, and Blade of darkness in the past 6 months. I only play the best, I never waste a second with so-so games.The funny thing is I can name 60 games that will be overall better than the games I just mentioned,incredible but true. With the great amount of high quality games coming the problem will be to pick the best of the best,there is just so many games you can actually get to.But it's a good problem for sure.

Here's some more news on Azurik in case you missed it.

Azurik is a Lore Guardian who is the only hope of saving Perathia(sound familiar? I thought so...), his world, from an ancient prophecy that has already destroyed the holy elements - earth, air, water, and fire - that were under Azurik's guard. The so-called "holy" pieces of the elements have been scattered to all corners of the world and it is your job as Azurik to find and recover those missing pieces before Perathia becomes a blur of maddening chaos. How do you do this? Well no problem, you have double-headed Axion as your weapon that draws upon the power of the four elements. Be careful though as certain elements cannot be used on certain enemies (i.e. you cannot use the fire element to beat fire-based enemies, simple enough?). Bottomline: you have three objectives, 1) Restore elements, 2) Restore the honor of the Lore Guardians, and 3) Restore Perathia.

The game kind of plays like Tomb Raider, but you have two camera control options. One is used to zoom around Azurik, and one to zoom in and out. Onto the subject of control, as we all know the Xbox has 4 main frontal control buttons. In Azurik: these 4 buttons do the following: one allows for jumping, another allows a single attack, another button – swirling attack, and the last main button enables for a quick jump and slash attack. As was revealed before, Azurik must protect the elemental powers from the evil prophecy . He does by getting those elemental powers as he progresses through the game. The elemental powers are: air, earth, water, and fire. Each one can be used to power up Azurik’s staff. The cool part of the game is that you can combine the elements together. An example of this is combining earth and water to make acid, fire and water to make steam, and so on. Switching between these elements is no problem, according to 'our source', all you have to do is hold down the top left button of the Xbox controller and hit any of the 4 frontal buttons to enable the elements.

The Al in Azurik is truly amazing. It seemed like all the creatures had different AI that is tuned for each type of creature. Some creatures are smart and avoid you if they are small and some are smart - meaning even though they are small, they will assemble a pack and hunt you down like the dog you are. The coolest thing about the creatures, in my opinion, is that some of them can combine into one being allowing for an ultimate bad arsed beast.

If it's one thing you've noticed about the game, it's probably the vast worlds and polygons that make up those worlds. Azurik: RoP is definitely appealing to the eye, and why not? The game boasts up to 300,000 individually textured polygons on screen per frame, which equate into hugely detailed worlds. This also amounts to more detail being put into the game thanks to the Xbox compression system, so the artists don't lose all that much detail in the end.

A game can't be complete without pleasing the good ol' ear drums and Azurik seems to know that as they are wasting no time in taking advantage of Xbox's sound capabilities. The 'Box allows them to put 64 3D positional sounds in the world, equating into rich sonic environments. Not only will the sound effects be pleasing but the CD soundtrack as well. This music is triggered as the player enters a sonic environment and brings a new depth of emotional response to Azurik.More news from E3 on this promising XBOX game.

Thornado has been in development for what seems like an eternity. Originally planned as a next-generation sequel to Factor 5's excellent shooter/platformer Turrican series, Thornado has done much evolving behind the scenes. Although the game remains true to its Turrican roots, the name Thornado was chosen due to Factor 5 wanting to avoid potential legal troubles. Despite its best attempts, Factor 5 was unable make an agreement with Rainbow Arts / SoftGold, the European publisher who own the rights to the familiar "Turrican" name. Regardless, the building hype for this title should more than make up its lack of name recognition. Plus, "Thornado" is a pretty cool name too.

"It's like Turrican in 3D, or perhaps how we would imagine Metroid in 3D. You have to explore a lot, not just run and shoot, you can call these cool drop ships that bring power-ups, and there will be plenty of strategy. It's important to us to find a balance between the three elements: seek, find, and shoot."

Of course, now that Retro studios is hard at work on a Metroid title, this cause has become a bit moot. Still, Factor 5's effort is noble & appreciated and Thornado will be all the more awesome because of it. Factor 5 were pushing the limit on N64; imagine how it will look on Game Cube.

Two characters are selectable, a man and a woman. The male character's name is "Thor." Thor wearing a trench coat, that looked incredibly realistic as it flowed in the wind. Additionally, details were crisp down to each individually animated finger of Thor's hand.

There will be several weapons, many of them elemental in nature. Thornado lives up to its name as characters feature a variety of wind and tornado based attacks. The arsenal will come in handy, as the shoot 'em action is said to be intense and reminiscent of the blazin' glory of Contra. Not only that, there is also a grappling beam, similar to another great classic, Bionic Commando. Level settings range from Earth cities to outer space.This is yet another adult oriented game for gamecube,it is one I recall now that had ben in production but totally slipped my mind.It really looks amazing.By the way the guys behind this game are the guys doing the rogue squadron 2 game, which is getting alot of positive hype right now.

I'll tell you that both games would be top 5 games of all time for me if out today,and these are beta's versions.And just to show how great games coming are I wonder if they will ever be played by me.I mean I might get to around 20-25 full games in a year,these games as good as they are may not make my top 25 list,incredible.

My advice is get the Gamecube and XBOX if possible,pick only the best of the best for five years,gamecube is only going to be 150-200 dollars in the USA.

Abe Babe, I am going to convert you yet,even if I can't get everyone else on my page. Adult games are coming to Gamecube here they are: Metroid
Eternal darkness
Too human
Resident evil 0
Rare secret game I'll scoop you later on it.
Perfect dark 2

And that's just this year,and don't ever forget all the other Nintendo standby's.Well See ya later.....
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05-16-2001, 07:33 AM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

The STEEL SHARK has landed.

It is just after 2:30 AM here in LALA land. I arrived at my hotel about 4 hours ago.I am staying at the L.A.Bonaventure Hotel,you know that circle looking hotel.It's real plush, right in the smack dab center of L.A. Just down the block from the Convention center of L.A.

I rented a "sweet ass suite" five months ago,I have it for five nights, the Shark never pulls his punches,did'nt you know that by now.For the past month you could not even get a cardboard box around these parts,it's alive and happenin.

I hopped in the Viper from my Newport beach home with my two "sharkettes",it was nice seeing them all crowded up in my passenger seat all bumps and curves in the right places.And with a large smile on my face,off to E3 my personal heaven we went.

My Sharkettes are around to make me look good,hey they do look soo nice perched on each of my arms. Well another reason for my hand-picked team is this,they can get news from horny "in the know dudes " like no one's business.I've primed them for just the right situations,and they have this uncanny way of getting invited to all the right "private parties". And when asked who the big surfer looking dude is they smile and say "oh he's our brother and bodyguard".And the funny thing is, all these dudes never score with the Sharkettes,they only swim the Steel's waters.I come to the party with them and I end up in the suite with them,cool. Man I'm in a good mood E3 is here.Time to make some money and to see the great games I'll be playing this year and next.

This year my doh will go to only three companies,no more.I am working on my own Next-gen gig,so I've toned it down some.

I have 36 behind closed door meetings.I'll give details on them in the next day's if you're interested.

I'll give MO in depth impressions as well,don't worry.The games are going to be a radical up-grade from what we have had to put up with to date.

Here's a first little tidbit: Rare's Dinosaur planet will now be Star fox on Dinosaur planet,a Zelda feel to it, loolks quite promising on the CUBE.

Another is Donkey Kong racing,a amped up version of Mario carts or diddy Kong racing. The news will flow. I will be at the opening events and all else tomorrow,I will try to get you some scoops and let you in on some under the tables gossip not for everybodies hears.

Now for a little exercise with the Sharkettes and then another kind of heaven with E3 tomorrow. Speak with you then. By the way does anyone have any suggestions or something they want checked out,just ask, OK, see ya later.
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05-16-2001, 09:29 AM
Howler Punk
: Apr 2001
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LuxoJr  (10)

I hopped in the Viper from my Newport beach home with my two "sharkettes",it was nice seeing them all crowded up in my passenger seat all bumps and curves in the right places.And with a large smile on my face,off to E3 my personal heaven we went.
Idiotic sexist blather aside, let's check over the logic. You postponed:

1. Mindless sex
2. The biggest gaming convention of the year
3. The nightlife surrounding a luxury hotel

in order to go online and write up about how much fun you're having.


[ May 16, 2001: Message edited by: LuxoJr ]
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05-16-2001, 03:12 PM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

Oh to be jealous must be a bad thing Luxo, I have already pointed you out, just more proof of you're true colors.

First off,I ignored nothing,the E3 is today not last night. I am fully prepared for the show. I did all my homework school boy Luxo way earlier. I had already been to two meetings and the Convention center before going on-line.As for night life well my life is a nightlife,sorry Mr.jealous but true.I danced and had a great dinner with the Sharkettes before going on-line.You getting you're answers yet Mr "GO to school and then get out into the world before you go ripping with you're jeolous idiotic crap".

This forum is becoming lame because of you're blatant attacks on me at every turn you "jeolous ass".

I play and work Clown,what the hell do you know of my schedule,who are you to assume anything the way you have.I have 36 sweet ass meetings plus parties to attend in good time MR.jeolous,I mean what else can it be with you.Finish school, see a Doctor for the jeolous problem of your's and get used to seeing people better than you and with sweeter live's.

I was just going to announce live to everyone that the show is starting, and wanted to give a live interview of what there saying,and then I read this crap.Does anyone see my point here. Well forget it,off to the show I go,maybe I'll be back later.

I always knew it Luxo, and I mentioned it before, you just showed you're true colors.Too bad you cannot be here,but it's not for un-qualified peasants.
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05-16-2001, 03:21 PM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

I do this mostly for Abe babe because of her class and kindness.Otherwise who knows....

XBOX out on NOVEMBER 8TH in States. $299, I thought so.

Mario cart GC coming as well.
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05-16-2001, 05:22 PM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
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Steel Shark 100  (11)

New screenshots of Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. Go to Bluenews, then scroll down a few posts, and you then will be taken to 19 all new MO shots real nice.
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05-16-2001, 05:58 PM
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Um, address? *smiles sweetly*
Now also known as "Keaalu".
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05-19-2001, 06:39 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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Hi Steel Shark... any news on FFX for any other consoles yet? There's still one more day of E3 to go, so maybe they are waiting to announced it then. I did see some really awesome new movies that were released earlier.

Also, have you got to play Munch's Oddysee yet? What did you think? What kinds of promotional stuff are there at the Oddworld booth. I should have got you to say hi to everyone there for me!!!

I don't know if you have posted any of this information yet, as I didn't have a chance to read your posts before we lost some things from the forums.

It sounds like you are having a blast at E3... (trying not to sound jealous) ... I wish that I got to go to E3... well minus the Sharkettes (I don't think that would go down well w/ me!!! LOL). Maybe one day I will make it over at the right time of the year.

Thanks once again Steel Shark!!!

Abe Babe...

[ May 19, 2001: Message edited by: Abe Babe ]
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