Gluckon! Thats a Gluckon!!! Gluckon! Gluckon? Gluckon??? Is that a Gluckon? I think thats a Gluckon! Gluckon Gluckon Gluckon...
OK I got over my Nerdgasm there. So OWI is working on two movies? yay

Raymond Swanland is what I want to become when I am older and work in video games....Gluckon! Gluc..*cough* sorry
Yay Lorne Lives! Everyone hail our Savior of video games. I hope that the Abe movie sorta gives an easter egg hint to CS, cause thats always fun. Or does something like breaking the Fourth wall, like saying "This is not a game" and the characters look at the screen towards the person playing the game.
Also I didnt have a chance to buy AE when i was like 8 or 9 years old when it was released and I don't know if at the end of the game there was a hint to MO, and I hope they do a cliffhanger like that for the Abe movie, like abe is dreaming and wakes up from a nightmare of seeing the gabbit race being wiped out and then farts and falls back to sleep lol.