We have a delightful surprise for you guys today. Oddworld Inhabitants has very kindly shared with us two conceptual paintings by Raymond Swanland that have been produced for the Oddworld film. You will have to go to OddBlog to see them
We would like to stress that it is far too early for Oddworld Inhabitants to talk about the film to the press or answer questions about these images in particular, and we suggest not bothering OWI with questions they can’t answer. However, they always welcome interest and mail from fans, for whom these paintings are a special treat.
Those are sleeping pods, mudokons sleep in them and are equiped with a tv screen (and maybe a brew machine too). You can see some concept art in The Art of Oddworld Book.
Oh my Shrykull! This is amazing!
Oddworld Inhabitants have just been shoveling out more and more brilliance this year.
At first glance, I thought it might have been Oddworld's representation of Office cubicles... Office sphericles. Then I read what you said about the sleeping pods and remembered it from the Art of Oddworld: First Ten Years.
Office Sphericles... Heh. I was kind of looking forward to an appearance of Chroniclers.
The fact the Mudokon cells are hanging is quite intriguing. These seem to show that the movies should start near the roots of the original Oddworld story, perhaps following Abe's Oddysee, perhaps not.
Since the second pic shows Molluck, or perhaps another CEO Glukkon, standing within one of the glass towers, that seems to show these as offices or something similar. Perhaps an observatory to keep an eye on the Mudokons, with all the glass, as well as somewhere to hang out perhaps or whatever.
Those are sleeping pods, mudokons sleep in them and are equiped with a tv screen (and maybe a brew machine too). You can see some concept art in The Art of Oddworld Book.
So Raymond Swanland is still working for them? Sweet. I'm deeply surprised that they would release concept art of the Oddworld film now, since those are probably among the first pieces of it. Unless they are working on the Oddworld film as well as CS.
Anyway, I was surprised to see this at first. Obviousily Steven Old's art has been used (perhaps tampered with), so does that mean that the cages were suppose to be in AO? That would be awesome if they were accepted. I can't wait to see it on the big screen.
The next picture rather surprised me. So Glukkons actually watch the Mudokons. And Glukkons have offices like in MO. Intriguing... Can't wait to see that either.
The next picture rather surprised me. So Glukkons actually watch the Mudokons. And Glukkons have offices like in MO. Intriguing... Can't wait to see that either.
I assume most of the time, Slig patrols are in there watching, as opposed to Glukkons. I suppose many a Glukkon would like to go and look at something like that within their factory, and chuckle to themselves on their wealth/power or something.
@looney-bin: If you look closely, there appears to be some sort of ridge or scaffolding or something behind the panels the Gluks stand on. I assume the panels themselves move around, perhaps up from down below somewhere, or down from up above.
Holy Cow! I can't wait for the movie to come out! And before Xavier posted those related pictures, I was just thinking about how much they looked like the production images from "Art of Oddworld: First Ten Years"...
__________________ Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-
I like to see that all the ideas from the first concept stages of AO are being revamped and that they might be in the movie. Hope the art keeps comming!!
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
Ooo, awesome! Concept art released so soon! And I thought they were sleeping pods, there's more details on that in the Art of Oddworld book. In fact, doesn't the second painting kinda remind you of the bottom-most slide in the second column on page 68 of AOOI?
Since the second pic shows Molluck, or perhaps another CEO Glukkon, standing within one of the glass towers, that seems to show these as offices or something similar. Perhaps an observatory to keep an eye on the Mudokons, with all the glass, as well as somewhere to hang out perhaps or whatever.
I think the Glukkons would watch the muds because they enjoy watching their downfall and enslavement.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
I almost cried as well when I saw that, and immediately recognized the pictures as being similar to pictures in The Art of Oddworld book.
It does seem strange that they're all ready planning that, but who's complaining?
I think the Glukkons would watch the muds because they enjoy watching their downfall and enslavement.
Maybe that too :P
Though as Alcar said below, I think it would be more because of superiority as opposed to downfall, since they would have forgotten: if the Mudokons have, why not the Glukkons? For that matter, I think the Glukkons have forgotten about more of it than the Mudokons have...
I think the Glukkons would watch the muds because they enjoy watching their downfall and enslavement.
After the hundreds (thousands?) of years that the Mudokons have been enslaved by the Glukkons, I believe that their sense of triumph over those who once claimed to be the 'Chosen Ones' would have been forgotten - and replaced with a 'God-given' sense of superiority.
I doubt that the Glukkons of the present even know of their spiritual past, and the 'schism' that occurred between the Mudokons. Much like the Mudokons have also forgotten this piece of their history.
“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate
After the hundreds (thousands?) of years that the Mudokons have been enslaved by the Glukkons, I believe that their sense of triumph over those who once claimed to be the 'Chosen Ones' would have been forgotten - and replaced with a 'God-given' sense of superiority.
I doubt that the Glukkons of the present even know of their spiritual past, and the 'schism' that occurred between the Mudokons. Much like the Mudokons have also forgotten this piece of their history.
That may well be right. But I was always under the impression that the enslavement was more in the order of tens of years rather than hundreds, what with there still being some native, traditional muds living in places like Monsaic Lines.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.