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06-14-2007, 04:57 PM
: May 2007
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Gerard-Blaize  (10)

HELP! I’ve downloaded the Nokia 6600 Multimedia Player from the following link;
This took ages as I have dial up! Once I downloaded and installed it, someone went on the PC and deleted it!! I downloaded it again from the above link, and after another 2 hours of painfully slow downloading, when I tried to install it, it said that another Nokia Multimedia Player was already running!! I searched ABSOLUTLY EVERYWHERE and I deleted files until the only Nokia file was the application to install the Media Player that I had downloaded from the above link. IT STILL SAYS THERE IS ANOTHER NOKIA MULTIMEDIA PLAYER RUNNING!!!

Could someone PLEASE help me??!! I’m hoping that one of you kind, handsome fellow Oddworld fans will;

A; tell me how to fix it


B; give me the link to another free application that can convert avi. & mpg/mpeg videos to 3gp videos.

I am willing to kiss Hobos' ring AND spell correctly in return for any help!! Thank you most kindly!
A little hard work never killed anyone important.

Last edited by Gerard-Blaize; 06-14-2007 at 05:00 PM..
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06-14-2007, 06:44 PM
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Have you a) restarted the computer or b) tried fiddling with the registry settings to ensure that a past install is not still being registered?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-14-2007, 11:49 PM
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Well that'll teach you to delete files instead of using an uninstaller.

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06-15-2007, 12:01 AM
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Indeed, T'was quite a dumb Idea. Perhaps you should label stuff you don't want deleted?
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

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06-15-2007, 06:29 AM
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Lmao. I laugh at your stupidity. Use the Uninstaller in future.
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06-15-2007, 06:38 AM
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Man you guys are so mean, some of us don't know much about computers ya know?
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06-15-2007, 07:05 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Man you guys are so mean, some of us don't know much about computers ya know?
Agreed....Sometimes I don't see why people can't just leave people who make nooby mistakes or say nooby things alone...
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-15-2007, 01:11 PM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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hmmm... Maybe it hasn't even been deleted. Just moved. And if it runs at startup or in the background or something you might be able to stop it by using the task manager's processes tab. It'll be hard to find it though.

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

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06-15-2007, 03:18 PM
: May 2007
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Gerard-Blaize  (10)

my sister went on it and deleted it. it wasn't moved or uninstalled. she thought it was taking up too much memory... -.-
i am not too hot on PCs but i do uninstall stuff. not THAT slow!! although in terms of PCs, i am noobie. I've already tried task manager Fortesque. I'm sorta hoping that someone has a link to another free app. that converts mpg and avi. to 3gp.
A little hard work never killed anyone important.

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06-15-2007, 05:25 PM
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Take a look at the first question on this page: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/20...?from=storyrhs

Just be really careful with your registry editor as it's possible to right royally screw up your computer with it.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-16-2007, 03:16 AM
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Man you guys are so mean, some of us don't know much about computers ya know?
Some time you'll realise we're all joking. I don't get to make that many jokes in real life, so I do it here.
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06-16-2007, 03:18 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Some time you'll realise we're all joking. I don't get to make that many jokes in real life, so I do it here.
You called Gerard stupid, so its a joke at some one's expense. Those kinda jokes don't work for everyone you know.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-16-2007, 02:23 PM
: May 2007
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Gerard-Blaize  (10)

You called Gerard stupid, so its a joke at some one's expense. Those kinda jokes don't work for everyone you know.
when you show noob like qualities, your gonna get mocked. if you don't ask cause you know you'll be mocked your not gonna get any help and your gonna stay a noob. speaking of help, thanks Nate!
A little hard work never killed anyone important.

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06-17-2007, 01:46 AM
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when you show noob like qualities, your gonna get mocked. if you don't ask cause you know you'll be mocked your not gonna get any help and your gonna stay a noob. speaking of help, thanks Nate!
Aaaaand now my brain is screwed again.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-17-2007, 06:16 AM
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Just say yes and walk slowly away...

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06-18-2007, 06:40 AM
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You called Gerard stupid, so its a joke at some one's expense. Those kinda jokes don't work for everyone you know.
Technically I didn't call him stupid. I just said he was being stupid. I win.
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06-18-2007, 07:19 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Technically I didn't call him stupid. I just said he was being stupid. I win.
No. You fail because I don't want to fail.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-18-2007, 09:08 AM
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Good work on sending him the link that'll block him from OWF Nate!
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06-18-2007, 11:08 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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Good work on sending him the link that'll block him from OWF Nate!
Doubt it....Unless there is a banning link I don't know about....
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-19-2007, 04:58 AM
Nate's Avatar
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If you knew about it, you wouldn't be here now, would you?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-19-2007, 07:23 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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No. You fail because I don't want to fail.
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06-19-2007, 10:27 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Forget it, I was probably in an awkward mood when I typed that, plus I have a bad sense of humour.....You fail.

If you knew about it, you wouldn't be here now, would you?
Me don't get it...400 posts! I win! Whoooo!
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 06-19-2007 at 10:30 AM..
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06-19-2007, 12:13 PM
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Forget it, I was probably in an awkward mood when I typed that, plus I have a bad sense of humour.....You fail.

Me don't get it...400 posts! I win! Whoooo!
You do have a bad sense of humour, and a bad sense of using the emoticon. More like you fail.
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06-19-2007, 12:51 PM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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I HAVE a SOLUTION! I actually gave myself so much time to think about it
(1 minute) and came up with the idea. Go to the control panel/add or remove programs. That should do it, just click on remove. I should know, I delete all the stuff instead of uninstalling cause it takes sooo darrrnn looongggg. Then I want to reinstall and get the same error message. The control panel thing helps.

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

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06-19-2007, 04:44 PM
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Won't work because if he's deleted any file to do with the progam, then he'll have deleted the uninstall program.

Now can we please keep this on topic, gents and ladies?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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06-19-2007, 05:27 PM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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NO! The program will still appear on the list and if he wants to remove it there will be a message saying something like:"the program might have been deleted, do you want to remove it from the list?". Something like that... Although, for the majority of programs that I have deleted (including uninstall.exe) the uninstall still performed by some miracle. He could try, if it doesn't work then try registry change which is more risky.

But it seems he hasn't posted in a while now, so I'll take it as he tried the registry change, but screwed something up and now he can't post.

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

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06-19-2007, 10:46 PM
Jordan's Avatar
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I hate it when if you click uninstall it can't find the uninstallation file. I feel like bashing Windows so bad for that. What is the point in all these error messages!?
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06-19-2007, 11:12 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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You do have a bad sense of humour, and a bad sense of using the emoticon. More like you fail.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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06-20-2007, 03:14 PM
: May 2007
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Gerard-Blaize  (10)

Good work on sending him the link that'll block him from OWF Nate!
Love you too Hobo!
A little hard work never killed anyone important.

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