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03-07-2007, 09:41 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Happy My life as Willy's wife-a fanfiction

I know this isn't really all that good,but I've never done this before so,if the spacing isn't all that good either,just hang in there and keep reading,please!
"My Life as Willy's Wife"
One dark December night,a beautiful young girl named Casandra went for a walk in her dreams.The snow was falling,yet it wasn't cold outside.The sky was an enchanting purple shade.
Not realizing she was dreaming,Casandra wondered where she was at.She was awed by the mere perfectness of all that she saw.
"This can't be Tennessee!"Casandra said."Where am I?"
Suddenly,she saw a large figure in the distence.It was a pale white and blue color,from what she could see,and smoke was billowing out of it.
"No,it couldn't be..."she said as her heart leaped inside of her."Oh,my gosh!It looks like the real Willy Wonka factory!"
Casandra always dreamed of going to his famous factory,and getting to see Wonka himself.She found him very attractive and saw him as a mastermind.She would give almost anything to be his wife!"But,he isn't real"she would say over and over again in her head,hoping to ease her pain and desire.
Even though she couldn't believe her eyes,Casandra walked closer and closer to the object she thought was the chocolate factory.When she reached the gate,she could clearly see that this was the real thing.
A familiar voice,that could only be Willy's,was heard over a loud speaker.Not expecting it,Casandra jumped with fright.
The voice said,"Please enter..."So,she entered.Then the voice said,"Close the gate..."Casandra whirled around and saw the gate closing."What if this is a trick of some kind."Casandra said.She looked around,left and right trying to figure out what was about to happen.
Then,Another gate opened,the front door entrance,and out stepped the most handsome man with a top hat and coat!"You...your...Willy Wonka..."Casandra whispered.
"Yes I am!"Willy said in a cheerful tone."Aren't you happy to see me?"He said with a sad look on his face.
"Of course I'm happy to see you!"Casandra shouted.She run over to him through the snow and gave him a hug and kiss.
"Whoa."Willy said in shock."I guess you are happy to see me!"
He took Casandra by her hand and lead her inside the factory.

End of chapter 1.Yes,I know it wasn't perfect like I said before,but I've never done a fanfiction so,yeah,I'm new...Just be patient!
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

Last edited by IloveHammy!; 03-09-2007 at 05:51 AM..
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03-07-2007, 03:29 PM
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Yeesh good fic. I enjoyed it, can't wait for chapter 2.
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03-08-2007, 03:10 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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Wow, lovely fiction. I like it. And don't worry. You're much better at writing stories and fics than I am. I love this fic. Good work. Keep it up. And I can't wait to see Chapter 2.
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03-08-2007, 06:15 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Happy Chapter two!

As Willy and Casandra walked along through the corridor,they held each others hand tightly.Casandra was so full of joy,excitment and love she could bear it no longer.As soon as the two of them entered the chocolate room,all of Casandra's emotions burst inside of her.All of the beauty around her suddenly turned dark as she started to fall to the minty suger grass below her.She said in a shaky voice,"Willy,I don't feel well...",and,just before she fell to the ground,Willy caught her in mid-air. He didn't know what to feel. "Had she been disappointed by his humble factory?" or "Was she just tired?" or what? Although confused,he picked her up and took her to the Bucket household. There he hoped she would regain conciousness and explain how she had felt to him.
"Please let me in!It's important!",cried Willy from the other side of the Bucket's door. "I'm coming!",yelled Charlie's mother. Her hurried footsteps could be heard from outside as she sped across the floor. She opened the door and her eyes lit up when she saw the beautiful,seemingly lifeless girl in Willy's arms. "What on earth happened?And who is this young girl?" Mrs. Bucket asked in a breathless,whispering voice,as if Casandra were asleep. "My wife-to-be!" said Willy proudly. "Some catch isn't she?",he asked with a childish sparkle,Mrs. Bucket had never seen before,in his eyes. "I'll say!" Mrs. Bucket replied. "But,what's wrong with her?",Charlie asked when he came over to the door. "She fainted I think.",Willy said in a sad,yet urgent tone. "Well,bring her in before she has a heartattack!",screamed Grandama Josephine. Willy did as she said.He took her upstairs and layed her on Charlie's bed.
After about 15 minutes,Casandra woke up. She looked around the small,yet comfortable room in which she was in. She saw wrappers from Wonka candy bars,about 6 of them,tacked to the wall along with a child's drawing of Willy's factory. She knew this had to be Charlie Bucket's room. She looked at the foot of her bed and saw Willy,with a worried look on his face,not noticing that she had woken up. "Darling...",Casandra managed to say in an almost silent whisper,"Are you okay?" . Her voice startled him a bit.He looked at her with his shining purple eyes and said,"Of cousre I'm alright,but are you?",the worried look still on his face. "Yes.Sorry that I had an episode." Casandra said with a bit of shyness in her voice.
"Oh,good,you're awake!",Mrs. Bucket's kind voice boomed from the downstairs. She,Mr. Bucket and Charlie all came up the stairs to see how the young girl was doing. "Yes,I'm wide awake now.",Casandra said as she looked over at the three,relief sweeping over her. "Do you need anything,Casandra darling?",asked Willy. Astonished that he knew her name without even telling him,she ignored his question and said,"How did you know my name?!". "It's a very long story.And after your 'episode' you need not to hear of it right now." Wonder filled Casandra's eyes,but not wanting to upset Willy,just pushed her questions aside for the time being. "Well,if you could take me to your room,it would be better I think.And,if I had a cold drink of some kind,that would be nice too.",Casandra said,finally answering Willy,trying not to sound too pushy.
She and Willy both thanked the Bucket's for their hospitality and then took the pink,sugar boat for a ride to Willy's room. Once there,Casandra asked if she could lay down,of course Willy said yes,so she flopped down on the soft sheets and sighed. "Thank you sweetheart." Casandra breathed. "You're most welcome.",Willy said with a strange nervousness. He walked over beside the bed and unexpectantly dropped down on one knee. Casandra wondered what he was doing,so she looked down at her feet and saw that Willy was about to propose to her! He got out a small box from one of the pockets on his coat and opened it to reveal the most gorgeous sugar crystal inset in semi-sweet chocolate ring Casandra had ever seen. "Will you marry me?",Willy said,trembling,as he took her hand in his. Casandra just stared in awe at his gift,then studdered the words he was longing to hear come from her mouth,"Oh,I...I...YES!" Casandra screamed with pure joy,tears streaming down her pale colored face.She jumped up from the bed and flung herself around Willy. He held her tight,knowing that she would never leave him...

I'll continue this later,and don't worry,this is just the beginning,it'll get better and more exciting soon!
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

Last edited by IloveHammy!; 03-09-2007 at 05:52 AM..
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03-08-2007, 06:28 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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This is getting exciting. I like weddings. I want to see more of this. I want to know what will happen to Cassandra and Willy Wonka. I like how this is going. I like this. I can't wait to see more.
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03-08-2007, 12:28 PM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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This is getting exciting. I like weddings. I want to see more of this. I want to know what will happen to Cassandra and Willy Wonka. I like how this is going. I like this. I can't wait to see more.
Thanks!It's even getting exciting for me too!
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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03-09-2007, 05:54 AM
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Happy Chapter 3...

Willy and Casandra hugged for the longest time,then decided there would be plenty of time for that after getting married. For now though,there was much planning to do. They had to invite people,Casandra had to get a dress,ect.,ect. But,the first thing Willy wanted to do,was tell the Bucket's he had finally made his proposal after waiting such a long time.
Casandra couldn't figure out why he told her he wanted to let the Bucket's know the news because he'd been 'waiting such a long time'. He had only known her about an hour!Or,so she thought.
She just brushed the idea away. There was far too much to think about right now. She could ask him on the wedding night or something like that. Casandra was so deep in thought about the wedding,combing her long,blackish,brown hair,she didn't even notice Willy staring at her with a loving smile on his face. He was amazed by her,even though she didn't know him all that well yet,he knew her and had for a very long time. He wasn't prepared to tell her how he knew her yet though.He wanted to keep it as secret as possible .Only his beloved Oompa Loompa's knew most of Willy's secrets. The Bucket's knew very little about Casandra,because Willy tried to keep quiet as much as he could. He had accidently blurted out her name at dinner one night and they flooded him with question's about who she was and how he knew her. He refused to answer most of their questions but,gave into a few. He told them that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and that she might come to the factory soon to meet them. He didn't tell them that he was planning to ask for her hand in marriage,nor did he inform them how he had known her almost her whole life.
"Almost ready?",Willy asked with a bit of playful impatience in his voice."What?Oh,yeah,Almost.",Casandra said with a sudden turn. She had nearly forgotten he was in the room. She looked into his dresser mirror to touch up her eyeliner a bit. Then she took his hand,turned out the lights in his room and left to go back to the Bucket home for the second time that day.
Casandra was amazed at the glass elevator,which they wanted to take instead of the boat.She had seen it on the movie,but right here in front of her,it seemed different and more magical.She looked up and down at the shining buttons,carefully reading their lables.Willy wanted to give her the honor of pushing the button that would take them to the 'Chocolate Room'(in which the Bucket house was located). She looked over the wide arangement of buttons,then found it and pushed it with excitment.The elevator zoomed through the air going this way and that until it came to it's desired stop.The two stepped out,still holding hands and headed towards the shabby,little Bucket house that was dimly lit with candles in the windows.
When they reached the door,they didn't even have to knock,Mr. Bucket already had it open for them. He had seen them walking across the bridge next to the chocolate waterfall and then treading across the sugar grass softly. "Please come in",said Mr. Bucket nicely."Thank you.",Willy and Casandra said in unison. They looked at each other and laughed. "Well,well!",said Grandpa Joe,"you're just in time for dinner!" "Yes,and you can stay and eat it with us if you like.",Mrs. Bucket said sweetly. "Thank you."replied Willy,"But,before we eat,Casandra and I want to tell you something." Casandra and Willy walked inside. "Okay.Go ahead then.",said grandpa George,impatient to eat. "I just asked Casandra to marry me!",Willy said with joy,"And she said..." But,just before he could finish his own sentence,Casandra completed it by saying,"Yes." "Oh,how wonderful!",yelled Mrs. Bucket. And,following her excitment,everyone in the room started shouting words of happiness to Willy and Casandra. "Finally a woman other than us in your life,Willy!",cried grandma Josephine. Laughter filled the room,and out of the blue,grandma Georgina said,"I love cake!",knowing a wedding would be coming up soon.

Thats the end of Chapter 3.Hope it was better! Chapter 4 will be posted later.
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

Last edited by IloveHammy!; 03-12-2007 at 04:39 PM..
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03-09-2007, 06:42 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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Aw, this is getting as sweet as chocolate cake. And in Grandma Georgina's words 'I like cake.' Well, I like cake too. But this is going to be so cool, I want to read that wedding in full detail. Sorry, I'm being bossy. Just kidding. I do wish to see what this wedding will be like and all it's gloryness. Good work, though. Keep it up.
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03-19-2007, 07:25 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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IloveHammy!  (10)
Happy Here's 4!

"Oh,darling,We're so happy for you!" ,exclaimed Mrs. Bucket as she hugged Willy and Casandra. "So,when will the wedding be?" aksed grandma Josephine with a hint of excitment in her voice. "We haven't really set a date yet," Willy replied. "I just made the proposal a few minutes ago!" "We had better get started soon though.I don't think I can wait any longer!" ,said Casandra as she hugged Willy. "I can help with decorations.",said Mrs. Bucket with hopefulness in her voice. "That is,if you want me to.There's so many Oompa Loompa's around here,you really wouldn't need me!" "Oh,but I would love to have your help,Mrs. Bucket!",said Casandra. "I'm sure you're a wonderful decorator!" "I know a thing or two about it.I"m not bragging or anything,of course!" ,said Mrs. Bucket as she sat down at the table. "Let's talk about all of this later," said grandpa George impatiently, "I'm ready to eat!"
Everyone sat down at the table with Mrs. Bucket and gave out plates and silverware to one another. The Bucket's had a very nice dinner,complete with all of Casandra's favorite foods. They had southwestern eggrolls,rice and oddly enough,pasta. Casandra loved food's from different countries. She couldn't figure out why or how they had known that though. At this point,Casandra began to get suspicious. "I'll talk to Willy about this later,even though I'm dying to ask him now.",Casandra said to herself. After eating,Willy and Casandra again thanked the Bucket's and headed out the door. "Don't forget to tell us when the wedding is!" cried Mr. Bucket as Willy and Casandra walked to the elevator. "We won't!",reasured Casandra.
Casandra and Willy entered the elevator and pushed the button labled "Terrific View". "This room is at the top of the factory." ,said Willy. "We can stand up there and just look around if you want." He put his arm around Casandra. "I'd love to.",Casndra said as she hugged him. After a while,the elevator stopped at "Terrific View" and Mr.-and-Mrs.-Wonka-to-be stepped out. "No wonder he named this place 'Terrific View'! It's absolutely beautiful!" ,Casandra thought. And it was. They could see the whole city below them. It was getting dark outside as Willy and Casandra watched the lights flash on all over the large city under their feet. They stood and talked with each other for almost an hour,then Casandra remembered what she needed to ask Willy. "Darling," Casandra started, "How did the Bucket's know I liked foreign food?" Willy suddenly looked speechless,then he replied, "Ummm,I guess they just knew.Strange,huh?" Casandra could see without doubt that he was lying to her "But,how could they know?" Casandra questioned with frustration. "I mean,they haven't even known me a day!You haven't either,but you seem to have known me my whole life!" Casandra didn't mean to shout,but she was just so confused. "Calm down." Willy said quietly,trying to comfort her. "I wanted to tell you this later but,look's like it can't wait." Willy took Casandra's hand and looked her in the eyes. "I have known you almost your whole life," Willy admitted "After you watched my movie and fell in love with me,I saw that no one else had ever cared about me so much and I fell in love with you too. I watched you secretly,examining your heart and way of life. I discovered you were the only one for me. Nobody else made me feel the way you did." Tears again filled Casandra's eyes as she listened to Willy's confession. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." Willy looked down at the ground,feeling a little guilty. "I wanted to really and truly be with you forever. I didn't want to just watch you drift farther and farther away from me.I wanted to be your husband and give you everything your heart desired.So,I brought you here to my factory through your dreams.I invented a new candy that allowed me to do it.So,when the time was right,I took advantage and brought you here to become my wife." Casandra was awestruck by what he had just told her.She just looked at him for a few seconds then said, "So...what's happening right now is nothing but a dream I will soon wake from?" Her face had a very worried and sad look on it. "No,of course not!",said Willy with joy. "Do you think I would bring you here just to be with me one time?No way!We are going to get married and live together in my factory forever!" This time,it was Casandra's turn not to know how to feel.Finally,she said, "I'm overjoyed at what you just said,darling,but does that mean I will never get to see my family and home again?" Another tear ran down her face. "Well,maybe,I donno.I'll have to invent another candy to get you and I back to reality and out of this dream.Otherwise,you'll never wake up and you will probably get buried alive on account of people believeing you to be dead.",Willy said,sounding very casual. "What?!",Casandra screamed. She couldn't be buried alive! She couldn't never go back home! "Oh,Willy! What have you done?" Casandra sobbed as she absolutely burst into tears. Despite her anger and sadness towards him,she buried her face in Willy's chest and cried and cried. He held her tight,knowing he had definitely made a mistake by telling her how he had known her.

Sad,huh?They'll get over and out of it though.Just keep looking for chapter 5.Willy will find a way.He always does.Hey,he's the famous candy man,is there anything he can't do?
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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03-19-2007, 07:30 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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Aww no. This is getting sad. I don't want it to end badly. I want it to end happily and nicely and funly and other things ending in 'ly'. But still, I like this. It's getting exciting.
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03-19-2007, 08:15 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Happy Here's chapter 5!Quick wasn't it?

Willy lifted Casandra's face, covered in tears, and gave her a kiss. Then he
hugged her again and said, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't think about how to get
you back. But, I promise I'll find a way, even if it means that I can't come
with you." Casandra stopped crying so hard and wiped her tears away then
looked at Willy and said, "I'm happy to be with you, Willy. Don't get me
wrong. I always dreamed of becoming your wife. But, you know, I'm just tired
and all of this is so sudden!" "I understand," Willy said with yet another

Both saw that the sky above them, that was once bright purple, was now black
and scattered with stars. "I guess it's time I found you a place to sleep
for the night," Willy said. "I'll stay in my guest room, which I made on
account of your coming here, and you can stay in my room." "Thank you,
Willy that will be fine," Casandra said with a smile. They both walked into
the elevator and headed downstairs.

Willy showed Casandra where everything she would need was at. Then, he gave
her a good-night kiss and went to his guest room. Casandra got out the
comfortable pajamas that Willy said she could wear from his dresser drawer
and climbed into bed. As she laid there thinking about a million things and
staring at the ceiling, she wondered what it would be like when they were
married. She asked herself, how will we get back to the real world
together? And, how will I get back alone, and how will Willy make the candy
that allows us to do it (if we can at all)?

Casandra went over these questions for hours, and then realized she needed
to get some rest. She said her prayer, thanking God for letting her be with
Willy. And, she asked Him to help them to work out their situation and
prayed that they would be happy FOREVER no matter what happened. Finally,
she fell asleep.

The next morning, Willy knocked on her door singing," Good morning
starshine!" The earth says "Hello!". It took her a while to make sure she
was still in her dream with Willy and not at home. She looked around, a
little confused about where she was. Then, she remembered and shouted to
Willy,"Hold on, darling, I'm not ready, I just woke." "Take your time,"
Willy said cheerfully. Casandra rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She put
on some clothes she found in Willy's closet that he had bought for her. A
beautiful black corset, red silky pants and black leather boots. She put on
some matching jewelry, not to mention her engagement ring. After putting on
her make-up(which was also provided),Casandra was finally done. She walked

out the bedroom and looked around for Willy. She spotted him just around the
corner, waiting for her beside the elevator. "There you are", Willy said as
he saw her walking up to him. "Wow, you look great in those clothes I got
you! Good thing I knew what your sizes were," he said with a huge smile.
"Thanks. I like them too. You did a good job of picking them out. You know
exactly what I like," Casandra said as she entered the elevator. "Well, I do
know you better than most men." Willy said proudly,following her into theelevator.

They zoomed off to the inventing room to see if they could come up with a
get outta here' candy(as Willy called it). Of course, Casandra knew nothing
about inventing candy(much less,magic candy),so she just watched the Oompa
Loompa's and Wonka do their stuff and pretended to know what was going on.
Wonka experimented with a least 50 different magic candy ingredients. But,
nothing seemed to be working. He tested the candy on the Oompa Loompa's,but
they just stood there, frowning from the bad taste. Seeing that Willy was
frustrated, Casandra went over to him,put her hand on his shoulder and said,
"Oh, baby,you look like you need to take a rest," and Willy agreed. They
left the inventing room and went to the Bucket's house for the third time.
"I need Charlie's help with the candy, he'll probably know just what to do,"
Said Willy.

My aunt fixed this one for me.She's going to work on the others,so when they get edited,I'll re-do them on here.
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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03-21-2007, 01:36 PM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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This is as sweet as sugar. Poor Willy. Not being able to make a candy to get you out of the dream. I hope it all ends happily. And your aunt did a good job. Good work.
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03-22-2007, 04:29 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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This is as sweet as sugar. Poor Willy. Not being able to make a candy to get you out of the dream. I hope it all ends happily. And your aunt did a good job. Good work.
Don't ya feel sorry for him?He's really frustrated.:anger:But,he'll find a way.He always does.I mean,really,is there anything the great Wonka can't do?(I can think of a few thing's,but you get my point!)
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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03-31-2007, 04:05 PM
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Happy Chapter 6!

As Willy and Casandra were walking back to the Bucket’s house, they saw Charlie getting into the pink sugar boat. “Hello,” Charlie shouted as he looked over his shoulder and saw Willy and Casandra coming towards him. “I need your help with something in the inventing room,” Willy said. However, Before Charlie could question him, Willy hopped into the boat and ordered the Oompa Loompa’s to take them to the inventing room. While on the way there, Charlie asked Willy what the trouble was. After being told about the situation, Charlie looked very confused. “You mean you brought her here through her dreams?” “Yes. How else could I? People don’t know we exist, so we don’t. In reality at least. Only in our devoted fans hearts and dreams. So I had no other choice,” Willy replied, tossing his head in a matter-of-fact way. “Well, we had better invent something to get her back quick before it’s too late!” exclaimed Charlie.

Once they arrived at the inventing room, for the second time that day, everyone got out of the boat and started looking around for good ingredients. “Hey Willy,” Charlie said, “How about testing some wham bangers and cotton spice on the Oompa Loompa’s?” “That might work! Let’s see,” Willy said as he walked over to Charlie carrying a box of cotton spice in his hands. Charlie took the two ingredients and mixed them together in a big vat filled with water and sugar. After a couple of minutes, Charlie fished around in the vat and pulled out a tiny, hard piece of rainbow colored candy. He handed it to an Oompa Loompa, who immediately popped the candy in his mouth. The Oompa Loompa gave an approving smile, and then disappeared! “Where did he go?” asked Casandra, as she looked around the room in shock. “I think he went to the real world,” Charlie said happily. “We did it! We did it!” Willy chanted with child-like excitement, as he hugged Casandra. “We had better see if another Oompa Loompa can get to the same place as the other when he eats the candy,” Charlie said seriously. “That’s right,” Casandra, agreed, “We’re not quite out of the woods yet.” So, Willy made another piece and gave it to an Oompa Loompa. He disappeared too. “But did they get to the same place?” Casandra wondered. “How can we know for sure if the candy did what it was supposed to do?”, Casandra asked Willy. “I’ll just take the candy that allowed me to see you in the real world. Then, I’ll be able to see them. Maybe,” said Willy. So, he ate a piece of flat, yellow, ‘spying candy’ and his eyes turned dark as he looked into the real world. He didn’t say a word; he just looked like he was in some kind of dark daydream. After a while though, he finally came back to being himself and his eyes became shiny and purple again. “What did you see, darling?” Casandra asked. “The two of them where together safely, in your room. Now to bring them back before your mother sees them.” Willy said hurriedly as he grabbed the candy which he used to bring Casandra to him. That particular candy was called, ‘get in here’ candy (ironically). It was bright pink with purple stripes on it. Willy popped the candy into his mouth and the two Oompa Loompa’s appeared before them, smiling. “No one in the house saw you, right?” Willy questioned. The two Oompa Loompa’s nodded ‘no’. “Oh, good.” Willy said, relieved. “Won’t mom come in to wake me up before we can get married and everything? I mean, I’ve been here for more than a day now. She has gotta see that something’s wrong when I don’t get out of my bed for two days,” Casandra said. “Oh, no need to worry about that, my dear Casandra. A year here is only an hour in your world,” Willy said with a wide smile. “Man, am I glad to hear that!” Casandra said as she thanked Charlie for his help. “Anytime at all, Casandra,” Charlie said politely, walking towards the door. “Are you going to take the boat, Willy?” Charlie asked, as he reached for the door handle. “No, thank you. I think we’ll take the elevator. I have a surprise for Casandra,” Willy replied. “Another surprise? You never run out of ideas do you, Willy?” Casandra said as she smiled, taking Willy’s hand as they left the room. “But anyway, I’m so glad we made that candy. Now, I can rest assured knowing that I can have the best of both worlds!” Casandra said.

Once in the elevator,Willy took Casandra to a new room he had been working on for some time called, ‘The happily ever after room’. “Since we don’t have to worry about the ‘get outta here’ candy anymore, I think we should start planning our wedding,” Willy said as he hugged Casandra. “Sounds good to me!” said Casandra with excitement. When the elevator door opened, Casandra’s eyes lit up brighter then ever before. The room was decorated with the most beautiful colors Casandra had ever seen. Colors that had not yet been invented in the real world, colors that shined and sparkled with radiant light that was unexplainable. There were chandeliers of crystal hanging above, and soft, marshmallow flooring below. The whole room had the sweetest aroma ever. Willy literally had to grab Casandra by her wrist and lead her out of the elevator. Casandra was afraid she might pass out again. “Baby, you’re going to have to stop making everything so beautiful! I can’t take it all in at once!” Casandra said as she walked beside Willy, looking around at the room he had prepared just for the two of them. “But, you like it don’t you?” Willy said, suddenly sounding worried. “Oh, you know I do!” Casandra replied as she let go of Willy’s hand and sat down on a large, silky pillow. “Good,” Willy sighed with relief as he sat down beside her. “So, where do we start? I’ve never planned a wedding before,” Casandra said. “Hmm, I dunno. I’ve never planned a wedding before either. You’re going to be the first wife I’ve ever had,” Willy said, lovingly. Casandra just had to laugh at what he said. “I hope I’m the only one too!” she said as she gave him a kiss.

Finally, time to plan the wedding! No more tears (of sadness, at least) for a while. It’s all going good. Let’s just hope those two ‘kids-in-love’ know what to do, as far as getting prepared for the big day goes.

By the way,that Ciera song, “Promise” would fit into this moment good wouldn’t it? LOL! If you have sound on your computer, listen to it and you’ll see what I mean. But, if you don’t have sound, look up the lyrics.
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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03-31-2007, 04:12 PM
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Abraham Lure
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Abraham Lure  (11)

I will look up the lyrics soon enough. But lovely story. Glad to know that everything is going alright for now. Good work. It's great.
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03-31-2007, 04:24 PM
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IloveHammy!  (10)

I will look up the lyrics soon enough. But lovely story. Glad to know that everything is going alright for now. Good work. It's great.
Thanks!Yeah,the lyrics are pretty hilarious.Romanticly,of course.
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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04-12-2007, 07:34 PM
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Happy Chapter 7!

“Well, I think the first and easiest thing we can plan on is the cake,” Willy said. “Oh, you are so predictable,” Casandra laughed. “I am the famous chocolatier,” Willy said, “I love sweets. Why do you think I want to marry you?” Casandra smiled. “You are the one who’s sweet!” she said. “Thank you, dear,” Willy said. “But, even though I want to do the cake first, what do you want to do?” “Let’s get the most complicated things over with first,” Casandra replied, “I think I should start looking for a dress. That’s always the hardest thing…for the bride at least.” “Where do you want to start looking?” Willy asked, “China, India, Egypt…” “Whoa, hold on! We don’t have to go any place like that! I mean I want a pretty dress but, honey, we don’t have to spend a fortune!” “Well, I’ve got the money. I make millions of dollars a day on candy sales. So, I don’t mind at all. However, if you just want something made here at the factory, that’s fine too. Anything for you.” Casandra thought for a while and then replied, “What can you make here besides candy? Are the Oompa Loompa’s skilled at making clothes?” “Sort of. They might have a hard time making something for you, now that I think of it. They are so used to making outfits for their size, they may have a really difficult time,” Willy paused for a moment then looked at Casandra with a desperate expression on his face, “Oh, come on! Let’s go some place exotic and get your dress. I want to give you the very best. And I’m afraid that if we let the Oompa Loompa’s do your dress, they’ll just make a terrible mess! I want everything to be perfect!” Casandra was extremely glad that Willy cared for her so much. But then again, she didn’t want him to feel he had to cater to her like that. “Willy, listen to me,” Casandra said seriously, as she looked into his eyes, “Nothing in this world is perfect. Not even in the dream world. This factory is the most perfect place I’ve ever seen in all my life, but…” Casandra tried to think of the right words to say to make him feel better, “Just remember, darling that you don’t have to exhaust yourself for me. Just being in the same room as you makes me happy! We can go anywhere you like to buy a dress. I’ll be satisfied with whatever you want to do. I love you very much and I will never let you go. Especially over a few mistakes! Marriage is no picnic, take it from me.” At the mention of marriage, Willy had one of his deep, expressionless flash backs. Seeing that this was happening, Casandra understood and kept silent.

Willy’s mind was entranced in the memory of his parents, who, believe it or not, were once happily married. In Wilbur Wonka’s younger days, long before he became a dentist, he fell in love with a simple woman, with beautiful, soft eyes and kind, loving heart. She was only 16 when they met. They went together for about 10 years before they finally decided to get married.

Soon after Willy was born though, Wilbur changed. He became mysteriously hard-hearted and cold. Willy had never told anyone this but, the Wonka family had once been in very much the same situation as the Bucket’s. They had a nice house, just blocks away from where Willy would build his factory, but they had very little money. Hardly enough to survive on.

Wilbur tried to look for a good paying job, but because he was getting into his older years, it was nearly impossible. After being turned down at almost every interview, Wilbur felt like a total failure. Until he found out about dentistry. It didn’t require someone young, necessarily, and it was a very well paying occupation. Just what he was looking for. So, Wilbur went to a dentistry school for a few years and then became a very well known professional. He made more money at his new job then he could have ever imagined. There was one problem though. Wilbur was so caught up in his work that he hardly ever paid attention to his family (for whom he started his work in the first place!). After about four years of this treatment, Willy’s mother could take it no longer. She packed her bags and left without a single good-bye. She loved Willy with all her heart but simply could not endure being ignored by her own husband 24/7. She called and wrote letters to Willy nearly everyday. Willy didn’t exactly understand why she had left him. After all, he was still a very young child. He still missed his mother very much though. Wilbur, however, didn’t seem to be fazed a bit. He just kept on doing his work, day and night. Willy grew up being mostly pushed aside by his classmates and own father. Everyone thought of him as an ‘outcast’. He didn’t give up. He knew he could be someone more. He was determined to show the people of the world how great he might be, given the chance. Every time he tried to talk to his father about it though, Wilbur snarled and told him his only hope for a future would be to become a dentist (like him, of course). But, Willy had faith in himself and succeeded in life as the worlds’ most famous chocolatier (as demonstrated in the movie).

Willy snapped out of his flash back and suddenly started to cry softly. He turned his head, so Casandra couldn’t see, and wiped his eyes. But, she instantly knew what was going on. “Baby,” Casandra comforted, “you don’t have to hide your feelings from me. I understand.” She took him in her arms and cried too, even though she didn’t exactly know the reason why he was so upset. “I…I’m sorry,” Willy said between sniffles, “I just had a flash back. One about my p…par…pa…” “Parents, darling?” Casandra asked. “Yeah, when they were married,” Willy said with a very sad look upon his face. “I’m sorry. When did it happen? I never even saw your mother in the movie. What happened to her?” Casandra questioned with much sympathy. Willy looked at the floor for a moment, then slowly replied, “Well, it’s a longer story than the one I told you about. You know, about you and me. I really don’t want to talk about it right now. Maybe later.” “Of course, baby,” Casandra whispered. Willy straightened up and exhaled. “So anyway, where were we?” Willy asked. “I think we were contemplating on my dress,” Casandra reminded him. “Oh, yes,” Willy said with a somewhat bewildered look, “Where shall we go to buy it?” Casandra thought for a while. “You remember Prince Pondicherry don’t you?” “Yes. How could I forget such a loser? I spent days and days planning his chocolate palace, only to have it melt two days after completion!” Willy suddenly looked frustrated. Seeing this, Casandra wanted to get off the subject of the prince in particular. “Well, what about looking for a dress in the country where he lives? I’ve always loved the clothing that that place has to offer. Everything is so sparkly and colorful! I don’t want a traditional wedding, so I think a wedding gown from there would do just fine.” “Okay!” Willy agreed without argument, “I’ll get the jet ready. I have my own you know,” he informed her proudly. “Oh my gosh! I didn’t know that!” Casandra said, awestruck with an excited gleam in her eyes. “What does it look like?” Casandra asked with wonder. “It’s bright purple,” Willy replied, “and really, really big. You wanna fly in it today?” “You bet I do!” Casandra answered with a big smile. “I’ll tell the Oompa Loompa’s to get it ready. Pack your things, my dear Casandra, we’ll leave in an hour.”

Just so you know, the other people and places in the dream world are not aware of their current situation. They think they are living in reality. Only Willy, Casandra, the Oompa Loompa’s and the Bucket’s know they are trapped in a dream.

Oh, and that song by Fergie, Glamorous, came into my mind as I was writing about the jet! I looove that song!
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

Last edited by IloveHammy!; 04-13-2007 at 12:59 PM..
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04-14-2007, 08:32 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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Abraham Lure  (11)

Aw. This is so sweet. I like this. It's cute. This is getting good and interesting. I can't wait to see the next chapter.
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04-16-2007, 12:28 PM
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IloveHammy!  (10)

Aw. This is so sweet. I like this. It's cute. This is getting good and interesting. I can't wait to see the next chapter.
I'm so gald you like it, Tay! Thank you very much for saying all of the nice things you say about it. Be sure to look for "Chapter 8" sometime this week(hopefully!).
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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04-23-2007, 04:03 PM
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IloveHammy!  (10)

Here's a little illistration I did for those times in my stories where Willy has to comfort me. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/53872010/
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

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