Hey Moodokon man,here's my take on you're question.
I will be playing MO the day it comes out, on the XBOX. For me it's on the American version. I will be in Europe this Fall, but will have my American version, and play it anywhere in the world.
I believe it should be on PC as well, however by the time it hits on PC the next generation of games will be coming. That will be something like September of 2002. Too long of a wait for me.
I am in the Biz of CG art for the movies and gaming industry, I have to have all the power possible, I upgrade every 3-4 months, I have to stay at the cutting edge.I have my computers overclocked to 1.5 to 1.7 gigs, I have 3 gigs of DDR memory, top Ge-force 3 cards and I'll still upgrade in about 3 months to the new Athlon codenamed Mustang, it never stops. My point is as good as MO will be on PC, I'm not waiting for it.
As for the price, here's my insider prediction. OK first off the PSX2 will be announcing a price cut at E3 in two weeks. It should be in effect shortly after. I believe that they will drop to $250. With Gamecube coming in at about $179 to $200,they will have to cut the margin. Now due to this XBOX will have to also come down on there initial price target. It costs XBOX $375 for each individual unit to be manufactured. They would have come in at $300 taking a loss.But because of the competition they must come down from that as well. It would be too much of a loss at $200,even for Bill "DOLLARS" Gates. So count on it to be at about $250.
Don't forget you get another DVD player, and five years of gaming from it.And MO is like 6 games in one, it is 200+ hours of gaming bliss.
Mo will cost you something like $45-$50, but if you want you can then re sell it for $25 after you're finished. Not bad huh, total cost will be $20-$25 for 200+ hours of fun.That's the cost of you and a date to go to one movie.
And don't forget you can rent games, so you can check out alot of titles for some extra fun. So get yourself an XBOX Moodokon man, you won't regret it.