Can we all please stop being idiots and leave our religious justification for discrimination at the door please? ...or, just not come in.
To justify that somebody shouldn't be allowed to Adopt because of your religious beliefs is idiotic, please never try and justify an argument like this again, otherwise i may genuinely urinate on your ovaries.
...even if you don't have them.
Needs of the child should take precedence. If a child is going to recieve love and care from two Queers or Dykes, then fine. It certainly beats being ignored in an Orphanage and touched by one of the carers/older boys.
Does a child really need two parents of opposite gender when growing up? In a perfect World, yes. But we don't live in a perfect World.
However, i would prefer it if the couple adopting had somebody of the opposite sex who was quite close to them, just to give the child that little bit of...what's the word? ...pfftttt, no idea. But you get the point.
Will the child be bullied? Probably. But what child isn't?
Homosexuals tend to adopt the most needy of children as well, the ones with serious issues, the ones which some couples will try and avoid, so if this means that those children are going to get a home, why is that bad?
Also, what about special circumstances? Such as little girls who have been abused, and would ideally be introduced to men gradually and carefully, surely being brought up by a Lesbian couple would be ideal to that child?
All in all, the people against it don't really have a leg to stand on. Their arguments are usually mired in religion/stupidity/hate. ...all of which don't have to be exclusive.
Will it make the child Gay to have two Gay parents?
Will the child be abused by Homosexual parents? There's a possibility, but Paedophiles statistically tend to be Heterosexual.
"Where the f*ck are you getting your info from? More people are dying in Africa from aids in case you don't know..."
Yes. He should've said most
black people have AIDs.
For the record, i couldn't be bothered to read most of your points. Most of you are morons anyway.