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01-13-2007, 12:59 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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why re-do MO when you can do ME
but I doubt they will go back to munch soon
Yeah, really. If you've already passed the game, what would be the point of having it re-released, having to buy it again, and having to beat it again? It'd be a much better idea to release ME on the 360, if anything .

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01-14-2007, 10:05 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Yes, but I was just toying with the idea. That and I forgot about ME. Whoops.

But yes, ME would be utterly awesome for the 360...

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01-14-2007, 10:18 AM
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my bet is that we will meet squeek before seeing ME

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01-14-2007, 10:21 AM
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An Oddworld game about a tiny hero, cute! I see squeek as a Slurg or a Ratz, it's the name, squeek...
OWI still need to finish the quintology anyway, so you're right Xav, squeek should come before ME, as it's gonna be a new quintology title.
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01-14-2007, 12:52 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Or maybe Squeek won't be tiny at all. Maybe that's just an ironic statement to throw us off when it comes out.

But yes. I wonder what the gameplay woul be like. Man, this would be a lot easier if we knew what he actually was. I wonder what his plaight would be? So much to think about...

But I would like to see ME, just because for MO you could play most of it just as Abe, or with Abe doing the major stuff. But in ME, maybe they could add more features for Munch. Like, maybe more utilization of his swimming abilities, or the sonar on his head.

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01-14-2007, 01:54 PM
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In ME the graphics'll be effing awesome! It would be cool if Munch could do different tricks in water, and he should have the ability to carry Abe in the water somehow... And the gamespeak should be wider. If the gabiwogs hatch, he'd have to command them somehow, like 'Hello', 'Follow me'. A bit like Abe...
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01-14-2007, 02:43 PM
moxco's Avatar
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Oh well, i'm perfectly fine playing Abe's Oddysee on PSP for now.
I did not know AO was on PSP?
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01-14-2007, 08:08 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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I'm sure he had to of ripped AO onto the PSP somehow.

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01-15-2007, 01:52 AM
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I think he meant the PS1. EDIT: Thanks to atusiya, I stand corrected.

It's been said before but I would prefer an MO director's cut (simultaneous to the movie) rather than closing the loose ends in ME.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

Last edited by Nate; 01-16-2007 at 12:18 AM..
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01-17-2007, 02:33 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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A director's cut version of MO would be pretty cool. And somehting you could earn if you beat the game on Angelic Quarma (which I did the other day and I'm so happy with myself!) maybe you could earn a few clips of "The Making Of---". That would be pretty interesting. I know it would be somewhat like the "Art of Oddworld" book, but I'm sure they could add a little more to the videos, like an interview with Lorne Lanning about parts of it, or even with Sherry.

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01-18-2007, 04:51 AM
Taytay's Avatar
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I really doubt they'd re-release MO for the Wii, but it would use the controller perfectly, but the gamespeak might be pretty impossible unless Nintendo made another extension controller.
Jordan, remember what you said in the thread of Hand Of Odd? A microphone piece thing, or whatever you called it, that would be amazing!
YAY that idea!

Also, AE and AO are amazing, I would not choose a remake. But if they did, you could play it in
2D version, or pick 3D, that would be neat.
But I'd rather see them make a whole new game over a remake.
I want them to stick with PC or Xbox...because I have them, maybe the Wii in the future (at least not until I get it! haha)
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Last edited by Taytay; 01-18-2007 at 05:09 AM..
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01-18-2007, 06:43 AM
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Wii...since there is no space taken up with a HUD normally, you could put gamespeak options along the top. Point and click with the Wiimote, and use the Nunchuck to move. Hold the Nunchuk button (I think there's one on there) to run, and press A when not highlighting Gamespeak to jump...? Who knows.
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01-18-2007, 07:20 AM
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I've got an idea for the gamespeak. The Wii mote has a d-pad, it would be great to use that, like if you press 'up' Abe says hello or something. And when you hold up he says All o ya!
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01-19-2007, 02:44 AM
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Holding and pressing would mean you'd have to wait a second or so if you just pressed it for the game to verify you're not holding it. And timing is critical in the Oddworld games, particularly AO, you had to be bloody quick at points.
MO DC would be best. Giving the full, originally planned story BEFORE making the next one.
And who say's it'll be called ME? even thuogh that would make sense if it was Munch escorting the young Gabbiwogs through hordes of river to the safety of the sea (since if there were more Gabbits, and therefore offspring, losses wouldn't matter with such an originally large number of gabbits, unlike the critical problems Munch is having).
No Oddworld game will be on PS3, though. That thing is too expensive to expect people to buy. Xbox is a possibility, as is the Wii.
I don't want it to be on Xbox, as I want to buy a Wii, and don't want to be limited to Xbox by one or two games alone we don't know are even coming out yet.
The Wii is cheaper, and alot more original and innotitave than the Xbox, so I hope that's a deciding factor.
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01-19-2007, 03:17 AM
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Lorne has stated that he's impressed with the Wii controller and the options it has provided. But he criticised the Gamecube for not being powerful enough for what he wanted a console to do and the Wii is not significantly stronger. Certainly the PS3 has everything he wants in a console: great graphics and crazy-strong processor to handle lots of AI and environmental variables. But I suspect that market share will also come into consideration so he may well choose the 360.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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01-19-2007, 07:30 AM
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Hopefully, by the time a new OW game comes out I'll have the money to buy a 360 and LCD TV, if not, I'm screwed, I'll still buy the game to look at!
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01-19-2007, 07:47 AM
snuzi's Avatar
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The Wii is cheaper, and alot more original and innotitave than the Xbox, so I hope that's a deciding factor.
True, but when compared to the XBox 360 or PS3, it is certainly lacking in graphics. Sure, it's cheaper and the controls are much more interesting, but I think that what Lorne will really be looking for is a system with the best graphics to carry out his vision of the game fully.

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01-19-2007, 12:38 PM
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I don't really care about the graphics, it's the gameplay I'm more bothered about!
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01-19-2007, 12:41 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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But the gameplay would be even better if the graphics were amazing .

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01-20-2007, 01:48 AM
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But the gameplay would be even better if the graphics were amazing .
You mean the general experiene, not the gameplay.
The gameplay is actually controling the way whatever is going on on the screen.

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01-23-2007, 02:32 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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I personally think there shouldn't be any remakes. ME would be awesome to have or Hand of Odd someday, but that's most likely wishful thinking on my part.

However, I would like OWI to do something about providing Microsoft or vice versa the means to make Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath backwards compatible with 360 finally! I can't tell you how frustrated I have been that anytime I want to go play MO for nostalgic reasons, I have to fire up my old Xbox. For what was one of the flagship titles of the original Xbox alongside Halo this is pretty sad.
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01-24-2007, 05:28 PM
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I Think there should be a munch game without abe, [I'll "sniff" miss you abe.] but munch for some reason could run faster. It would be good if the whole game was set in vykkers labs.
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01-24-2007, 08:01 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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That wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense. Why would Munch suddenly be able to run faster? And why would it be set in Vykker's Labs if that blew up? What's more, I don't think that Munch would be able to do so well on his own, seeing as how both Abe and Munch relied on one another to survive during Munch's Oddysee.

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01-24-2007, 10:24 PM
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I agree 100% with you there Snuzi.
And anyway, what would be the fun of a Vykker's labs game, Oddworld isn't all industrial, the player also needs to see some wildlife, like trees, Scrabs and Paramites. What I'd like to see is a return of Scrabania and Paramonia.
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01-24-2007, 11:58 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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I think it'd be just as cool if they showed other Mudokon temples that were dedicated to scrabs and paramites. I think it'd be interesting to see the differences between them and the Mudomo and Mudanchee vaults.

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01-25-2007, 06:12 AM
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I'd love to see Necrum and the Mudanchee and Mudomo Vaults again, there's so much you don't see in AE, I'd just love to explore everything! ^^
And what about the history of the Necrum city?
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01-25-2007, 05:37 PM
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Well, since we're all adding the "what we'd like to see..."

I'd like to see (if it was a munch game) what it was like being a gabbit, like if they had any chanting they did, or if they had like an underwater temple kind've thing. The lifestyle of gabbits would be cool.

If they are doing any new games, I want Hand of Odd!
I think we could all agree, Hand of Odd would be incredible, no matter what system it was on! (As long as I already have the system )
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02-09-2007, 10:43 AM
Xx_Abe_xX's Avatar
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Mad R U JOKING????

I don't really care about the graphics, it's the gameplay I'm more bothered about!
Are you JOKING?!?!?!? The gameplay is awesome. It's the first game where you actually have to interact with the other creatures on screen. The graphics could use a little work, but the backgrounds are awesome!
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02-09-2007, 10:45 AM
Xx_Abe_xX's Avatar
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I agree 100% with you there Snuzi.
And anyway, what would be the fun of a Vykker's labs game, Oddworld isn't all industrial, the player also needs to see some wildlife, like trees, Scrabs and Paramites. What I'd like to see is a return of Scrabania and Paramonia.
And I agree with you 100% Jordan. We definetly need a return of both Scrabania and Paramonia, and even the temples. Yeah those parts in AO were the best.
/b/ is the random category on 4chan. The place where all bad things come from. Especially Hitler.

Happy Birthday, Cunt.

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02-09-2007, 11:51 AM
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Are you JOKING?!?!?!? The gameplay is awesome. It's the first game where you actually have to interact with the other creatures on screen. The graphics could use a little work, but the backgrounds are awesome!
That was my opinion, dude...

And I agree with you 100% Jordan. We definetly need a return of both Scrabania and Paramonia, and even the temples. Yeah those parts in AO were the best.
The nature in the games shows more of the beauty in Oddworld, but with the industriality, you see all the machinery on Oddworld.
Industrial and nature on Oddworld both have their good points, but I much prefer the trees and the grass. Hey, I'm a tree hugger!
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