The Halo Thread
Well, it's been done before. But since the old Halo thread, which you may or may not remember, hasn't been used in over a year I decided it was time for a new one. Feel free to talk about Halo 3, Halo Wars, the future of the Halo movie or even the past two games here.
BUT there is one important thing I think I should mention - at the risk of appearing to have a closed mind, I would encourage people who actualy don't like Halo not to post such comments here - in a nutshell, we know. Halo is not the greatest thing in the world, and you don't have to like it. But provoking an argument about it is not doing ANYTHING but stiring shit. And if that's all you say, then that's all you're doing, with reasons or without. Having your own opinion is fine, and it's OK to talk about - but doing that in a forum thread for fans is like... well, I can't think of a good metaphor, but hopefuly you get the idea already.
For everyone else, just to complete what I said in the previous paragraph, don't be provoked. They may give reasons for why they don't like the game, but above all it's off topic - this isn't a thread for if you like Halo or not.
Now - to the meat of the subject. I must say, just to start off the topic, that I've been wondering what the feel of H3 is going to be like - possibly I'm talking about physics here, with the loopy feel of Halo 1 (Nade throws and Warthog handling) compared to the more solid feeling of Halo 2. Hey, for that matter - which did you prefer?
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.